Chapter 43

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3rd Person's Pov.

"Tsuna-nii? Are you ok?" Lambo ask in worried.

Tsuna smile at Lambo. "I'm fine. Why did would you think I'm not ok?" Tsuna ask.

Lambo lean forward and Wipe Tsuna's tears. "You were crying on your sleep. Are you ok Really Tsuna-nii?" Lambo ask in concern.

Tsuna look down and gave a sad smile. "I don't know. I'm just missing someone that is so important to me." Tsuna said, He brought his knees up to his chest and hug them. Currently they were at Tsuna's bed."I wanted to see them again, Spend time with them again, Yet I know That will be impossible." Tsuna said while looking down.

He then felt warm hands circle his neck from his back. Tsuna look at Lambo who is comforting him.

"Don't be sad Tsuna-nii, I don't know who is them but I certainly know that if they saw you having a sad look then they will be sad too, If your happy they were too. So Smile just like before and they too might smile." Lambo said cheering at Tsuna.

"Thank you Lambo." Tsuna smile as he pat Lambo's head which Lambo was pleased.

"Your welcome Tsuna-nii. " Lambo said with a smile.

The more Tsuna look aT Lambo, The more he remembers his own family, His family that he had miss.

After that, Tsuna and Lambo fell asleep again since they woke up in the middle of the night. But before that,Tsuna realize that he has something in his hand. The Pacifier.

Tsuna smirk, what shall he do with it, He knows it will glow if he will be too close to Reborn. So he needs somewhat to hide it from anybody.



Next Morning. Tsuna had a class but decided to ditch it and wake up late in the morning. 9 am to be exact. He saw that Lambo wasn't already there probably down stairs playing something. So Tsuna contacted the marshmallow freak for some a little bit of Info about this Pacifier.

Cielo27: Hey Marshmallow Freak, If ever your gonna saw this message let me say That I have something to tell. Can we met?

Tsuna wait for a minute for a reply but it never came. He guest The marshmallow freak is Busy, Tsuna chuckle at that thought. Its because Byakuran was never Busy, He just sit on his throne childlishly smiling with a pack of Marshmallows in his hand.

Tsuna smile at that thought. After that, Tsuna went to the kitchen, He saw that in dinning table there is a meal with a note on it.

Tsu-kun. I'll be back around 11. I just went out to walk Both Fuuta and Lambo to school, I already enrolled them to Namimori Elementary since they don't mind at all. They love to go to school together anyway. As For Natsu and the others, they were at school as well. They didn't wake up since they said you had a peaceful sleep. So I already prepare breakfast for you.


Huh? Just a message, No 'I love' nor 'Your Mother' was written. That is annoying. Tsuna thought as he read the letter and scram it shoot it in the trash can. He got the meal and start eating, Since his alone all he had to do is wait for the reply of Byakuran and everything is settled.

Tsuna feel his phone had vibrate. He grab it and saw a message from Kyoya.

From: Kyo-Chan

Omnivore, Where Are you? Are you sick or something?

Tsuna chuckle, He thinks that Kyoya think that he is sick or lost thats why he skip school. Tsuna then reply.

To: Kyo-chan.

No Kyo-chan. I'm just home, I'd wake up late so I decided to ditch school today.

Tsuna set his phone on the table and continue eating, But he got an immediate reply.

From: Kyo-chan

I'll bite you to death for such unvalid reason for your absences.

With that message Tsuna really felt the chill in his spine, But Nye, He was use to bitten to death all the time.

From: Kyo-Chan

Like I care. I'm use to it, In my world Kyo-chan is always bitting me to death every single day of my life. So... What make it differece between your version of "Bite you to death" and his version? Your just gonna beat me anyways.

Tsuna reply, With that he finally set the phone in the table. He was the dishes and went upstairs to get some towel and went down again to take a shower.

After Tsuna was done, He wait for a couple of time as he got a message from Kyoya and The Marshmallow Freak Finally Reply.

From: Kyo- Chan

Where are you? I'll bite you to death!

Tsuna just Chuckled.


I'll meet the marshmallow Freak.

With that, Tsuna went to his Chat where he message the marshmallow Freak.

Marshmallow King: Sure How about we meet here at Milifiore's Mansion beside you had your nightflames right? 

Cielo27: Your Guardians? Sure you know me but they don't know me. They might attack me you know.

Marshmallow King: Don't worry I'll make sure to inform them.

Cielo27: are there any People, those people who shouldn't know that you and I know each other?

Marshmallow Freak: Only Yuni and My guardians is.

Cielo27: Ok. I'll be there later.

Marshmallow King: Don't forget to bring more marshmallows.

Cielo27: You had to many of them in your secret world. As If I bring some.

Marshmallow King: Mean 😭😭😭

Cielo27: 😝😝

With that Tsuna just wait in the couch for his mother to come home, ofcourse he can't leave the house alone.

So Tsuna just randomly search on the google for something and went online to pass time.

"I'm home" A sweet voice said.

"Welcome Home nana-sama." Tsuna said.


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Hope you enjoyed it😊😊

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