Chapter 30

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3rd Person's pov

Early in the morning, when Tsuna was walking to school. He saw someone was walking a head. Someone familiar.

"EXTREME, Your in a good mood today, why?"

"Onii-chan, I'm just happy Oni-chan." Kyoko answer.

Tsuna Look at the teen with a soft eyes. The man that Kyoko was talking too once his Sun. The energetic Sun who always there to light his way.


Tsuna was signing paperworks none stop, cursing every guardian that he had. He got one paper and read...

"How can those two (Mist and Cloud) can destroy 4 buildings at one time by just chasing a run away spy!? WHAT IN Hell!?" Tsuna said as he was glaring the paper. He held his temple and sigh.

"I should least got a cofee. " He said as he stand up and walk straight to the kitchen.

He went there to get a cofee but his mind went to the Cake. So he open the ref and saw the cake was gone. He quickly have a disappointing look, of who's the one who eat his cake.

The door of the Ref. Just close and Tsuna saw Kyoya still with a stoic face as usual.

"You eat too much cake Usagi." Kyoya said.

"Mou, Its my stress realiver. Your the one who cause it in the first place with that pineapple buddy of yours." Tsuna said as he roll his eyes and look away.

"That Pineapple herbivore is a pest. Should be beaten to death." Kyoya answer.

"You always say that mou! Sometimes I wish your not obsessed biting him to death. I'm starting to think that you and him are perfect couples" Tsuna said irritatedly.

"Just let me throw that Pineapple and you won't have a problem." Kyoya said.

"How many times do I tell you, Mukuro is my mist. His part of the family,Even though he can be a pervert sometimes that doesn't mean I can just throw him away."

"How annoying, You like him that much." Kyoya said rather too cold.

"No, Its not like that!"

The arguement of the two goes on until Tsuna walk out from the kitchen to his office again He slam the door and lean his back on the door. He sigh heavily.

"EXTREME, OUTO, OUTO, you look disappointed?"

"Onii-san." Tsuna said, then he was disappointed look again.

"(sigh) Its just Paperworks won't end and because of it Me and Kyoya just have a fight. Another reason was Mukuro. (sigh) Sometimes I really don't know what to do." Tsuna said as he sat down on his chair.

"EXTREME, Cheer up! You need some energy, If you give up and let it happen then those guys will keep it doing again and again." Ryohei said with determination.

"I know that, But how, I mean even though I'm the boss I'm the one who's looking like a girl, I'm more girlier than Chrome" Tsuna said pouting.

"Well, You can change that. Lets have an work out together." Ryohei said.

"I'm already tired training with Reborn for those years and you expect me to train again? No Thank you. I had enough."

"Come on Tsuna. Your the boss, the sky." Ryohei said as he walk towards the large glass window-like door and open it. The raise of the sun went through the office of Tsuna, it view the sky with some clouds and the bright sun."The sky who accept it all.How can you be the sky when your always like an anemic person! Cheer up, Just like the sky your important to everyone!" Ryohei said cheerfully with determination.

"Your important too Onii-san. Because your the sun who's always energetic and bring lights to everyone. Even me, You once give me strength. Everytime." Tsuna said and gave a smile.

"Thats it, My Sky was back to Normal. LET's GO TO THE UNDERGROUND BASE TO THE EXTREME!"

Then the door open. "HOY! YOU LAWN HEAD, LET GO OF JUUDAIME!"

"Maa~Maa~ Calm down Haya-chan"


Tsuna just laugh at them. Some of the people really don't change. His family was always the same no matter what.

flashback ends

Tsuna snap out when Someone tap his shoulder he look back and saw it was Hana.

"Hey, Your kinda spacing out early in the morning? Why is that?" Hana ask.

Tsuna just chuckle. But then gave a sad smile"Well I remeber a memory, A memory that will forever stay as memory and never gonna happen again."

Hana saw those brown eyes was really sad. Its like those eyes wanted to see again what it had seen in the memories.

"Any who, Cheer up. Hey, Were here, were your new friends aren't we? So just smile I guest. I'm not really good at cheering someone." Hana said.

"I can tell." Tsuna said.

"Oh, there is Kyoko. KYOKO" Hana called, Kyoko stop walking and look back along with her brother. They look at Hana who is running towards them and was draging Tsuna.

"Good Morning Tsuna, Morning Hana." Kyoko greeted with a smile.

"Good Morning Kyoko and?" Tsuna said as his eyes landed at Ryohei who almost glare at him.

"This is my brother name Sasagawa, Ryohei." Kyoko introduced.

"Good Morning to you too sempai " Tsuna said and gave a nervous smile.

"EXTREME, why are you guys with him?" Ryohei ask, well seeing the demon child with his sister makes him feel quite confuse and want to protect Kyoko more.

"Oni-san. Tsuna is our friend." Kyoko said,

"Our best friend. His a nice friend you know. Not like others is being friends with you because they wanted something. " Hana said explain.

"Take, Me for example. My only friend was Hana because she is the only one who is friends with me because I am me. Not because I'm popular and know as an Idol in this school. And then Tsuna was the one who give two other friends to-" Kyoko explained but she was cut off by


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