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3rd person's pov

Its been 3 weeks since Enma was Friends With Ieyoshi and the others. He really felt like family whenever he is with them.

Enma was in his room laying on his bed thinking about Ieyoshi and the others. It seems he can't get his little head straight when it comes to the Vongola Family. He knows they arw nice and all, he knows they are kind. And it seems he started to doubt his Famiglia History. A history where Vongola Betrayed the Shimon. It seems all of that is like a false.


Enma hear the banging of his door. He sat down slowly and sigh. He was tired with this conversation.

He walk towards his door and unlock it to revealed a pist Adelheid and Julie.

"What?" Enma ask with a slightly glare and a little bit feeling annoyed.

"Do not what me Young men? You know what we came for!" Adelheid almost yelled. Enma sigh.

"Adel, look ok. Its not that easy for me too. I am confused too." Enma said.

"How can you be confuse Enma? Can you see? That Vongola Decimo is manupalating you! First he will be friends and all after that HE WILL BETRAYED YOU just like GIOTTO and our FOUNDER!" Julie said half yelled.

"Julie, Is not easy! Ieyoshi is nice in an out, he manage to make everyone around him be friends. He is kind hearted so its mot easy Just to betray him!" Enma almost yelled.

"Because that is their technique. To be kind and then at the end he will betrayed you." Adelheid said pointing her finger at Enma.

"I don't think so, they were kind and Nice Adel." Enma try to argue calmly.

"How would you know?" Julie ask.

Enma went silent. He look down before he sigh. "Because they won't manage to form a strong family such as whAt they have now without kindness in their heart. They have warm and nice family. Its fun to be with them." Enma said with a smile in hi face.

"Then, What about the Demon Child? He still part of the so-called family right? His capable of being a mafios and remember he kill his own brother! I mean try to." Julie said. Enma sigh.

"Tsuna-kun is not that bad as you think, his actually a great and warm person. Beside that demon child is long dead and this Tsuna is seems different." Enma explain.

"Thats it, whenever you like or not I'm coming with you to school." Adel said.

"Wai-" enma try to argue but Adel send him a glare which Enma stop.

"Don't argue anymore, you know your no match for Adel." Julie said.

Enma cursed hisself and went back to his room. He lay in his bed and thinking this past 3 weeks he had been with the Vongola Family. Enma smile a little, they are so warm.

Ieyoshi was nice and kind
Natsu was a little bit of cold but still kind
Hayato was loyal and cold
Takeshi was calm and happy go lucky
Lambo was lazy yet playful
I-pin was nice girl
Fuuta too is a good kid
Nana-san was a loving mother
Reborn is a sadist but do care for his students
Haru is nice
Hana and Joyce are cold but nice at the same time
Kyoko too is nice
Chrome is shy but kind
Ryohei is loud and an extreme person

And Tsuna....

He is the one who is nice and kind among the rest. His like a loving mother to the kids and like nice and kind hearted friend to the others. In the first place his the one who brings warm to the family with a joy along a head. It was nice to be part of that kind of Family. Enma wanted that kind of Family. He wanted to be friends with them, not a spy.

Frustrated, Enma mess his hair and got up ready for school. He skip breakfast and went walking to school with Adel and Julie following him back which he didn't like at all. The walk was silent until when Enma almost got hit with A Tonfa.

Thats right, he forgot about No Trespasser is aloud. And julie and Adel are both trespasser so The demon prefect will literally attack them. Enma sigh and was about to stop them but he saw what behind him was unbelievable. The students around him was amused too.

Adel saw that the person attack earlier has a vongola Ring, means this guy is part of Vongola. She smirk and attack this guy.

"See? If Adel and I aren't here this Man, is part of Vongola already kill you." Julie said.

Enma look at Julie. "Even if he isn't he already had hit me, his Hibari Kyoya the Chairman of Diciplinary in this school. Why did he Attempt to hit me you ask? because I try to bring a stupid trespasser and that is forbidden." Enma said within frustration.

"Wow, Enma I never thought you had a sister that can defeat Kyoya."

Enma look behind and saw Tsuna along with others. Ieyoshi has a spark in his eyes.

"Deh? Who is she? Why do you have such a Cool and amazing person like her?" Ieyoshi ask cheerfully.

Enma sigh but Smile. "She is Adelheid Suzuki, one of My.... Guardians. Along with Him. Julie." Enma said pointing at Julie behind who glare at them.

"Enma, I'll call the others this is not great. The Vongolas are here." Julie said.

"They know about me being a shimon but I doubt that they know about the history between the two famiglias." Enma try to explain.

"What History?" Ieyoshi ask.

Enma sigh and look at Ieyoshi. Tsuna smirk knowing where this lead. "Enma how about we gobto reception room? I'm sure Kyoya won't mind considering he has his own business." Tsuna said pointing at kyoya and Adel fighting.

Everyone nooded.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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