Chapter 3

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's pov.

When lunch time came Takeshi follow Tsuna upstairs which he was curious. “Who ever is there come out" Tsuna said. Takeshi flinch and then he came out from his hidding spot. “He-Hey .” Takeshi said. Tsuna smile.

“What do you want Yamamoto-sempai?” Tsuna ask politely.

“Ahm, I was wondering if I can be friends with you.” Takeshi said while his finger figit together in nervousness. Tsuna look at in disbelief.
.”You wanted to be friends with me?” Tsuna ask in disbelief.

“Yes.” Takeshi said. Tsuna smile. “Mah, I'm fine with it.” Tsuna said.

“Lucky me. Deh, Tsuna,where you would you go?” Takeshi ask with a smile.

“Roof lunch, wanna Come?” Tsuna invite happily.

“You know Roof is a place where Hibari-san is'" Takeshi said.

Tsuna grab Takeshi's hands and drag him up to the roof. “Its ok. Its just Kyo-chan Yamamoto-sempai.” Tsuna said happily. Takeshi just smile.”Pls stop that sempai. Call me just Takeshi.” Takeshi with a smile.

“Ok.” Tsuna said with a smile.

Once they reach the roof, when the door open Tsuna was greeted by a flying tonfa. Again  Tsuna catch the tonfa and look at the sender with a smile. “Hello Kyo-chan.” Tsuna said with a smile.

“Herbivores, The Roof is out today.” Kyoya said coldly.

“Relax, Kyo-chan. We won't disturb your nap. You can lean on my lap if you like.” Tsuna said with a smile and throw the tonfa back tp the sender and the sender catches it without any troubled.
“Why are you not scared of me?” Kyoya said then glare at Tsuna coldly as ever and worst his aura was also one scary one. But Tsuna, wasn't scared beside, Kyoya's K. I is no match to his own K. I if ever he release it. Kyoya from his world once run away from him when he did release such a cold K.I. Both him and Mukuro though. Beside its the pineapple and skylark fault for fighting and almost destroying the Vongola's property, and for causing too much Paperworks.
“You change Herbivore. Why?” Kyoya said.

“Let's just say that the Tsuna from this world had already died and I'm an alien who replace him. Thats if you believe me. Beside Alien exist in fiction only, not reality.” Tsuna said smirking.

“Give a clear answer herbivore.” Kyoya growl impatiently.

“I did.” Tsuna said while pouting.  Takeshi who saw everything just gave a soft chuckle.

Kyoya glare at Tsuna.

“See? Takeshi. I told you Kyo-chan won't harm us.” Tsuna said and grab Takeshi who just smile.
both sat down on one side of the roof and take out their lunches. “You know your great handling a demon.” Takeshi said, “Can I ask why you call him Kyo-chan?” Takeshi ask.

“Well, Hibari Kyoya. Well Kyo-chan sounds cute.” Tsuna said chuckling..

“If anyone who is cute its you herbivore.” Kyoya said still stoic and sat beside Tsuna.

“Aw, Don't call me that! I've been told that I'm cute in a million times. “ Tsuna said glaring at them, but despite being cute he look like pouting.

“Tsuna its because your cute.” Takeshi said chuckling.

“Hai, Hai,” Tsuna said. He got his bag and pull out a bento purple box. He gave it to Kyoya.

Kyoya look at the box blankly. “Its not poison, Pls eat I know 99.999999 % sure that you always skip meals.” Tsuna said. Kyoya accept the bento and unwrapped it. He was shock that it was his favorite.

“Thank you.” Kyoya said.

Tsuna smile. “I should be the one who should say thank you Kyoya ane Takeshi, beside without the two of You, I don’t know where I am now.” Tsuna said while looking down.
“Cheer up Tsuna. Were new friends aren't we?” Takeshi said.

“Yeah, Lets eat before the bell rang. I still want to sleep, I didn’t sleep enough last night.” Tsuna said.

The three eat a peaceful lunch together and after that take a short nap.

When the bell rang, Kyoya wake up along with Takeshi, Tsuna being their pillow was fast asleep peacefully. Kyoya sigh Takeshi smile. “What shall we do Hibari-san?” Takeshi ask.

Kyoya was about to reply, But Tsuna started to stir and slowly sat up. “I guest lunch was over.” Tsuna said while yawning.

“Yeah we should go to class.” Takeshi said.

“Give a minute. Its not easy to be a pillow you know.” Tsuna said, after some few minutes Tsuna was able to stand up and say goodbye to Kyoya. But Tsuna wonder, Does Kyoya from this world had a pet namely Hybird too?

After class, Tsuna walk slowly towards the gate to be meet up with Takeshi.

“Yo, Tsuna" Takeshi called.
“Oh,Hey takeshi. Your going home too? Don't you have practice for baseball?” Tsuna ask while both of them are walking.

“Yeah I do have practice. But... Ah, Tsuna can I ask for advice?” Takeshi said.

Sigh, Its the same in my world.” Tsuna thought. “ Sure what is it?” Tsuna ask.

“You see my grades is slowing and my baseball skills are fading. What should I do?” Takeshi ask.

“Well if I'm in your situation right now, I'll keep trying again. If I failed again then I would go to my room and lay down in the bed and Re-think on what did I do wrong to make it right. I would take a rest and have a time to reflect to myself. As your friend, I could help you study whenever you like.” Tsuna offer.

Takeshi's eyes sparkle. “Really Tsuna?” Takeshi ask. Tsuna nod. Takeshi smile and cheerfully chuckling.

“But Takeshi, Even if you failed a million times Pls Don't give up. Suicide is giving up so pls don't do that. I'll lost a friend if You die.” Tsuna said while looking down. .
“Silly Tsuna. I won't do that. Beside, I don't want you to make worry.” Takeshi said as he hug Tsuna from the back.

“Better keep your word.” Tsuna said while pouting at Takeshi.

“I keep my word Tsuna.” Takeshi said with a smile.

“I believe in you, Always Takeshi.” Tsuna said.

Takeshi was amuse but then smile at Tsuna.”Thank you for being a true friend.” Takeshi said.

“Well, Your a nice kid Takeshi. I'm sure both of your parents is proud of you.” Tsuna said

Takeshi look down.”My dead Tsuna.” Takeshi said, “She die because of an accident.” Takeshi said.

“Sorry to hear that Takeshi. But I'm sure if she was ever alive she will be really proud of you. I may not know your mother, but I believe she really love you very much. Your her greatest treasure.” Tsuna said giving a warm smile. Takeshi gaps a little because he know that no one had ever said those words to him. He had tons of friends that he hisself know that everyone was just using him. But Tsuna didn't care if he is famous or not all he care was Takeshi itself. And that is.

Takeshi smile.

“Thank you Tsuna.” Takeshi said as he hug Tsuna from behind. Tsuna lean in the hug, He admit even if its not the Takeshi from his world, He still accept them whenever, wherever and whoever they are. “next time don't hug me. “ Tsuna pout at Takeshi, Takeshi back away looking rather disappointed.

“Why?” Takeshi ask.

“Your taller, I'm jealous. Oh, How I wish I'm taller just like you. Kyoya too.” Tsuna said while walking away. Takeshi laugh and Tsuna too laugh.


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Hope you enjoy 😊😊😊

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