Chapter 66

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3rd Person's pov

Tsuna went to Mukuro to give a little Chat about what happen to those mens. But as he went along his head was throbbing. He felt his body getting weaker, all he wanted to do is lay down.

But, he needs to find out what Mukuro did. He smirked when he saw the mens were mainly traumatized. He guest Mukuro enjoyed his work too. Well Mukuro showed him through illusion which makes Tsuna more not feeling well.

"You sure enjoyed torturing them aren't you?" Tsuna said smirking.

"Kufufufu~ Well its not that Fun." Mukuro said chuckling.

Tsuna just rolled his eyes. Its clearly Mukuro was enjoying this.

"But, I wonder. What if they will remember you what will you do?" Mukuro ask.

Tsuna shrug it. "I don't know." Tsuna reply.

"Then? What will you do of Vixiento Famiglia?" Mukuro ask.

Tsuna shrug it again."I don't know yet, I don't plan telling the Vendicare about them being the so called Demon Famigl-" Tsuna cut his words since his head was throbbing again.

"Are you ok?" Mukuro ask concerned.

Tsuna smile. "I'm fine, Just my head.." Tsuna said as he put his hand on his forehead. "I guest I should go home and lay down. I'll rest for a while, Its been a stressful days within this days." Tsuna said as he look at his feet while his hands was his forehead. His still feel not well. Then Tsuna vision was spinning and seen yellow, He then stumble down but Mukuro grab him.

"Maybe you should rest here." Mukuro said as he was holding Tsuna.

"Maybe I should do tha..." Tsuna said weakly before he close his eyes and lost concious.

Mukuro smirk. "Kufufufu~ Maybe you shouldn't come here." Mukuro said, He lift Tsuna up and was surprised. "Woah, your lite." Mukuro said as he placed Tsuna on the couch and Tsuna's head in his lap. He slowly pat Tsuna's head and he felt so soft with them. "Your hair so soft." Mukuro said with a smile.

He look at Tsuna. Mukuro got a chained that sticking out in Tsuna's neck and pull the Pacifier that is gave a small light. Mukuro frown, he wanted to brake this Pacifier. This was the cause of Tsuna's weak. Mukuro sigh.

"You shouldn't really force yourself to help others, well Its your Nature little bunny." Mukuro said with a smile. "But then again, I still didn't thank you enough for setting me free. What do you want Tsunayoshi? What are your goals? " Mukuro said patting Tsuna's hair again he feel it so soft and nice.

Tsuna stir awake a little bit. "Mukuro? Can you be more quite. My intuition is ringing with you speaking. I can't sleep." Tsuna said a little too soft.

Mukuro chuckle. "Kufufufu~ Then I'll be quite." Mukuro said with a smile.

Tsuna nod a little going back to sleep. Mukuro smile and keep his eyes on Tsuna, He find it Tsuna is cute little snow white. But yet again, This snow white was the person who set him free, his first friend, and the first person who manage him chage him. Mukuro think again, Tsuna was a person who is hard to find. A person who is truly nice and truly acceptance person. "Well Tsunayoshi, Thank you for everything." Mukuro thought with a smile.

Soon When Afternoon came and Chrome got home.

"Ah, Mukuro-sam-" Chrome cut his words when she saw Tsuna was sleeping in Mukuro's lap.

"Is Tsuna-sama asleep?" Chrome ask.

"Yes my dear Chrome. Tsunayoshi is kinda got tired." Mukuro reply

"Oh," Was only Chrome reply. Mukuro notice that Tsuna's phone was vibrating, He pick it up and smirk. It was the Vongola Decimo who call his so-called brother.

"Hello? Tsuna-nii? Are you not home? Are you still with Hibari-san? Lambo,Fuuta and I-pin needs you to check their homework and play with them for awhile. They say Lately your busy doing something on your loptop so they can't disturb you. Hello? Tsuna-nii?" Ieyoshi's voice said. Mukuro end the call and texted Ieyoshi.

To: Ieyoshi

Sorry Ieyoshi-sama. I'll be back by tomorrow rightnow I'm with someone. Not with Kyoya.

Then mukuro shove the phone back to the pocket of Tsuna. He look at Tsuna who is looking pale now, Tsuna started to groan a little before he brought his knees closer to the chest.

Before he slowly relax again. Mukuro held the warm yet soft hands of Tsuna. He find it nice feeling, Mukuro smile. He swear he would protect this cute Bunny.

"Mukuro-sama? Would you like to eat dinner with Tsuna-sama?" Chrome ask a whisper.

"No, I don't think Tsunayoshi will be awake soon." Mukuro said as he look down.

"Oh." Chrome reply and look down.

"You, Ken and Chikusa dinner together." Mukuro reply.

"O-Ok Mukuro-sama." Chrome said as she exit and leave Mukuro and Tsuna alone in the couch.


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hope you enjoyed 😊😊😊😊

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