Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)

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Ramune's P.O.V

Blackness everything was dark. Ramune was sitting by a dieing tree. He glanced around to see that the forest was perishing. "Wh-What's going on here?" He questions no one as he gets up but then he see a shadow "Hehehe!" Ramune wipe around to see nothing but he could hear laughter of despair. He backs up feeling unsafe until he felt something drip on his nose. He slowly looks up and to his horror there where pokemon hanging from the tree by their necks. They hang limp as blood dripped down their lifeless body's "Oh What the hell!" He ran from the tree to get away but was stopped when he saw Soul sitting by the river that was now running red with blood. He had a smug look "heh....shoulda killed me....because now.....i own the crown"


Ramune snapped open his eyes and gasp for air as he shot out of his bed. He sat their wide eye "Ramune you okay?" He hears Shawn ask 'Shite....didn't mean to wake him'
He looks over to the leafeon that was now sitting up to look at him. It was early in the morning. ".....y.yeah I'm okay....." He says even though he gad been startled by his dream. Shawn moves closer to him "another bad dream?" He questions. Ramune sat there for a few before he finally says "yeah...." It hadn't been easy to hide from his mate when they slept together every night but ever since Echo came to everfree he had been having these dreams again and it was getting harder for Ramune to get sleep because of them. 'And they seem so real.....maybe they are?' Ramune then got to his paws and headed to tbe exit "Hey where you going?" Asked Shawn getting up to with concern Ramune glanced at him ".....just for a little walk.....I'll be back soon" he then left the room and headed down the stairs and out the palace doors. He stops to feel the nice air 'honestly....i miss my old den living in tbe water....being in the open fresh air all the time' he then headed to the river to clear his head 'But everytime i go their....i see blood' he then thought of his dream how pokemon where hanging on the oak tree dead. 'And Echo....i can see it....he's not good....and Wait Soul was in my dream' he sat down and narrowed his eye's the thought if Soul was unbearable for he has done a lot of damage 'And i never got my satisfying victory of killing him'
It's like he was taunting him in his own dreams. Ramune let a growl out as he claws at the grass angrily as the thought wouldn't go away 'Blaze is a fool....why..why did he let him go?'
"Life's just frustrated isn't it?" Ramune jumps with surprise and looks up to see that Shiny eevee sitting on his rock once again. Ramune clams himself down "You, Who are you?" He asked just wanting to know who this shiny eevee was. The shiny eevee smiles a kind one "Well....i don't have a name, i was killed before i received i guess just call me Eevee" Ramune tilted his head "Are you.....really dead?" Eevee nodded his head "yes....i told you already" Ramune walk up to him "And....only i can see you?" Eevee let a small sigh out "You know i expected you'd be experienced since Flash sent you vision's about shadow and tonight...when you had those dreams...." Ramune widened his eye's "The dreams that feel real....that can't be....their all horrible" Eevee looks at Ramune with a sad look "....well the future isn't so bright... Let's just say the darkest days are coming" Ramune study's Eevees every move as he jumps off the rock to dip his silver paw in the water. "Darkest day's?...." Ramune repeated trying his hardest to understand "....Echo! Oh no Brother you fool...he's got to do with this doesn't he?" Eevee looks at him once again before saying "don't know honestly...I'm no messenger eevee but i can tell you....always trust your heart" He says before drinking the water. Ramune nodded but something caught his attention "your not here to send me a message?....then why are you here? And not in the golden forest?" Eevee then looked stressed ".....well.. I...i don't leave with Arceus" Ramune gave a surprised look " don't?....then your with Darkrai?" Eevee shock his head "No....i mean my mom's with Darkrai so i was born their but left because i hated it and i wasn't forced to stay because i never actually sin before" now Ramune was confused by this "did you say born? In drakrai's cave? How's that?" Eevee gave a sigh "....i wasn't hatched when mom was killed but i had a spirit so i had a soul to go with mother when she arrived in Drkrai's cave" Ramune sat down beside eevee "well your not go to Arceus" Eevee then gave a mean look "ugh it's not that easy.... I can't just go to Arceus....Arceus can't help me because not only have i not sin i also never done see i never lived so i can't be judged although Arceus wants to help, he can't....I'm what they call a lost who walk on earth with the living" he says now looking sad as he curls his tail close to himself. Ramune felt pity for him as he was just a little eevee "Wait i gotta ask, if i can see the dead and you walk in this forest...why am i only just noticing you?" Eevee smiles a small one as if he forgot his problems "because i never showed myself to you....and because it take practice to learn your ability to see the dead....theirs so much you can do with the gift... But be careful their are doors that are dangerous to open with this gift" he tells him. Ramune felt really close to this eevee even though he didn't know him that well or the fact that this shiny eevee was a spirit. 'Its like i know him...and he seems to like talking to me, why? Is it only because he's lonely from being alone on earth with no one to see him? And who was his mom....she's in Drakrais cave so she can't be a good pokemon' eevee then looks at Ramune "Ramune... Be careful i may not be with Arceus but i know theirs danger in the watch your back" he say before he got up and disappears once again Ramune just stared out into the distance remembering the past 'You have a big role to play Ramune' was what his father said in his dream 'darkest days are coming....the spirits are trying to tell me something important...and i was being blind but now, i have to pay attention so i know what to do when the time comes....never thought I'd be the one to be important'

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