Chapter 52

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3rd Person's Pov

When School ended, Ieyoshi and the rest went immediately to the reception room to discussed about the rings.

"How about we ask help?" Reborn suggested.

"From whom?" Ieyoshi ask.

"From Tsuna Ofcourse." Reborn reply.

They all look at Reborn with what. Specially Basil who was shock about that idea.

"But reborn, Does Tsunayoshi-sama knows about the Mafia? According to reports he doesn't know a single thing." Basil said.

"Well this is the new Tsuna. So he knows and might help us." Reborn said.

"New Tsuna?" Basil got confuse.

"Can we really trust him?" Hayato ask, Still having hesitation about Trusting Tsuna.

"We-Well I do Trust Tsuna." Chrome said shyly.

"Maa~ Tsuna is my friend anyway so I do trust him." Takeshi said. His Here within Reborn's request.

"EXTREMELY I trust that guy, He seems Nice." Ryohei said.

"Then we call Tsuna." Ieyoshi said.

"That won't be necessary." Kyoya said as he look at the window In the direction of the gates. Reborn look at where Kyoya was looking and was surprised.

Tsuna is with I-pin, Fuuta, Lambo, Zuruko, Kikyo , Byakuran and Yuni. Which Reborn got more surprise because of the Millifiore's Famiglia.

Tsuna look at there direction and gave them a wave and smile. Reborn smirk at that. "as I thought, He had strong intuition." Reborn thought.


Tsuna, when they were walking towards Namimori High, Along the way they saw I-pin, Fuuta and Lambo talking to each other.

"Hello guys." Tsuna greeted.

"Tsuna-nii." They happily called and run towards Tsuna.

"How's your day?" Tsuna ask.

"Our day is fine. I-pin got a 100 % in english along with Lambo who got 97 % and me got 100 % in mathematics." Fuuta said happily.

"Congratulations Everyone." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Thank you Tsuna-nii." Fuuta said.

"By the way Who are they Tsuna-nii?" Lambo ask as his gaze was on Byakuran and the rest.

"Well they are a Friend of mine. This is the marshmallow freak Byakuran" Tsuna was interrupted by Byakuran with "HEY!" which Tsuna ignore and roll his eyes. "This is beautiful Yuni, The Mad Red Headed Freak Zuruko, and The nice Kikyo." Tsuna introduced.

"What did you just call me you brat?" 💢 Zuruko said

Tsuna ignore Zuruko and keep on smiling. Tsuna decided to take The Childern with him to the School beside, He knows that Lambo is needed for a certain reason he didn't know. He knows his intuition was ringing this morning, it hurt is head but he still doesn't know what will come next, All he knows that something familiar is gonna come up.

Soon as they arrive at The school. Tsuna's intuition immediately signal him that Somebody is watching which it pointed to the direction of where Kyoya and Reborn is watching.

Tsuna gave a smile and wave at them slightly. But after that his attention was grabbed by Byakuran.

"Tsu-chan, Is that Kyo-chan and The Sun arcobaleno?" Byakuran said.

Tsuna look at Byakuran with a sweet-Glare "I would Like if you Call Kyoya just Kyoya not Kyo-chan. I'm the only person who can call him that Got it?" Tsuna said.

"O-Ok." Byakuran reply.

"Tsuna-nii can be scary? I didn't know " Yuni said.

"Yeah, Its cool yet Scary at the sametime." Fuuta said the others just nod in the agreement.


When Tsuna got into the room.

"Hi, Minna. Seems that all of you is complete." Tsuna said, His gaze went to Basil. Tsuna smiled, "Oh so thats why my Intuition said that Lambo is needed. Seems the Varias are coming." Tsuna thought.

"The Varias are coming, How interesting." Tsuna said.

"How'd you know about that?" Natsu ask.

"Basil is here means the Varia's is chasing." Tsuna said.

"But that doesn't explain Why you know about that." Natsu said.

Tsuna just smile."Any who, What can I do to help?" Tsuna ask.

"Well, You can Hide the original vongola Rings and we will take the fake ones." Reborn said.

Tsuna chuckle. "Even so, That won't do" Tsuna said.

"Why?" Reborn said.

"Xanxus a great leader, He may seems to be upheaded and harded sometimes he is one true leader. He just can't accept the fact that the throne wasn't pass on him. I suggest that the rings shall be given to those people that have confidence." Tsuna said seriously. His awra was in boss mode.

Which Zuruko and Kikyo was amazed by it. Its their first time to see Tsuna in this mode. The rest was also amazed. Tsuna is really cool when he is not fooling around.

"So? To whom we shall give the rings?" Reborn said.

With that, An Explosion was made and they saw The Varias was in the gates ready to steal the rings.

" Well.." Tsuna got the rings and Throw each one of them into the specific Person. "Its ok if you won't use its power but I suggest you protect each of them. Or else, I'll be the one who shall Destroy the rings so No one will have them." Tsuna said seriously and walk away in the room.

"Wait! Tsu-chan." Byakuran follow Tsuna along with Yuni and Zuruko and Kikyo.

The rest of them Were shock and azed Tsuna was really scary sometimes yet cool at the sametime.


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Hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊

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