Chapter 33 : The Blue moon

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The sun was high and Steel's head was fully healed now and so was Jake's injury. Steel was sitting in den waitting for Anglica to be back. Jake walked up to her "...hey Steel" he said as he sat. Steel glanced at him "...I'm starting to think we should go back to the other's....maybe Mocho knows what to do about Blaze" Jake glanced at his paws "....i don't know about that Steel" Steel narrowed her eye's "well do you have any ideas?" Jake look at her with a frown "No..." Jake then gave a hopeful look "but i know we'll get through to him" Steel looked the other way 'jakes a vary positive jolteon wait jolteon....maybe we can paralyze that flareon long enough for Anglica to talk sense into him'
Steel then gave Jake a smile "Jake i just had an cold use thunder wave to paralyze him!" Jake looked surprised and gave a sheepish smile "Oh ah hehe right thunder" Steel titled her head "what? know that move.. Don't you?" Jake then growls "yea...i..well i can do it just are you sure that's what will help?" Steel just rolled her eye's at him. Steel looked out the den again and saw Anglica coming she walked into the den "hey" she greets them. She had some Barry's and placed them down. Jake glanced at her "whats that for?" He asked and the shiny glaceon smiled "nothing important" Steel glanced at Anglica before saying "When do you plan on going back to Blaze?" Anglica just frowns "not sure....I'm not going back untill i figure something out" Steel noded 'guess that makes sense....ugh i feel so fustreated. Why's this my problem again?.... Oh right because i dream it was..' Steel found herself lost in thought "Steel?...Hey!" Steel snapped out of her thoughts when Jake waved his paws in front of her face trying to get her attention "yea?" She finally answered him and he smiles "Steel i was just asking if you wanted to hunt with me?" Steel noded "yea sure..." She said and her and Jake took off leaving Anglica on her own.


Steel and Jake were walking looking around for pary pokemon. Jake glanced at Steel "so Anglica seems upset....i know her sister died or whatever but she really needs to look from a different angle on thing's" he said but Steel felt lost of what he was talking about she raised a brow "And what's your point in saying that?" Jake then gave a frown "i can relate to her.... my hopes have been shattered in front of my eye's but i still keep my head high she should to" Steel had to think about it 'i guess she is kinda inactive but she'll feel better...but what has jake lost?'
Steel then noded her head "yea ok..." Jake then got a bit closer to Steel and Steel pushed herself into his soft fur they sat down and Steel found herself giving jake a lick on his cheek he smiles at this and soon they locked lips in a kiss. Steel found a vary warm feeling that she hasn't felt in a long time. She smiles at him after thr break there kiss "Jake....I'm not sure what to call us but if we're together then i think understand each other a little better is important....and there are thing's about you that i still don't know" Jake's smile soon turned into a frown and he looked away ".....i agree but.." And he went quite. Steel titled her head feeling puzzled. "But what?" She asked "nothing let's just forget alright" steel frowns but she didn't want to start something so she didn't ask any further questions. They sat in silence before jake says "Steel i don't want you to think that i don't trust because i do trust you..." He says in a soft tone Steel glanced at him "Jake can i just know onething?" She says and Jake looked down for a few seconds before noded his head and gazing in to her eye's "what do want to know?" He asked and Steel went on "what dreams where shattered? said your dreams where shattered" They sat in silence before jake finally said "my dreams...Skull killed my dream long ago and i guess i never got over it" Steel frowns 'Yea but what was his dreams?'
Jake got to his paws "well the pray ain't going to catch it's self" he says with a jokey smile. Steel noded and they keep the hunt on. Steel saw a rattat and she used her psychic to kill it fast with out having to creep on it Jake glanced at her with a look "hm....must be nice being able to use psychic pawer" jake said with a smile but Steel heared a little grow in his voice as if he was holding something back. Steel look to the side "Jake are you alright?" The jolteon walked up to her and gave a playful push"of coarse i am why wouldn't i be?" Steel looked away 'Something is bothering him....and be won't amidit' Steel just shook it off and they started to head back to where Anglica was.

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