Chapter 1: Evolving

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The sunrise was peaceful in the mountains and the rivers flowed slow. Most pokemon were still asleep but one little silver eevee playing in the water. "Steel! Were are you!?" A male leafeon was calling. "Over here by the pool!" Steel called back, Steel was a seventeen level shiny female eevee. "Oh good Steel i wanted to talk to you again...about evolving." leafeon said, leafeon's name is Shawn and he is Steel's father. "Oh well...huh." Steel sat down lowering her head. Shawn sat beside her and licked her on the head. "don't worry i know it's a tuff choice to make, but when the right time comes you'll know which form fits." he said in a calm voice. Steel looked up at him with a small smile "alright then I'll give it another try." She leaped up to her paws and gave a affection head bud to her father.


"So did you decide yet?" A rockruff asked as they walked around the rocky mountains. Steel shook her head how could she decide on such a big decision like this? whatever she choose will be permanent, forever there won't be a second chance if chosen wrong. "oh...come on Steel can't be that hard." the rockruff said looking over the edge of the rocks. Steel looked at him with annoyance. "um ok easy for you to say Dusty, You can only evolve into one form." She snapped at him with a growl. Dusty was her best friend through childhood but he was a bit annoying at times. Dusty looked at her through narrowed eyes.
"Um Steel I'm guessing you didn't know but rockruff's can evolve into three different forms. midnight, dusk or daylight form, and I already know which one I'm going to became." He said with pride. Steel let a deep sigh out, 'how stupid am i? How could i not know that?' She steeped away embarrassed. "oh i-uh-" "it's alright not all pokemon know that." He cuts her off. "hey let's go to the river to look around." Steel decided to change the subject. "alright!" he waged his tail.


The moon was reflecteing off the water as it flowed down a waterfall. Steel and Dusty were laying on a flat rock watching. "..Steel it's getting dark maybe we should go now.." Steel just stared at him. 'is he scard? every time the sunsets he always wants to go home'. She decided to ask him. "why do you want to leave? It's nice out tonight the moon is full and it's piceful out." Dusty hesitated for a few minutes before answering. "well I've never liked the dark alright! that's the time when pokemon get hurt." He then got to his paws. " I'm going now...and you should to. You don't wanna worry Mr-Shawn again do you?" Steel rolled her eyes she didn't want to worry anyone but she love the dark. 'but maybe he's right father always worries when I'm not home.' "oh all right you win let's go." She gets up and they both walked down a narrow path, the edge was steep and water pooled at the botum from the waterfall but it was to dark to see it.

Rock climbing as they jump down, the waterfall pounding hard against the rocks. They could hear it louder now that they were closer to it, as they kept climbing down. "rrr..i can't see were to put my paws, it's to dark St-AH!!" He slept on a rock cousin him to lose balance, but before he could fall Steel jumped on the rock and quickly grabbed his scruff. She then pulled him to saftey. "" Dusty says collecting his breath again. He then got to his paw again, looking at steel tilting his head to the side." how can you see in this darkness?" Steel jump to the next rock looking over her shoulders. "i don't know it's just not that dark." She never really cared before but a lot of pokemon tell her that she's got good night vision and stuff like that. "i just thought all pokemon can see at night." she shrugged. Dusty jump next to her. "well no not all pokemon can see at night, mostly just dark typs and gost typs and well my midnight form. But that's why im not going to be evolveing into the midnight form, i don't do well in the dark." He explants to her. Her sliver fur fluffed up as she got to level ground again and walk to the water pool to drink. "well bye Steel I'll see you tomorrow!" Dusty yelped as he run by her.
She lifted her head to say goodbye to her friend and padded away to her cave. "father im back!" she called to let him know.

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