Chapter 20

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3rd Person's Pov


..........When Tsuna got to the place where Haru stay, They were all surprise. Haru's house was like a castle. The gates were big and behind those gates is a mini garden, A path way towards the main door.

Tsuna saw a door bell was place in the wall. Tsuna rang the door bell and someone had talk.

Who is this?

"This is Tsunayoshi "

"Hai, Come in. Mistress is waiting for you"

Then yhe big gate open which Tsuna was amaze. Then As they got to the main door, Haru open it.

"Hello Tsuna- Who are they?" Haru ask tilting her head slightly.

"They are my friends. Meet Takeshi and Joyce edz. I was wondering if we can come along, Beside the more the merrier." Tsuna reply. .

Haru invited the rest to go inside. She first gave them a tour of the house before they went to the rose garden to take a small break, some tea and cookies will do.

There they discussed about their favorite habits. Haru discussed her first which was making dress and design them A fashion designer. They then make some dresses which both Takeshi and Joyce edz had fun, Its more fun when the dress you make, Force it on Tsuna, Tsuna be a model, Take a picture and Post.

Joyce edz said that she will gain profit. The dress will immediately will sold since she already had a beautiful model that is available to sold too. 900 Million is the worth with Tsuna desperately wanna delate that Photo.

"Hey Give that back!" Tsuna said as he try to snatch the phone.

"One its not your phone, Two its a souvenir." Joyce edz said as she held her phone tightly.

"No delate that?!" Tsuna yelled while pouting.

"Bleh 😝 in your dreams" Joyce edz said as she try to run away.

"No give that back NNNOOOOO!" Tsuna said as he tries to run to Joyce edz. Sad to say Joyce didn't give up and end up keeping the photo.

Joyce wins.

Haru and Takeshi just laugh together, Little did they know this two had a picture of Tsuna too wearing a dress. This two will keep it a souvenir.

The second they do was playing baseball in the long field that is located in back castle-mansion like house. Takeshi lead them and teaches them about baseball and play a little which Tsuna was cleary very clumsy here and there.

After that they take a short break and nap.

"Ah, I'm beat." Tsuna said as he was laying on the grass.

"Well what did you expect? With your girl-like body you can't do anything." Joyce edz said as she was sitting beside Tsuna with Haru beside her too. Tsuna pouted.

"Hey, Your a girl too!" Tsuna argue.

"But your more girlier than any of us." Haru commented with a chuckle.

"Maa~Maa~ Tsuna is just weak that is. " Takeshi said.

"Mou, I'm not." Tsuna argue.

"you are." Joyce said

Then they keep arguing until they laugh together.

"The sky is beautiful today." Tsuna said as he was looking at the clouds.

"Yeah, it is. " Takeshi agreed.

"Well its peaceful, Nice to take a nap." Tsuna said. Takeshi lay down next to him.


After that Tsuna and Takeshi fell asleep while the two girls went to Haru's room and help Haru clean.

When Haru notice that the sun was already setting, Haru decided to call Joyce and went towards Tsuna and Takeshi.

They first take a picture of both boys sleeping peacefully before Haru invited them to go up the rooft and watch the sunset together.

"The sun set was beautiful." Tsuna said as he saw the view.

"Yeah, The fresh air was great too." Takeshi said.

They all watch the sun set together. Until the stars started to come out.
Tsuna and Joyce edz started to discussed about the stars and constalation which Tsuna and Joyce knows about.

(Incase of Tsuna, In his world Hayato usually teaches him about stars and more specially Piano)

The last activity they did bake a cake which Tsuna is the one who teach. Joyce edz was surprise and said to Tsuna that 'That' is the only talent he can do perfectly. The rest of the activity well lets just say his not very good at it.

They all look at and ask Joyce edz about her favorite habit. But Joyce reply that her favorite habit was beating someone and beg them for mercy, Oh how she love seeing blood and beg for their life.

Which all of them found that kind of event scary. The rest of the nights they play Video games which again Joyce edz always wins and Tsuna is the one who always the loser who get all of the punishments. All in all they have fun.

When Takeshi came home almost midnight, He saw that his father was expecting him.

"Oh, hey dad. I didn't thought you'll wait for me." Takeshi said.

Tsuyoshi sigh in relief when he notice that Takeshi's smile was still in his face.

" Where were you? You made me worried." Tsuyoshi said.

Takeshi smile more. "We went yo Haru's house." Takeshi said as he sat beside his father. "Their house was very big like a mansion. Then we made some dress, Play baseball, learn about stars and bake some cakes. It was fun when your with your True friends." Takeshi said then he look down.

"Thats why dad, In sword training I want you to teach me more. I want to protect my friends Especially Tsuna. His the key to my happiness even though his a magnet of trouble. I'm willing to take the risk." Takeshi said with determination.

Tsuyoshi notice the flames, Rain flames in his son's eyes. He sigh and gave Takeshi a serious yet a smile look.

"Well, You should sleep early since A true swordman needs a lot of Energy." Tsuyoshi said.

Takeshi smile and hug his father. "Thank you dad." He said before going to his room happily chuckling.

Tsuyoshi smile. "Tsunayoshi, Where were you when my son needs you?"


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