Chapter 4

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's pov

Takeshi and Tsuna keep walking until they met up in a street where Takeshi and Tsuna's home are separated. They say their goodbyes and went on in the journey. When Tsuna reach in their home he saw his nightmare. The spartan tutor from hell.

Tsuna sigh, its expected that this spartan should appeared.

"Ahm, Hello" Tsuna greeted.

"Ciao, My name is Reborn. The new home tutor." The Spartan said. Tsuna look confuse at Reborn and nodded. He open the door and he was greeted by Ieyoshi and Natsu who's going down the stairs already done. Tsuna estimated that his two brothers went home an hour ago.

"Tsk, The hell your doing here?" Natsu said rather coldly but not that cold. Ieyoshi was hiding behind his brother but gave a warm smile to Tsuna.
"Ah... Home?" Tsuna answer. "Oh, by the way, I found this little guy in the door way. Said he is the new tutor. Better ask Nana-sama about it." Tsuna said rather plainly then walk up stairs passing his brother. "Good luck by the way, on your tutoring." Tsuna said giving a wink. Before going inside of his room.

Ieyoshi and Natsu blink once and twice before they look at their brother in a weird way. Their mind was like, "what the hell just happen?" .Then they look down stairs and saw the mini man who's smirking.


"What his the home tutor!?, Mom, his a baby, A BABY!" natsu defend in annoyance.

"A rather young man. Oh, come on. Give them a chance." Nana said sweetly.

Natsu sigh, he won't win against his mother.

"Fine," Natsu said then look at his tutor. "Deh? What you want?" Natsu said. Reborn smirk.

"Lead me to your room. We need to discuss something." Reborn said with a smirk.

Natsu and Ieyoshi both lead the way.


When Tsuna was about to sleep, he heard a loud explosion. "for god sake, Give me a sleep!" Tsuna said and then glare at his window. "First those damn paperworks stop me from sleeping, and next is this!? This is unacceptable." Tsuna thought rather annoyed. He open the door to his room and walk down the stairs and want to the glass door and it to revealed a beat up Natsu and Ieyoshi. And standing before them was reborn with his still confidence self.

"Ah, Tsuna nice to see you here " Reborn said plainly, giving him a scrutinizing look. Mostly likely he probably heard of the killing incident.

"If you don't mind me asking. What happen to them?" Tsuna pointed the beat up twins.

"No need to be worried." Reborn said plainly.

"No need to worry! YOU ALMOST KILL US!!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh? Good thing." Tsuna said walking away chuckling.
"hehehe Renato, your still as spartan as ever wherever and what ever world are we. Those two, atleast they weren't running with their boxer on, not just yet." Tsuna thought chuckling and went upstairs in his room to get some sleep.

"mah, Atleast here I can be at peace. Not with some damn Paperworks!" Tsuna said before closing his eyes and sleep.

Next day,

When Tsuna wake up early as usual, he cook breakfast on his own. "Italian style." Tsuna said as he started to cook. While on it, Nana went down and saw his older son was cooking. "Tsu-kun, You cook?" Nana ask.

"Yeah Nana-sama. Wanna try some?" Tsuna said with a smile.

Nana was shock and gaps to what his older son called her. "Wh-What did you just call me?" Nana ask.

"Oh, Nana-sama. Why? Is something wrong with that?" Tsuna said tilting his head

Nana felt guilty inside of him but also anger. Its like his older son was mocking her, but guilt was more present than anger.

"Wh-Why are you calling me that?" Nana asked still has horror in her face.

"I don't remember much when I wake up in coma. But since you treated me like a slave, I presume that I'm a slave too isn't it?" Tsuna said still with his innocent look.

Nana hide her eyes with her hair, the guilt she felt was hurting her. She don't know what to do,She was confuse. His guts telling her to slap his son, but a voice was stopping inside of her head. "Your the reason your older son died, In the first place its your fault why your son stab your youngest because your such a tossed mother. You only care for your twins. You never even talk to your oldest ever since the twins was born, Now tell me 'Hah funny Iam You' mah, tell me Do you have a right to slap your oldest son?" a voice inside Nana's head said.

Nana was shock when she felt a tap on the shoulder. She saw her oldest son smiling at her sweetly." Nana-sama, Here." Tsuna said as he gave an plate consist of a simple Italian breakfast. A toast with an egg on top.

Nana grab the plate and Tsuna happily guide his mother towards the table. Tsuna gave a spoon to Nana and Nana blink once or twice staring at the spoon and fork in her hands.

"Now Nana-sama. Taste my cooking, That has no poison I promise you." Tsuna said as he raise his right hand showing his honesty.

Nana just gave a wary smile before eating the breakfast that her son cooked. She was surprise how delicious it was. She smile. "Wow, When did you learned to cook?" Nana ask.

"As a slave, I should able to know how to cook. I'm glad you like it Nana-sama." Tsuna said with a happy smile.

"Then it shall be an Italian breakfast it is." Tsuna said happily as he went back to the kitchen and happily cook while humming. Nana on the other hand smile a bit, Since when did she saw her oldest son smile like that? She sigh again and look at the breakfast she gave another bite and a single tear fell from her eyes. "Tsu-kun." She murmur his older son's nickname.

After that, Nana decided to prepare the table while Tsuna was cooking. Once Tsuna was done, he put the breakfast in the table. He arrange it in order.

"Expresso for reborn, Hot choco for the twins, and White coffee for Nana-sama." Tsuna said as he happily set the table.

"Ts-Tsu-kun. You won't eat with us?" Nana ask, Tsuna look down a little that nick name that his mother had given him is just... It can make his heart sink in. He likes it, How he wonder what is his real mother will react if she saw her son in this situation. Tsuna then gave an assuring smile. "No, I'll be on my way." Tsuna said as he set the apron in the counter of the kitchen and get his bag from the chair. "Beside, A slave who doesn't belong to a royal family shall not join the family breakfast." Tsuna's last word before he went out of the house.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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