Chapter 38 : Who am i really?

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Steel headed over to matt with a bit of panick the sun was still out high "Matt whatever your going to say can it wait...we just found a dead vaporeon in the water....i think soul or Skylar are close by" the mightyanae looked a bit supprised "Oh....well that can't be good we should get moveing.....but Steel.. We really need to talk" Steel just glanced at him "Yeah okey....what about?" She question. Then Anglica cam running "Hey Matt Jake and i seen some of the royal gourds we have to go if we don't want a fight" Matt looked annoyed with the news and grumbles "Yeah okey...where's the other's?" Anglica looks back "Oh....they w-went hunting....." Steel frowns feeling stressed 'There's to meny pokemon that are after us.....ugh emma was right everfree is dangers'
Then Jake came with dusty and Mocho. liam stumbles behind them. Jake then speaks "There not out hunting anymore!....we got to go before truble finds us" he said sounding annoyed and fustreated. Matt dropped his ears and lowers his head Steel noticed this "uh you goingbto be alright?" She asked feeling concern for him Matt closed his one eye tite looking fustreated "Steel I need to tell you this now!" He finally snapped at her. Steel felt shocked from the suddenly Angry mightyanae. Matt then grabbed her by the ear and dragged her away from the rest. Steel let him drag her away not wanting to anger him any further. He finally stop and glanced at her. Anglica jad followed them "Uh Matt?...What's this about?" The shiny glaceon asked looking confused and Steel was looking just as lost 'he's being a little pushy....we got bigger problems to warrie about!' Steel thinks to herself. Matt glares at Anglica "....i brought Steel here because i thought it would be better to tell her what i discovered alone" he growls steel and Anglica both look at each other feeling lost for word's. Matt then gose on "You told me you had these dreams....about this espeon right? her name any chance Emma?" Anglica look surprised of what Matt said. Steel titled her head "Y-yeah....why does the name matter?" Anglica gasped looking at steel with a shocked look "You've seen my sister in dreams?....How's that possible?" Steel just shrugs "Don't kno- Wait sister?" Steel fur stood on edge "That can't be....because you said your suster was mate's with Blaze....and Shawn is my father" Anglica gave a look and steel went on "Emma claims to be my mother" Matt frowns at Steel "Yeah...that's why i wanted to talk" Steel glanced at him 'What is he trying to say?' Steel just sat dawn looking at Matt wanting to hear what he has to say. Matt held her gaze "You see....the king had an egg with Emma that went missing...." Steel lifted her paw up to single for him to be quite "Okey listen up....I'm not related to that crazy flareon...Shawn is my father i asure you i didn't even grow up in this stupid forest!" Matt frowns at her and says "Shawn is a I'm pretty sure that's the shawn i knew....and let me tell you something about shawn....Shawn alway had an eye for guy's not girls...he was gay Steel, How could he have an egg with a girl when he never once looked that way huh?!" Steel narrowed her eye's feeling angry 'humph i won't believe these lies my father wasn't gay!...he mated with a espeon named Emma and that's what I'll believe!'
Anglica was quite "but how do you know Matt that she is the daughter of Blaze for sure?...i mean shawn and emma are popular name's" Matt rolled his one eye "Oh please Anglica I'm not stupid and neither are you...a espeon with the same name and a leafeon with the same name....not to mention about the scarf that Steel is wearing right now belongs to the queen of everfree!" Anglica then glanced at steel with a blank expression "Then....that make us related" she said but Steel shook her head "No it dosen't!....i knew you think you know me but you don' don't know a thing about me, who i am or where i come from so i august keeping out of my business!" Steel snapped not wanting to believe any of what matt said 'Its not true, it not true, it can't be!'
Matt let a derp sigh out "I know it's hard to except this....but i don't lie steel....all the pieces are there...what i say is the truth" Steel just growls at him "Shut up!" She then turned tail on him and stalked away with fire in her heart. 'Its not true?....Shawn would of told me if i wasn't blood related right?' Steel felt a cold tear drip dawn her cheeks, somehow all this fussing made her miss the leafeon all the more 'If he where still a live he'd tell then all!' Steel ran through tbe tree's to find herself beside the river looking at tbe dead bodie of the vaporeon. Steel dropped her ears when she remember all tbe truble sge was in '.....why me?....why am i suddenly the center of attention I just want a normal simple life....why can't i have that? Huh Arceus Why not!'
"Steel?" She glares over her shoulders to see Anglica standing there. She slowly made her way to steel "What do you want?" Steel snarled but Anglica just gave a small smile "i just wanted to talk to you" Steel looked away "i don't care what you say! Shawn was my blood father and that's that!" The shiny glaceon noded "okey if that's what you want....but i couldn't help but wonder....matt said you have dreams of Emna...maybe ask her about this...because wouldn't you want to know the truth About who you are?" She asked Steel. Steel went quite then speaks "i guess....but ugh....what if it is true?.... What am i suppose to do about it?" Anglica then smiled "Nothing...." Steel just frowns when she said that "Look steel you can believe whatever you want to believe but i just have to say this.....if you are the daughter of blaze then....that could change Blaze...." She said before walking away. Steel just sat there feeling all kinds of emotions but shake it away 'Should be going before them mightyanaes find us'
Steel headed back to everyone else's. Jake glanced at her "Steel you alright you look upset" he said but steel just shook her head "I'm fine but we should go now" and with that they headed out of the area.

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