Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most

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Steel followed Anglica as they walk through the night trying to find a place to rest without being found by Killian's pack or Soul and Skylar. Steel narrowed her eye's thinking about what happened 'it's not fair....Skylar help that battle when it should've just been between Matt and Killian' Anglica caught this look on Steel "don't warry about it Steel thing's will work out in the end" Steel glanced at her feeling greatful to have Anglica as family. Dusty then walks up to them " do you think Matt and Jake will find us?" Steel didn't know how to answer she really wished Jake was here with her 'why did he run off?' Anglica answers for her "yes they will....mightyanaes have a great sense of smail"  Steel frpwns thinking of the jolteon 'but do jolteons?' Steel looks at the ground feeling warried. Dusty notices and looks at her "you alright Steel?" He asked in a quiet voice so that only she could hear him. Steel shakes her head "....i don't know Dusty" she mutters in a low tone. The lycanroc frowns "hmm...." He just hums to himself. Steel suddenly remebers after the war with Skull the next day dusty had said something that had made her wonder for s long time 'Steel the pokemon who killed my pack.....they where looking for a shiny umbreon.... not to many shiny umbreons live in the mountains' Steel's fur raised up as the thought hit her 'Maybe something is wrong with me....I'm the only one who has weird dreams and everone seems to be out to get me....they killed a entire pack over me!' Steel felt a shiver run through her as to one thought that made uncomfortable 'what....what if i am a curse?' Steel felt her heart bet fast as she slows down feeling a panic what if she was cursed what would happen to her if she was. Anglica glanced over to her "we should rest her" a voice cut in to her thoughts steel looked up to see Anglica looking at the other's. Nixon noded his agreement "yes it's well hidden and far from those dangrus pokemon" Dusty looked around "but it's close to the palace" Anglica glares at him "were did you think we're heading....we need Blaze on our side more then ever now" she said with a hit of announce before she went to find a place to sleep. Liam came up to Steel with a smug face "heh so Steel now thst Jake's gone wanna share a bed?" Steel pins her ear back with announce "Oh please Liam even if Jake never comes back i'd never share a bed with you" She groels before taking off on him and finding s place to lay down until she spoted Dusty 'hmm maybe i can finally get the full story....of what happened to his pack' she got back up and headed over to Dusty and settled down beside him "hey" she says to him. Dusty jumps a bit with suprised before gazing at her "uh Steel heh what's up?" He said with a nervous smile, Steel felt confused by this Dusty has been her closet friend growing up he never was nervous to talk to her. Steel lowers he gaze feeling kinda out of place asking but she really wanted to know "i was never told me what happened to your pack" Dusty stared with a blank look before hevturns his head away "jezz Steel i don't know.....i don't like talking about it....i mean it happened a vary long time ago I'd hate to be reminded" Steel let a sigh out "yea but.....i.....never mind your right it's not my place to be asking you this" Steel lowers her head feeling guilty of asking this but then she hears the Lyaconroc say "it was to weeks after you left......." Steel glanced at him 'i guess he's going to tell me after all?' Dusty shifted to a sitting permission and went on to tell her his story.

Dusty's story:

Dusty's P.O.V

Dusty was low to the ground glaring at the pray that was in front of him, the stantler was unaware of him and his pack mate's He could feel the ricky serfuce of the mountains under his paws ".....Dusty remember your suppose to scare it towerds us okay me and Carter are heading out now" and then the two daylight lycanrocs quickly made their way around the stantler without being noticed then they gave the single to move fowerd. Dusty slowly creeped fowerd to the pray before he Sprint outwards with aoud growl that startles the stantler. It took of kicking up dust as it took off Dusty ran after it snapping his sharp teeth at it's back lages before another lycanroc joyens the hunt and snapped at it's right side to scare it to the left where tbe rest of the hunters where waiting. When the stantler got close to the other hunters they leap out of ther spot and bite at it's front lages. Tbe Stantler was now trspped in between the four lycanrocs. Dusty then throw himself at it using bitr on it to weaken it. It let out a cry of pain as the other Lyacnrocs jumprd at it forcing it to the ground then Carter snap his large teeth at it's throat to end it's life. Bleed ran fown its neck and in to the rocks the lead hunter then howls "Great hunt...Alpha will be please with our hunt.... The pack will eat good tonight" he then bites the front lage of it and started to drage it Dusty also grabed it and helpped to tack it back to camp where a hungry pack awaits.

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