Chapter 16

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"thoughts in a thoughts"
"Text Messages"
"Normal speak"

3rd Person's Pov

“You heard him right? Kyoya will bite you to death.” Reborn said.

Natsu and Ieyoshi went pale and went to the bathroom wuickly since the food they eat were disgusting. They spend almost 1 hour laying on the bed feeling Sick. Reborn sigh, he needs to make his student endure Bianchi's poison more. But Reborn was also curious, to what did the little brunet means, he was confuse. If the little demon was already dead, Then who is that kid? How come he look like Tsuna? How come he wake up in the same bed with the demon kid. Not that all, the odd thing us, Tsuna now was something interesting.  The fact that he went in a boss mode just a while ago was great. Oh, How reborn wish his student can also become like that.

As for Tsuna, He was glad that Kyoya didn't bite him to death and just let him go. In exchange Tsuna became a pillow again during lunch. Takeshi was glad that Tsuna was ok since he heard that Tsuna got a fever. Takeshi told Tsuna school is boring without Tsuna in his side. Kyoya too said something like that. Although Takeshi said too that Kyoya had bite students to death really hard. Kyoya explain he was bored. But in reality, Tsuna knows that Kyoya was upset because of the fact that Tsuna wasn't around.

His day end well since his two bestfriends were there in his side. While walking home, A lady slid her door and splash the bucket of water outside, that time Tsuna was passing by and his suddenly got soak.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” The lady yelled and went to Tsuna. The girl was in his age, has black long raven hair but in the tip of the hair was red in ponytail style and wearing a simple house dress with matching cleaning dress. It looks like the girl was cleaning. “Are you ok young men?” The girl ask.

“I'm fine. Just got wet.” Tsuna reply sweetly.

“I'm so sorry. Let me make up to you.” The girl said as she pull Tsuna to her house.

“Here, Pls go change in the bathroom. I'll dry your clothes for you.” The girl offer.

Tsuna look at the girl offer a towel and some dress. Yup a simple white, with some black on it. She also offer a black hills matching the dress. Tsuna sigh. “Thank you for your offer.” Tsuna said as he grab the dress and went to the bathroom. Well he has no problem wearing a dress since he was use to it ever since his spartan tutor once force him to wear such a dress everytime.

After the bath thingi, The girl gave a comment that Tsuna was a beautiful lady. If ever he will become a lady.

“I'll be home now. I'll get my clothes tomorrow ahm.... “ Tsuna said.

“Joyce. Joyce eds.” The girl said with a smile.

“I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi. You know the little demon.” Tsuna said as he ready to exit the door.

“I know, But it seems you don't look like a demon to me.” The girl said giving a smile.

Tsuna thank the girl and exited the house. He walk and pass to the convient store. He remeber that he suppose to bake a cake for Ieyoshi and Natsu since those two were suffering from bianchi's food. So he went inside the store to buy some ingredients. The male sales-man just gave him a wink and sometimes flirt with him. He immediately rejected them and didn’t pay attention to them. But once he existed the store a group of high school student suddenly made a whistle. He turn around and saw it was Mochida. Tsuna decided to run but then his path was block by both Mochida and his minions.
“Who is the cutie?” Mochida ask while obscuring his path. Tsuna cursed in his head. “of all the people, why him? Damn this fucking bullshit life.!” Tsuna pretend, he whined childishly in his head.
“I haven’t seen you around, want to go on a date?” Mochida ask lifting Tsuna’s chin up. Tsuna glare at Mochida coldly which Mochida Ignore. Tsuna was about to release his Killer Intent when his eyes catches Takeshi walking while holding a baseball bat. Probably going on in a Solo-Practice.

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