Chapter 46

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3rd Person's pov

I-pin was waiting patiently in the bench where she once sitting. Then when he heard the bell ring, She wait a couple of Minutes before she saw  Ieyoshi.

"Ieyoshi-nii!" I-pin called happily.

"oh, Sorry you wait too long." Ieyoshi said

"I thought you run away." Natsu said.

"Tsk, I didn't run away idiot." I-pin said.

"What did you say you Bitch!?" Natsu said.

I pin stick her tounge out which cause Natsu to be anger.

"Calm down Natsu-nii. She is just a child." ieyoshi said.

"A child of Bitch. Fuuta is the only kid who is ok, Lambo is a stupid brat too, Tsuna is spoiling the stupid kid." Natsu said still in the bad mood.

"Well, Tsuna-nii just fond with Children thats all." Ieyoshi said.

"Speaking of him, Why in the world didn't he went to school? Did that weird person forgotten about School?" Natsu said.

"Well, I think his intelligent enough. He doesn't really need school since I think he is already mature enough." Ieyoshi said.

"Well, how about we ask him to tutor us regardings academic problems. Reborn always give us dynamites which I really didn't get all his explanation. I get his explosions and How Idiot are we but never did his explanation regardings the subject." Natsu said.

"That will be nice, That way we might find out the new Tsuna more." Ieyoshi said.

"Neh? Ieyoshi-nii, Are you sure that Tsuna in your house is not the same Tsuna who is demon like they say?" I-pin ask rather feeling a little bit Scared.

Ieyoshi smile gently. "His fine, His actually the nices person you may meet."

"You are nice." I-pin reply, "And his not." I-pin pointed at Natsu.

"What you Say!?" 💢 Natsu said.

"Maa~ Maa~ You two." Ieyoshi said.


Tsuna on the other hand was planning to go at Millefiore's mansion but he kinda has one problem.

His Night Flames doesn't work, He just notice that when he attempted to summon them. When Nana got home, Tsuna ask a permission to go out.Tsuna went to a Forest like scene far away from the city but still part of Namimori.

Tsuna found a tree and started to go up. He was planning to summon his Night Flames while summoning his Sky Flames. Once he got to the top, He close his eyes and breath in and out.

He relax hisself before he open his eyes and went to Hyper Dying Will mode. He supposed to go flying but he heard someone.


Tsuna lost his balance and went down, but he was quick to Summon his flames and saved hisself.

Tsuna gave a sigh.

"Kufufufu~ You look great like that." Mukuro said.

Tsuna just close his eyes and off his flames. Tsuna then was gonna fall down but Mukuro catches Tsuna.

"Thanks." Tsuna said and giving a weak smile.

"What are you doing anyway?" Mukuro ask as he let Tsuna walk.

"Oh, I was supposed to go to Italy. Using Night Flames, Planning to go Millifiore's mansion. I need to meet Byakuran though regardings about this." Tsuna said as he show Mukuro the Pacifier hanging in his neck.

"What is that?" Mukuro ask.

"A Pacifier, Oh yeah you don't know what is it." Tsuna said. "Oh yeah, What are you doing here?" Tsuna ask.

"Kokuyo land is 2km from here. Since I got my freedom why don't we enjoy I by exploring." Mukuro said.

"Oh, Do you have anything else to do?" Tsuna ask.

"Not really. " Mukuro said.

"I really don't know what should I do since my night flames is not working. While we walk want to hear the story of this Pacifier?" Tsuna ask.

"Your too open for someone like me, Why? And tell me, Why are you so soft?" Mukuro ask.

"Oh, Well I guest its my nature." Tsuna said with a smile. "And, Beside your someone that can change right? So I Will just trust myself to you neh?" 😊😊" Tsuna said with a smile.

Mukuro was really amazed by this teen, His the only teen who manage to act so nice at him. All people he had meet he is the only people who had treat him like this. Be open when he can do something.

"Kufufufu~ Interesting." Mukuro said.

"So wanna hear the story?" Tsuna ask.

"Sure." Mukuro said.

Then both Tsuna and Mukuro walk randomly. Tsuna tell a story about the cursed of Arcobalenos and the Pacifier to Mukuro.

"So? You mean those people who have Pacifier will become weak?" Mukuro ask

"Yeah. One effect is the chosen one was all of them turn to babies." Tsuna explain.

"Kufufufu~ Then why didn't you turn one?" Mukuro ask.

"Well my sky flames is strong, its strong for me not to turn to baby but the result is I got weaker. One effect is I can't use my Night Flames, Nor use flames at once." Tsuna said.

"Two flames at once?" Mukuro ask.

"I have all the flames actually. The Sky, Mist, Lighting, Storm, Rain, Sun, Cloud, and Night. Don't need to discuss them since you already know about them. I once can use them together at once, But that is if I need maximum power. But, I rarely do that, I only use well Three at once like using Mist + Sky + Sun.Or Four if possible." Tsuna explain. "Right now, I can only use I think Sky flames, Lighting, Mist and Sun. The rest of the flames will be hard to summon."

"Kufufufu~ Interesting. You are strong as I thought you would be, Too bad that Pacifier may end your life." Mukuro said.

"I know, But, Nye Its my faith so just accept it." Tsuna said.

"You are one interesting Bunny." Mukuro said.

"Pls, You can call me anything you want. Not Bunny pls. When you call me bunny and Kyoya call me Usagi its like your saying I'm a weak girl" Tsuna said "Which I'm not" Tsuna murmur.

"Well, Its suit you to be a girl." Mukuro said.

"Shut up, Pineapple head. Speaking of pineapple why do you have a style of that?" Tsuna said pointing at Mukuro's head.

"Its a unique way of my design. Legend." Mukuro reply.

"Well come to think of it, Its my first time to see a Pineapple hairstyle and its color is also Indigo." 🤔🤔 Tsuna said.

"Kufufufu~ If you are mocking me I'll go now." Mukuro said.

Tsuna didn't notice that they were at Kokuyo land already means a little bit closer to Namimori.

"Oh? Wanna come with me for some little treat? " Tsuna said.

Mukuro was a little bit shock at that. In his life no one did really Invited like how Tsuna did, Well he guest Tsuna is a different guy. But still he thinks Tsuna wants something from him, But Mukuro's heart say that Tsuna was just naturally nice while his mind said Tsuna did all this things because he wanted something from Him. Mukuro is believing his mind, But He was close to Believing in his heart. Because of Tsuna.

"Sure." Mukuro reply.


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Hope you enjoyed 😊😊

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