Chapter 81

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3rd person's pov

When Tomorrow comes Tsuna walk towards the parj with Ieyoshi, Natsu, I-pin and the rest to just hang out.

A yelled came from behind and Tsuna saw Enma was running towards him with Julie and Adel.

"Here." Enma said heavily panting as held a box of gift.

"What is it?" Tsuna ask.

"Thank you for that day. For making me realizing our wrongs, thank you very much for the truth. If Isn't for you then everything will lost and everything will be a mess. Shimon and Vongola will keep fighting." Enma said.

Tsuna smile. " i don't need gift, a simple thank you just fine but I won't refuse your girlf too. Its rude to refuse grace." Tsuna said with a smile and got the gift. "Thank you enma." Tsuna said with a smile.

Enma smile too. "No, I should be the one who is gonna say thank you to you." Enma said.

"Of course thats what should Family do, Be a family right?" Tsuna said,

Enma nod and agree.

"Tsuna-nii? Why don't you be the Vongola Decimo?" Ieyoshi said with seriousness.

"I don't mind Tsuna-sama to be As Juudaime," hayato said.

"Tsuna your my first Friend, so I don't mind you being the Decimo and the sky." Takeshi said with a usual smile.

"You deserve it anyway." Natsu commented.

"We will be happy If Tsuna-nii is gonna be the Vongola-Decimo." Fuuta, Lambo and I-pin said at the same time.

Tsuna was shock with that smile at them.

"I can't." Tsuna said.

"Why?" Ieyoshi ask.

"Its because, I feel like I'm stealing your faith, I'm stealing what is yours. I don't like that so I don't want it, beside... Vongola will be ok with you rullinh it. I'll guide you if you want." Tsuna said with a smile.

"But Tsuna-nii...." ieyoshi said and look down. "I don't think I can rule a Mafia Famiglia." Ieyoshi said.

Ieyoshi was suddenly Blinded by a soft warm hands, then those hands just open so thus Ieyoshi's eyes and he see was His friends and everyone.

"Its ok, Because your not alone aren't you?" Tsuna said.

Ieyoshi was shock a bit and smile. Happy tears fall down. "I know that its just...." ieyoshi said and hug His Older brother.

"Thank you for everything. Every single thing." Ieyoshi said. He felt happy about this, He had friends because of Tsuna, He had family because of Tsuna. He can Wish for anything else.

"Its fine, Its my job to make the future Vongola be this Strong." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Oh, Come on Tsuna-nii. Lets play." Lambo just said with a smile.

Tsuna agreed and the day they just spend in the park, Even Tsuna knows that something bad is gonna happen. Something Bad...


Finally, Timeteo and Iemitsu landed at Namimori and was suprise that Verde, Colonello, Lal, And Skull is with him. They all said that Reborn requested them.

But as they got to Sawada House hold they were already Attack by an Unfamiliar Group. The enemies were strong and with The Arcobaleno's small bodies its easy to just defeat them.

Iemitsu was worried about this attack since it happen near there house, His beloved Nana is there and probably the twins too. He can't lost them.

But everything happen to fast when An Illusion was made. The floor become hot lava, Vines Were wrap around the enemies making then unconscious. A Tonfa was thrown and hit 5 people exactly.

Timeteo and Iemitsu with the Arcobaleno's was shock. They look who is there savior.

"Ni-hao." Fon greeted who is Sitting at the top of the head of his nephew.

"Well looks who's here." Viper said who is sitting nicely at Mukuro's shoulder.

"What!? Aren't you suppose to be in Vendicare Prison?" Iemitsu said as he saw Mukuro who just smirk.

"Kufufufu~ why didn't you know I escape already?" Mukuro said.

"Stop lying and tell them that Someone Did made you free." Viper cold him.

"Oya? You want that I'll mentioned the name of the person who set me free so he can torture you?" Mukuro said, Viper feel chill in his spine. He doesn't like the Idea of him being Torture by Tsuna.

"Well we came here to discuss something. But I think that this ain't the right time since You guys are been followed." They look behind them and they were Shock.

The one who greeted them is A Adult Reborn form.

"So you did ask him." Fon said with a smirk.

"Not Fair! How could you ask him so early." Viper argue.

"He said its ok, Since his Sky flames is enough to turn me into this." Reborn said as he held his Fedora down.

"Wait Who is him!?" Colonello asked feeling irritated.

"Our Sky, the Arcobaleno's sky." Reborn said with a Smirk.

"What? You found the sky Pacifier!?" Skull yelled.

"And looks like its holder too." Lal said and smirk.

"Your correct. But now I think we have a business to end." Reborn said as he shoot a Bullet to the direction of the tree. Then every mens jump and attack them.

Kyoya was piss with this herbivores disturbing the peace of his beloved town.

Mukuro like this, he can torture and have fun with everyone. Just like Mukuro, Viper enjoy this, but he guess he enjoy this if he Ask Tsuna for his body, for his true body.

Then they heard a explosion. Iemitsu was shock when the Explosion was in His house.

"Wait, Who is inside?" Iemitsu ask reborn.

"Your beloved wife, the twins is probably somewhere in the park." Reborn said.

Iemitsu run towards his house and manage to save Nana. Iemitsu wanted to make his Twins safe sonhe left Nana within the hands of Of the others Arcobaleno. But they heard a loud explosion leading the park. Its loud and powerful that an earthquake was made.

They look at Each other and run towards the Park and saw something shocking. I-pin, Lambo, Fuuta, Ryohei, Hayato, Takeshi, Ieyoshi, Enma, Adel, julie and Natsu was in the ground badly injured. By their are still Conscious.

"What happened?" Fon ask Hayato who still conscious but barely can Stand up.

"A Unknown Famiglia attacks us and seems he is the leader." Hayato said pointing a Someone who is holding a sphere with Black flames emitting them.

"The name is Jacoob Marco Fernando Nice to meet you," he said smirking and attempting to Bow.

"What famiglia are you?" Timeteo ask.

"Vixiento Famiglia, or known as Diavlo Famiglia estimating Massacred A total of 70 Famiglias."

They all look to whom that Voice and saw Sawada Tsunayoshi smirking.


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Hope you enjoy it 😊😊😊

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