Chapter 51 Learning to trust again

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Steel's P.O.V

The sun was now raising it cast somewhat of light making the border of the sky a reddish pink colour. Steel was dragging her paws across the grass feeling exhausted. Her and jake have been walking for awhile now. The jolteon walked ahead of her. Steel stop to glance at tbe sky to see that there where still some star's out 'we gotta be close to the palace now.....but...maybe we shouldn't go to Blaze....maybe Jake is right....i mean i don't even know if everyone else is alright' guilt started to climb up into her head and heart. She'd been to determined at the time but now she was starting to think other wise. "Steel is everything alright?" Jake asked her. He had stopped walking as well and his purple gaze locked on her with worry but she hardly noticed him. She started to feel panicked and the guilt only got worse not to mention the depression voice in the back of her head was starting to get louder by the second. "Steel!" Jake barks and Steel snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at him ".....what?" The jolteon frowns at her "We need to keep moving if we want to stay clear of Skylar and Soul" he says and she nodded "yeah....right let's keep moving" she then started to walk again but this time Jake was beside her "Steel you've been distant" he says watch made Steel roll her eye's at him "Hm well now you know that feeling" she mutters making him flinch a bit but then he says "Sorry.....i just... Huh i didn't want you to hate me...or i don't really have much trust in shines" Steel then widening her eyes and looked at him "Don't trust shines why?" Jake then glares "Well....look at Skylar and Skull....their shines and they where bad....not to mention Echo wow he's the worse of them all... I don't blame the king for killing shines for awhile i agreed to it" Steel stopped walking again this was news to her she really didn't know much about him "So you hated Shines! What about Rusty? Wasn't she a close friend of yours? You trusted her!" Jake let a sigh out "if I'm being honest with you....i hardly knew Rusty, i only seen her a few times in my life and it was always when i was in a bad spot like when i first met her was when i evolved into a jolteon" Steel tilted her head "How is evolving bad?" She asked and Jake gave a sad expression and sat down lowering his head "Well evolving is great but when i imagine evolving i saw myself as an espeon....but Skull forced a thunder stone on me, told me jolteon's where stronger then espeon's" he mutters. He pins his ears back before standing back up and looked a Steel "Rusty told me life's worth fighting for.....even if it's not exactly as planned and you and her showed me that not all shines are bad... Thanks honestly Steel i was lost before you came along" Steel stared at him not knowing how to react to this. 'I mean should i trust mad at him..but how long can i hold this grudge against him for?' Steel remained quite. As they started walking again.


The sun was at half point now. Steel and Jake both decided to take a break and go hunting and rest for a bit. Steel sniffed around hoping to find prey pokemon and soon enough she spotted some "Ah...." She lowers herself and slowly make her way before jumping at it and kills it fast. Steel then drags it to their resting spot and she waits for Jake to come back.

Jake's P.O.V

Jake glanced around looking for prey but no luck but then tbe bushes rattle and jake pricks his ears exactly only for them to fall flat against his head as a shiny sylveon walks out. Their was a nasty scar across her face but Jake knew 'Skylar!' His fur ruffled up in spikes as he got in a defence position and Growls at her. But the she just remains calm watch was vary unlike her. Jake knew better of what a nasty pokemon Skylar can be, he watch her kill his sister with out a care in the world. "Hello you think your winning don't you" her voice was cold but there was something else that caught him off guard he raised his head "Heh.... Still doing Echos dirty work better believe I'm winning" She then gave what spurs to be a sad look "Jake know i never wanted this....for us" Jake widened his eye's 'No....she can't be doing this' she slowly walks closer "Jake i know what your thinking....but hear me out please" she says rather fast but Jake barks in out rage "WHY SHOULD I?! WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU!!!!" Skylar back up a bit surprise at the valium of voice but keeps her cool "Because i love you! And i still believe we can work....but" Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing 'No she doesn't get it.....we will never work' but a small voice, an old voice in the back of his head wanted to believe that was true that him and Skylar could be mates that they'd have kids and grow old together 'But she ruined us....i love Steel now and I'm going to stay loyal to her now....I'd fight until my last breath for Steel' jake shock his head "No Skylar....their isn't hope for us... I'm with Steel killed my little sister!" Skylar narrows her eye's "I did what i had to do!" She spat "and I'll kill as meany as it takes to get my sweet revenge!'s business Jake nothing more" Jake bite his teeth together "It always was, wasn't? don't love me, you just want a male to do your every only loved that I'd do anything for you" he growls and Skylar smirks "you ain't wrong....but i really did cate about hurts that i hurt you jake....we could be happy together all you have to leave Steel help me kill her we'll stand beside each other....we'll be partners....we'll fight for each other... Just say you love me.....and I'm sorry about cheating on you with Skull, let's forget all that and just be happy together" she was now standing close to him and lightly touched him with her feelers and gave a sweet smile. Jake was lost in thought before he answers "Sounds good....but theirs one never would fight for me....would you? No you stomp on my heart. And I'm not that stupid your just trying to kill steel that's all this is....this isn't about us's about her" Skylar then let a hiss out "FINE! I gave you, your last chance your on the traitor list and so i have to kill you for that!" And with that Skylar used moon blast and Jake moved out of the way before using Thunder bolt and hite her she then used hyper beam hitting him vary hard. 'Arceus she's gotten a lit stronger then i remember' Jake tried for wild charge and Skylar was not fast enough to move so he hit her and pins her down now threatening to bite her neck but she used moonblast once again pushing him off and pins him down and scratched his chest drawing blood "Rhaaaah!!" He cried out in pain. Skylar lowers herself to his ear "Think of it could've been on the winning Echo" she raised her claws and Jane knew 'Shes going to kill me!' He struggles to get out of her grip but she was strong as her feelers also. Held him down but then she waz hit off by hyper voice and a shiny umbreon jumpped at her with claws and teeth "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" screached a vary angry Steel. Jake got to his paws to see them both rolling around in a nasty fight. Skylar clawed Steels eye but Steel used hyper voice again pushing Skylar away and hissed " I'll kill you for what you did!" Skylar just smirks "hehe now will you sweetie?"  Steel pulls hear lips back to a growl as but Jake gets in front of her "Steel she's not alone Souls near we need to get away not fight!" Steel glares at him.

Steel's P.O.V

Steel glares at him feeling her veins burning with anger as she remembers the shiny sylveon smirking over Angelicas bead body 'Hehehe....what's wrong....did i streak where it hurts the most?' Steel narrows her eyes she didn't care if it mean risking her life "I need this Jake....She killed Angelica i nee-" but jake cut her off "Believe me Steel you'll get it but nows not the time i won't let you risk your life" jake than grab Steel by the ear and pulled her away. Steel felt her heart pump but just followed jake knowing deep down that he was right as she hears Skylar calling "Soul their getting away!" 'Fuck Jake wasn't lying Soul really was their planning on attaching when lest expected' Steel noticed Jake wasn't running his full speed no he was running beside her making sure she was beside her "Come Steel this way" he says 'Maybe.....he dose care after all' jake led her to a hidden spot in the bushes and as she ran to hid she and so dose he. They stay untill it was clear. Steel stares at him "How did you know Soul was there?" She asked and Jake looks at her "He's clever with hiding but....I'll never forget his sent no matter what he dose" Steel nodes her head " more thing...thanks" he gives her a puzzled look "Thanks for what? You saved me back their she was going to kill me if you hadn't come" Steel's eye's widen "Really?...." He nods again "Yes....because i refuse to return to working with Echo" Steel smiles at him and chuckles "hehe...Skylar....but I'll kill her next time i see her" Jake smiles "....she's already dead to me....i had to watch her kill my only sister...i don't think I'll ever forgive her or forget how easily she did it...or the look on Christy face...." He then closed his eye's and Steel could see a sad look on his "Skylar did that?" He nods "yes some level i wanted her dead....but i wasn't strong enough to kill her emotionally....i still cared for her at the time so it was like a big slap when she did it....she didn't even look at me or care on how i felt after" Steel then moves closer "Jake I'm so sorry to hear this....i...i guess i was only thinking of my lose i forgot....others are also suffering from all this" Jake gave a sad smile "yeah.....but i had a part of how thing's got so bad....i can never make up for Shawn's death or for lying to you" Steel suddenly realized she wasn't mad at him anymore and she did trust him more then anypokemon "Jake....say you love me" she asked and the jolteon looks at her puzzled "uh....i love you" she smiles and kisses him and he kissed back and right there and then 'This is where i belong....Jake I'll always have you by my side...and I'll fight to keep it that way' they pull away and she say "i love you to....just promise'll always be loyal, that you'll never leave" Jake pushes against her "I promise Steel...I'll always be on your side....I'll give it all I've got" she them jumps at him pushing him to the ground and kissed him deeply exploring his mouth and he kissed back. Steel moans into the kiss before they part and she smirks as there eye's meet "....Your so beautiful Steel...has anyone ever told you that?" She giggles "they have now" she nuzzles as she cuddles close to him ".....i just want this to last forever....this moment" she mumbles. She noticed the sun was going down and lends her head in Jakes chest. The jolteon smiles and licks her on the check "night steel" he says sounding tired himself. Steel closed her eye's to sleep.


Steel wake started by the a snapping branch and lifted her head alert she looks at Jake sleeping soundly asleep 'how long have we been sleeping for?'
She got to her paws to notice it was night fall now and suddenly hears noice 'Someones near... Skylar and Soul!' Panic flickers in her but 'What if it's someone else like Matt and Dusty'
Her curiosity got the best of her and she walks over to the sound instead of waking Jake up she runs until she comes dace to face with a vaporeon she stops and glanced at him gasping in shock at the number of scars and his left ear was torn. Steel look at him and he stared at her for a moment and she swears I've seen this vaporeon before!....but where and who is he?....wait Angelica said she knew shawn and also.....wait is he'  Steel swallows before saying

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