Chapter 61

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3rd Person's pov

Later that night Tsuna and Kyoya went to a patrol together.

"You always do patrolling at night?" Tsuna ask as he walks with Kyoya.

Kyoya only 'hn' in respond.

"Thats quite-" Tsuna was interrupted when his intuition rang. He stop walking.

Kyoya look at him in confuse.

Tsuna then follow his intuition and start walking in the distance and his feet lead towards the park. He quickly duck and hide in the bush so thus Kyoya followed his lead. Tsuna signal Kyoya to be quiet which Kyoya did obey.

Then he saw what Tsuna is seeing. There are 4 Regular mens in the park. They look like an Ordinary people so Kyoya was confuse as to why Tsuna stop by.

"Are you sure that the New Vongola Decimo is residenting here?" The man said.

Kyoya was shock a bit but pick an interest with a mention of Vongola means they are in Mafia.

"Yes, There is no doubt that they are here." The other man reply.

"His name is?" man #3 said.

"Sawada Ieyoshi." Man #4 reply.

"Boss order us to assasinate him only?" Man #1 said.

"Not only him." Man #2 said.

A true civilian 2 boys and 1 girl pass by, Those man were talking just act like a stand by or waiting for someone. Those passers didn't suspect them at all since those man look like a civilian at all.

"Then who else?" Man 3 ask.

"Sawada Natsu and Sawada Tsunayoshi." Man # 4 answered.

"Tsunayoshi? Isn't he the demon child?" Man #2 ask.

"He is, Well we will just assassinate the Sawada blood line. With them out then Vongola will become weak since they have no one else in the throne." Man # 4 said.

"Oh, Then We should move now." Man #1 said.

"Follow me, I know where they live. We can spy on them." Man #2 said.

With that they walk away. Kyoya was about to chase those herbivores but Tsuna stop him. He look at Tsuna with confuse. First he was confuse because how did Tsuna know this is gonna happen? And Second why did Tsuna stop him.

Tsuna just smile.

"First Kyoya, I know it because My intuition ring. Second, It fun if we hunt themIt fun if we hunt them when they got in our home would it be?" Tsuna said with a smile.

Kyoya look at Tsuna with a what? "Did he just read my mind?  Kyoya thought.

"No I didn't, Its just your face is easy to read." Tsuna said with a chuckle.

Kyoya smirk, Truely Tsuna's intuition is one strong one. Despite Tsuna is being weird one.

"Kyoya, Shall we go to the house. I also want to interrogate them." Tsuna said.

Kyoya just hn, despite The excitement, Kyoya didn't show that Excitement, but Tsuna knows Kyoya was excited because he can bite those herbivores to death.

When Tsuna got in the home he notice that the group of mens that he saw earlier was lurking around. Tsuna just Chuckled.

He pretend not to know those guys and let Kyoya handle them. He just went inside.

"Welcome Home Tsuna-nii." Fuuta, I-pin and Lambo said as they notice Tsuna.

Tsuna just smile and greeted them back "I'm home." He said with a smile.

"Tsuna, Your home late why?" Natsu ask.

"Well, Kyoya invited me to go patrol with him." Tsuna reply.

"Your really close with Hibari-san, How'd you do that?" Ieyoshi ask as he just enter the living room.

"Just be nice to him and talk. Thats simple." Tsuna reply with a smile.

"(sigh) Do you know its impossible." Natsu reply.

"Nothing is impossible if you try." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Its impossible to fly even how much you'll try." Ieyoshi said.

"Not for me. I can fly actually, But I won't Show you how." Tsuna said and chuckle he went upstairs and to his room.


Man #1 : So where is Ieyoshi in those three?

Ask while he was in the back yard hiding in the bush with a earphone in ear use to communicate with the others.

"well the brown hair was Ieyoshi, the blonde hair is Natsu and the Brown with anti gravity style of the hair is the demon child." Man #2 Reply while he behind the tree spying with binoculars in his hands.

"Is there any in the house right now Man # 4?" Man #3 ask, But seems Man #4 didn't reply. Man #3 who is the balcony of Tsuna's room.

"Man # 4?" they all called but it seems Man # 4 was missing.

"Man #3,'You should go now since the Demon child is already going upstairs." Man # 2 said.

"ok." Man # 3 said, but after that a hand cover his mouth and drag him to the darkness.

"Man # 3? Can you check Man #4?" Man #1 said.

"man #3?" Man # 2 said.

They notice that Man #3 & 4 was missing, So they went to their position. Man #1 went to Man'#4's position. it was in the bush, He was shock to saw that man number 4 was already laying on the ground badly injured.

"MAN #4!" Man number 1 said and went to the Man #4 but then he was shock when a figure stand infront of him.

"For attempting a Crime in My property, I shall bite you death."

Everything was too fast, Next thing Man #1 notice he was on the ground layinh like Man #4.

Man #2 went to the balcony to check at Man # 3 but it seems only the earphone of Man #3 is present not himself. As Man # 2 was going back, A hand went to his mouth. He struggle but then something hit his neck which cause him to see all dark.

Tsuna pick the earphone's of man #3,

"kyoya? did you got them  ?" Tsuna ask.

"hn." Kyoya answered

"Did you not kill them?". Tsuna ask cause he knows Kyoya is a heartless man when it comes to annoying and useless herbivores.

"maybe." Kyoya answered. Tsuna sigh." Mou Kyoya, your so... Cold. How about we interogate them at the school how is that sound?" Tsuna ask.

"Now?" Kyoya said.

"Yup, I can just tell my family that I'm with you." Tsuna said while he chuckle.

"Sure." Kyoya said a little bit happy about what they are doing. But he won't carry this herbivores so he call kusakabe and his mens silently.

Tsuna despite not able to summon his night flames he called Mukuro for help by using a phone. Since Mukuro is a mist user he can transport this mens in the the school with no Problem. Mukuro who owns Tsuna did what he was told, Beside he consider Tsuna now more than his friend, But a family. He can really see that Tsuna is such a pure being.


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hope you enjoyed it 😊😊😊😊

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