Chapter 73

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3rd person's Pov


"Hell why is this happening again?" Giotto was serious as he read the news in the paper again.

"Hoy! My idiotic boss we had another problem!" A red haired with a tatoo in his face burst open the door.

Giotto got a little bit piss. "G... how many time do I told you NOT TO SLAM THE DOOR!? The door is innocent." Giotto said.

"Oh, forget about the fucking door. We had a problem. The west wing of our territory is under attack currently." G said.

Giott sigh and stand up. "I know that." Giotto said.


"Knowing the west wing, Asari is there together with Lampo. With a swordman and a electric man the attackers will be soon gone." Giotto calmly walk pass by G.

"You and your Demotic Intuition." G murmur, since its not weird for Giotto to know such an information considering he has demotic Intuition.

"In 5 seconds, the enemy is gonna retreat." Giotto said walk out of his office followed by G behind him.

"And in 20 seconds Asari will showed up hisself a little bit mess up and report what happen. If I were to correct Alaude already catch some mens and drag them harshly in the interogation room." Giotto explain boredly. He is kinda feeling tired and all he wanted was to get a peaceful sleep.

"Wow, your Demotic Intuition is really is demotic." G said as he was amazed by Giotto's skills.

Giotto just shrug it and keep walking towards the hallway where they met up asari who is a mess but still smiling.

"Giotto, G your here. I w-" Asari was cut off by G.

"He already knows Swordfreak." G said.

"Knows what?" Asari said tilting his head a little.

"About the event. God Your too slow." G said irritatedly.

"Maa~ Maa~ G no need to be grumpy. You'll grow old fast." Asari said.

"What did you just said!? 💢" G said.

"Maa~ Maa~ What did I just told you?" Asari said smiling.

"Shut up sword Freak." G said.

Giotto just sigh again and smile. Some of his guardian won't really change.

He went to the interrogation room and open it to revealed a Alaude and Demon glaring at each other. A man was tied up in the chair smirking at them.

"Ah, I see you two are gonna start again." Giotto said interrupting the glaring contest between his mist and Cloud.

"Giotto/ Omnivore." Alaude and Demon said.

"Nufufufu~Your here, we didn't even call you?" Deamon said smirking.

"You melon-head forgot that this idiot has demotic Intuition!" G yelled.

"Oh~? Looks like the red-dog was grumpy." Deamon said smirking.

"What did you say Melon-head!? 💢" G said glaring at Deamon.

"Maa~ Maa~ calm down G, What did I just told you earlier?" Asari said.

"Shut up Sword-freak!" G said glaring at Asari.

"Nufufufu~ looks like the dog just give up." Deamon teased.

"Call me that once again Melon-head!"

"Call me melon once more and your dead!"

"Try me!"

"Your too loud, shut up herbivores."

"A skylark just talk."

"A melon-herbivore just talk."

Next thing Giotto knows the scene was chaos. Giotto sigh and went infront of the Man who is tied up in the chair. He sat down on the chair with the table separating them.

"Looks like your guardians are a bunch of idiots." The man said smirking.

" I know. You don't need to tell me." Giotto reply giving a sheepish smile.

The mens blink one or twice looking at Giotto. He was surprise with that, usually in this scene either the intoregetor will be pissed and punch him to tell what information he will know.

"Your not angry to what I said?" The man ask.

"No, I admit they are all idiots and Stupid. But... even so, they are still my Family, my friends,My precious. Because without them then I'm nothing. Don't you know? Its lonely being just a boss who treated all his subordinates as Subordinates itself?" Giotto said calmly and while looking down.

"You see, if you treat your subordinates as subordinates and not as friends and Family then it will resulted as a lack of Trust. In the end it will result in bad situations. So I rather live with idiots and Stupid people rather than to live with no one." Giotto said and look at the man. "You did you ever find your happiness?"

The man blink once and was shock withGiotto. In his life he never met such a calm person, even his boss do torture those people who they catch to get the information. But this Boss right infront of him was surprisingly calm.

"I'm happy when I have a power." He admit, killing others and being the strongest is making him happy.

"But are you completely happy with just power alone?" Giotto ask.

The man look down and re-think. Power alone? Yes, who wouldn't be happy with such a power.... Yet, he just realize that being with power alone was lonely, was empty. Because you know that you can Force someone to trust you using just power. Its not worth it, its just.... Life is.... Lonely and sad.

"Life, power, money." Giotto said catching the Men attention. " blinded by the power and money makes people forget who they really are, forget that they are once weak being,forget of being a human.... Humans are weak that is for sure, but thats why they seak for friends, for other humans to find their happiness. Friends and Family can be your weakness because your will to do everything for them even sacrificing your life, but it can be your strength because you had a power, you need power to protect them to fight for them. " giotto said seriously ." Thats why, I treasure them even they are a pain in my ass." Giotto said giving a smile.

The man was mesmerize, Giotto is something and someone that can make you really realize to who and what your are. Make you realize what you want and what its right. The man smirk.

"Deh? What do you want?" The man ask.

"I want you to tell me, why did you attack us? Did we did something wrong?" Giotto ask.

The man smirk. "You did everything Right, thats why our officials are chasing you because all you did was the right." The man smirk.

Giotto sigh,


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Hope you enjoy 😊

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