Chapter 27

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3rd Person's pov

Lambo was walking towards the school of Tsuna. As he got there he saw some of the students was already going home including Ieyoshi and Natsu. The owner of the house. He look at it carefully, Goakudera was a loyal dog following the two while Reborn was giving sermon for the two.

Ieyoshi's eyes catches lambo, So Lambo hide. But then Ieyoshi approach him.

"Hey" Ieyoshi said gently.

Lambo look up.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu ask.

"Nii-san, Your scaring the kid." Ieyoshi scold.

"Tsk, That brat is shouldn't be here." Hayato said.

Lambo glare at Natsu and Hayato but then his gaze soften when he look at Ieyoshi.

"I came here to see Tsuna-nii, Is he here?" Lambo ask.

"Well, I don't know where Tsuna-nii is. But he is somewhere in school." Ieyoshi said.

"He told me that he was with a Hibari Demon." Lambo said.

"Ah... Well... Thats..." Ieyoshi said awkwardly. He didn't know that Tsuna was with Hibari, Well Hibari was a demon afterall.

"Ok, Lets go at Hibari's office." Ieyoshi said.

"Are you taking a suicide? That's Hibari!" Natsu said, well everyone is scared of Hibari since his known as a prefect demon. And really obsessed on biting people to death.

"Well, I'm sure Hibari won't mind since Tsuna-nii is there. Beside its a step on facing one of your fears. Am I right reborn?" Ieyoshi said.

"You show more confidence lately Ieyoshi. Its look like your sticking on Tsuna's words." Reborn said.

Ieyoshi smile. "Ofcourse. I wanted to find the truth because, No matter what Tsuna was still my brother." Ieyoshi said before he lead Lambo.

Lambo Look at Ieyoshi. He was nice and calm just like Tsuna. But Tsuna was more calmer and warm. He makes Lambo feel great even if they met each other . Its like they have a connection but he seems he can find out.

Natsu really was amuse with his brother lately. He was proud that his brother was showing confidence.

Tsuna on the other hand was having a hard time with Joyce edz and the rest on the roof. Kyoya was suppose be sparring with his omnivore, but it seems that there are herbivores in the way.

"Mou, Did I told you guys not to come here. My Kyo-chan will get angry." Tsuna said cutely.

"Aw how cute. Its like Tsuna is a cute little cat who's sulking." Kyoko said while chuckling.

"Kyoko!Mou I thought we agreed that we you guys won't call me cute!" Tsuna said

"Since when did that Happen?" Hana said.

"ah... Yeah speaking of it, Since when." Tsuna said looking up.

"Idiot." Kyoya finally talk.

Joyce edz start laughing with others follow and Kyoya who just smirk. Well its seems having too many herbivores is not that bad as long as the omnivore is around.

Then the door towards the roof open to revealed Ieyoshi, Natsu, Hayato, Lambo and Reborn.

"Chaos Mina." Reborn greeted.

"Oh, Ieyoshi-sama, Natsu-sama. Reborn Why are you here?" Tsuna ask ane approach the.

Ieyoshi blush, Tsuna call him a sama infront of his Crush is really embarrassing. "Tsuna-nii pls don't call me A sama.Unless not infront of her." Ieyoshi said with a blush.

Tsuna look at Ieyoshi, And then Kyoko. " Oh, So Kyoko is the prince's Princess. How cute." Tsuna said chuckling, Ieyoshi sure was red now.

Tsuna then look at the familliar kid that Ieyoshi was holding and its Lambo. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you. I'm sorry Lambo-chan." Tsuna said and lean down to Lambo and clap his hands together 🙏 and say sorry.

Lambo look at Tsuna shyly. "I forgive you." Lambo said.

"Oh thank you." Tsuna said as he hug Lambo. "How about I'll treat you tonight, Lets go to candy kingdom."

Candy, That is the word that pick Lambo's ears. Oh, That was his favorite. Specially grape candy, Its a rare occasion that he will got such a things since his parents rarely give what he wants.

Lambo gave Tsuna a genuine smile to make sure Tsuna knows that he wanted to go to candy kingdom.

"I'm sorry My fellow Friends and Kyo-chan. It seems I can't spend some time today. I'll take the kid to the candy kingdom." Tsuna said as he held Lambo and was about to exit when a Tonfa was hit the wall, It flew a few inches In Tsuna's face.

Tsuna went pale and look at Kyoya who is glaring at him. "tomorrow make sure you won't bring any herbivores around or I'll bite you to death for sure." Kyoya warned.

Tsuna smile. "Ofcourse My Kyo-chan." Tsuna said and hurry up drag Lambo out of the roof.

"Is that the Hibari demon?" Lambo ask.

"He is, So if I were you just call him Kyo-nii. He will be angry if you call him a Hibari Demon." Tsuna said.

Lambo nooded, Hibari he thinks is one scary guy.

That night Tsuna take Lambo to a Candy Store. Which cause Tsuna's allowance went half.He didn't regret it, as long as Lambo was happy. But he warned Lambo that eating candy too much will have consequences. So Lambo follow Tsuna's advice, One candy per day.


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