Chapter 55

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I'm not good at Fight scene so I'm sorry if its not good.

3rd Person's Pov

Tsuna gaze was on Chrome who is looking to the Scenes too.

"Kufufufu~ You can stop healing Chrome now since I set the Illusionary mist Already." Mukuro appeared.

"Aw, Muku-chan is really sweet." Byakuran was there eating his marshmallow again.

"How many pack of that Did you finished?" Tsuna said as he glare at Byakuran.

"Byakuran-sama can eat whatever he wants so keep Complaining." Zuruko said.

"And Your boss will die early." Tsuna said.

"I agree, You should really stop eating too much Marshmallows." Yuni said said as she look at Byakuran.

"Thanks for the advice but I'm Immune to diabetes since Marshmallow loves me back." Byakuran said happily.

Tsuna sigh. "I Don't know how did you become a boss or What" Tsuna said.

"Well I think its Fun." Kikyo said with a smile.

Chrome just chuckle.

"Well Looks like your Rain, Is Something." Byakuran said as his gaze was in the scene.

Tsuna look at The Scene and Takeshi was facing Squalo.

"VOI! You'll Never win. That Boss of Yours is Useless So are you." Squalo said as he attempted to Slice Takeshi which Takeshi block Squalo's sword.

"Ieyoshi is a friend not a boss. If your really a family you wouldn't treat each other as Boss and subordinates." Takeshi said as he swing his sword that was full with Blue flames.

"Shut up, At the first place you don't know how a famiglia is it." Squalo said as he use the water to blind Takeshi and swing his Sword at Takeshi but Takeshi saw it through the water and some of hair was cut off but he manage to dodge.

He uses the water to blind Squalo and attack at the back of Squalo which Squalo block the sword but Takeshi was strong and Squalo was sent flying to a splash of water.

"VOI! Your gonna pay." Squalo said as he attack Takeshi again. Takeshi block that attack again. He smiled.

"Don't you know what A rain should be?" Takeshi said and Squalo was shock alittle bit. "A rain should be the one who calm everybody and cheer everbody even though sometimes he was hurting he should be the one who gave hope to everyone after the sky itself" A friend of Mined said those words to me. And the way your acting is isn't a rain at all." Takeshi said as he swing his sword which sent squalo away.

"Don't you dare give me a lesson." Squalo said as he attack Takeshi who was sent to a wall.

Takeshi stand up again and got his rings. He wears it because he wanted the power to protect Tsuna to protect all his friends, His true friends but mostly Tsuna because his the one who did gave him friends.

The rings ignite with Blue flames, He connect the Ring towards the box and it summon a Dog who is happily Barking at Him. But as soon later the dog jump at Takeshi's sword and transform the sword to a powerful one. The sword has an angel wings like and some bright Blue flames. Takeshi smile and face squalo.

"With this I'll show you How a Rain should supposed to be " Takeshi said.

The ground which filled water, He uses his sword to rise those Waters up, Ofcourse Squalo's attention was on the water but Takeshi was on the back and swing his sword, The sword threw a slicebof Rain Flames which cause Squalo a defeat. Everything turn to normal once again.

Takeshi sigh before he smile. He rest his sword on his shoulder. "I wish Tsuna was here to see this." Takeshi said.

Tsuna smile. "If You only Knew." Tsuna said.

"Wait? He doesn't Know?" Byakuran ask.

"He knows I can use all the flames, But That only is. He still doesn't know that I'm from the different world and places. Not Like Kyoya and Mukuro that is." Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ Your really hurting him you know." Mukuro commented.

"Why?" Tsuna ask.

"He was your first friend here, and your his yet you didn't tell him the truth, instead you tell a criminal like me." Mukuro said.

Tsuna smile and pinch Mukuro's cheek. "Stop saying your a criminal That term doesn't suit you. What suit you is a Stupid pineapple who is so... " Tsuna re-draw his hands and lilt his head "...Lets just say Your mysterious since I don't know what you are." Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ How mean Tsunayoshi." Mukuro said as he pat his cheek where Tsuna touches him. He admit Tsuna's touch was warm.

Ryohei on the other hand had fight with his fist on Lussaria. But Lussaria didn't win because of the Fact Ryohei too uses his rings and summon a Kangaroo that Knock out Lussaria.

Everyone run towards the filled which Tsuna was glad that he won't uses Mist flames anymore to view the fight. He can View the fight from up there since they were on roof top. Vut they need to hide their presence. Tsuna was gonna use Mist flames again but It seems Mukuro help him.

Mukuro notice how pale Tsuna become and how Tsuna was looking so Weak anytime now will collapse. Mukuro look at Tsuna and the Pacifier which is hiding under Tsuna's cloths.

The Pacifier that will make Tsuna weak. A possible of Tsuna's death

Mukuro can't let Tsuna die yet, Because He wanted to do something to Tsuna, Something that Tsuna would like, Something that Tsuna would order him to do. Until that day comes, Mukuro will protect his savior.


Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed it 😊😊😊

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