Chapter 48 : The problem with love

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Darkness spread around the dark dusty tree's. Steel glanced around feeling safe 'What is this?....i feel like I've seen this i awak or is this another dream?' Steel walked around feelimg odd but then a familiar voice speaks "That Espeon isn't the only one who can connect you" Steel's breath went thine and her fur ruffled and her clows slid against the ruff ground under her "....Skull" she breathed feeling anger and hate for the shiny houndoom. She turned to face him her yellow glare was a cold one as she hissed at him "What are you doing here!" Skull smirks as he lays down on a rock and let's a chuckle out bfore saying "Belive it or not but I'm giving advice....about my half know Jake" Steel pined her ears back and growls "Why would i take advice from you?! Your crazy, you killed Shawn in a vary disturbing way! And you even hurt Jake....he never told me but i could see it in his eye's when i talked about you" Skull let a laugh out after and stood up on all fours walking up to Steel "Aloof he is am i right? you ever wonder why he is?" Steel narrows her eye's before looking away from him "yea Skylar broke his heart....he's just having truble trusting again" Skull rolled his eye's "Ugggh love really is blind ain't it....well Steel you are right about that but that's not his hole story....Jake works for Echo like i did....he spyed on you.... Ever wonder how i found Shawn in his den?" Steels ears slowly lift up as she thought about it 'Jake was really snapy and grumpy at the time and he.....really didn't want to go after Skull when he took shawn....and he seemed in a hurry all the time but since we met in everfree forest he's....different still distant but....not in the same he's hiding something' Steel suddenly felt a deep pain in her chest as she looked over to skull but then shook her head "No, no your wrong! He wouldn't have done something so awful!" She snap in anger but Skull just turned in her "Heh don't belive me....but it's true, Jake isn't a jolteon to trust" was the last thing she heared.


Steel snaps open her eye's to see the moon light. She got to glance around. She was in the undergrowth. She let a sigh out but she knew Skull was really there 'ugh i feel so lost right now....why would Skulk tell me this?'s not true he's trying to hurt me That's all this is!' Steel got to her paws and headed to the water, she was feeling a little down at the moment. Still thinking of Anglica and partly because of Jake 'the sad truth is i still hardly know him....he was going to tell me something important but Dysty got in the way....was he...was he going to tell me what skull told me?' The more she thought about it the more it sounded like the truth. She remembered the random guilt in the jolteons eye's. Steel closed her eye's tightly not wanting it to be true. "It's true though" Steel looked in the water to see that red umbreon glaring at her. Steel stared for a bit before running away from it 'What is happening? Where Emma and Shawn? Why are all these dark pokemon contraction me?' Then one thought hit Steel as she ran 'I'm on my own right now.... I need help.....i need to help Blaze now so he can help me'
Steel then picked up a familiar sent and came to a stop and glanced in the direction then out of the byshies stepped out was a jolteon and Steel knew it was Jake. The jolteon had a look of warry and stress before he let out a sigh of relief "Steel thank Arceus i found you!" Steel backed away remebering what skull said 'He worked for Echo' Jake tilted his head "Steel are you alright?.... I heared about Anglica and I'm sorry" he said now in front of her. Steel then locked eye's knowing she had to say something and she dose "Is it true?" Jake looked puzzled by this "huh? What's true?" Steel looked away "where you working for Echo? Did you spy on me?!" Now she looked at him to see a look of fear and guilt mixed with shock. He backed up and avoided her gaze with his ears now dropped against his head ".....Steel i... Yes it's true but hear me out" Steel eye's widen before her fur ruffles and she yells "How could you! I trusted you! I loved you!.....did you even care about me or was this just part of Echos plan!?!" Jake lowers his head before growling back "it's not like that Steel.... I no longer listen to him! I.....i no longer get walk on I'm a changed jolteon....please Steel i can explain everything!" He desperately tryed to convince her but Steel just shook her head asshe back away from him "You lied to me Jake and now i.....i can't with you..." Tears started to form under her eye's as she tryed to get tje words out but her voice was all over tbe place as she tryed to keep strong and bit give in to her hurt. Steel just turned away not wanting to look at the jolteon any longer. "No Steel please don't do this! I need you in my life and I'm, so sorry" his voice cracked at the end of his sentence as tears of his own started to form. Steel couldn't handle it anymore and she took off in a sprint. But jake ran after her cutting her off dude to him being a jolteon. She stop and glares at him with tear filled eye's "Leave me alone! I don't want to see you anymore!" She scratched at him. Jake gave a sad expression "Steel....i never wanted to hurt you i do love you please j-" Steel turns away abd cut him off "Jake I'm sorry but you hurt me badly....and i don't think there's anything you can do to or say fix this.....we're done now please leave me alone" she now closed her eye's feeling the tears run down her cheek. She swear she could feel ber heart shatter into a million pieces. Jake stood silence after looking sad and he back off "......if you really want me to leave.....then I'll go" he then turned away and dashed off. Steel didn't dare look behind her as she let her sobs out and sat where she was 'Why.....Why Arceys!.....why's it gotta ve me everyone's attacking? Ehat did i ever do!' She closed her eyes tightly wishing, hoping for this to not be real. 'I want him back but.....dose he even like me? No he was working with Echo this hole time. He lied to me meny times......this was Echos plan wasn't it'

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