Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)

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Blaze's P.O.V

The sun was setting and Blaze was tired he had his paws full all day he couldn't get any time to himself anymore I'd like to just relaxe for once...or spend some time with lovely Emma'
Blaze walked into the palace and was meet by Matt he glanced at him with a upset look "Blaze....i know you've been bissy lately but maybe you should talk to Ramune..." Blaze frowns remembering his brother. Ramune had killed his mate and unborn child to save Blaze. 'He hasn't been the same...he won't talk anymore or smile not to anyone it's almost like.... he killed himself as well'
Blaze noded to Matt "yea I'll do that do you know where he is?" Matt just shacks his head "no....but I'm warried about him..." Blaze just sigh "alright well I'll talk to him when i see him" Blaze keeps walking 'i hope he gets better....but tomorrow i promised Emma a date'
Blaze walk into his room to lay in his bed he curled up and drifted to sleep.


Blaze opens his eye's to find sun light shining in his face "ughh" he got up and he headed outside 'hmm finally i can relaxe and Emma will be here soon ah what a perfect day'
Blaze paded to the river where he said he'd meat Emma the lovely espeon.
Blaze stopped and took a few laps at the water then he heared pae steps "Blaze!" Blaze looked up to see Emma she ran up to him and pushed against him 'she seems really happy today'
Blaze smiled "Emma I'm so glad to see you" he purred and they glance in to each others eye's "I've been looking forward to seeing you again...i..." She didn't finish she sentence she just blushed instead. Blaze known her for a moon now and he also knew that the espeon was a vary shy one. Blaze paws the ground "i love you Emma" he said hopeing she felt the same way and she smiled blushing a deeper red. "I....i love you to Blaze" Blaze moves closer and soon they share a kiss there kiss lasted a few before Blaze pulled away "let's go for a walk" he said feeling happy and Emma giggles and they walk close together through the forest.


Blaze and Emma where walking through a flower field. The flowers where all white and some a light pink Blaze glanced at Emma how seemed to be enjoying the flowers. She was sniffing some of them. Blaze smiles and picks a few of them with his teeth and walks to her. She glanced at them "Oh Blaze" she said in a soft voice as she took them "hehe thanks" she giggled a bit and Blaze felt his heart beating "there beautiful....but not as beautiful as you" he said no caring if it was a cheesy she was more beautiful to him. "So hows Anglica lately?" He asked wanting to start a conversation. Emma looked to the flowers "She's uh she's fine i guess" Blaze frowns "um....did something happen?" Emma shock her head "no no she really is fine it's just she seems a little more well sad after i meet you...i can't figure her out" Blaze tilted his head "oh? know what never mind" Emma glanced at him "hey Blaze since your king dose that mean you have to fight in war?" Shevasked looking a bit warried. Blaze frowns before answering "well yes...but i got my brother looking out for me" Blaze froze 'oh shite Ramune....i forgot about him' Emma smiled "well that's good to know.." She then pushe up against him "mm your so soft hehe i love that your a flareon" she said in a sweet tone blaze noded "y-yea.... I love that your such a sweetheart" he said. And they sat down just cuddling close to each other.


The sun was setting and Blaze walked Emma back to her den "I'll see you soon" Blaze said and Emma gave him a kiss on his cheek "I'll miss you Blaze....I'll came visit as soon as i can" She said. Blaze found it hard to walk away but did so he was heading back to the palace but spotted a vaporeon sitting by the river 'Ramune!'
Blaze thought and walked up to him 'but i don't know if Ramune is still upset with me' Blaze sat beside his brother and glanced at him "....Ramune?... Are you going yo be alright?" Blaze asked geeling kinda scared of what his brother might do but Ramune just glanced with hollow eye's not saying anything. Blaze dropped his ears "uh...ok" Blaze said feeling a bit sad. Ramune let a sigh out ".....Blaze what are you doing?" Blaze then lifted his head "...what am i doing?... Uh I'm talking to you" Ramune rolled his eye's at him "....Blaze i..i want to be alone right now" Blaze frowns "Ok Ramune i know your going through a lot right but being alone is never a healthy choice" Ramune glatrd at him "I didn't care Blaze" he growled but Blaze didn't move "well i do your my brother and i care...your hideing and Arceus knows what you might do something crazy at this point" Blaze spat but Ramune just sat there with narrowed eyes "So what if i do...what's the point to life anyways and who even knows that there is a Arceus?" Blaze gasped in shock 'how cold he say that...Ramune was alway a believer he never would say something so... so down'
Blaze said "Ramune how cold you even say that?" Ramune sat there before drooping his head down ".....Blaze i.i didn't mean it....i do believe in Arceus and I'm not going to end my life if that's what your warried about" Ramune froze before saying "I'm just....well Julia was the love of my life and she was also with child...Blaze i lost my family how do you expect me to behave?" Blaze looked at him "sad...but strong you've alway's been the strongest..." Blaze said in hope that he could help his brother that he can reach him through he's words 'i just want the old Ramune back'

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