Chapter 30 : The king of everfree

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Anglica's P.O.V

Anglica stared at Steel with shoock she couldn't believe what she just heared "Shawn? shawn a leafeon?" Steel titled her head
"y-yes....why dose everyone ask that?" Anglica felt confused "No that can't be right Shawn never had kid's" Anglica said and Steel backed up she most of felt uncomfortable. "Uh....well he did because he's my dad" Anglica frowns "oh yeah who's your mom then?" The shiny umbreon frowns "she's dead....thanks for that" she said with narrowed eye's Anglica looked doen feeling bad for going there "huh...look I'm not trying to start's just i knew a leafeon named Shawn most be a different leafeon maybe" she mumbled 'but what if that is the shawn i know' she glance at steel "Can i meet your dad after?" Steel frowns and shacks her head "no... he's dead...skull killed him" Anglica grasped feeling even worse 'my Arceus...if that was the Shawn i know then....Shawns dead'

Steel's P.O.V

Steel eye's her "uh look I'm heading back to get some sleep..." Steel szid and strted to walk but noticed that the shiny glaceon looked warried but she just keeped walking 'ugh i feel like everyone is always being confuseing even Matt says stuff like why dose he want to know the espeons name?'
Steel got there and Jake was already asleep so steel lay beside him and eats her pray and then gose sto sleep.


The sun raises and Steel opens her eye's to see Jake glanceing at her "Morning Steel...we've been waiting for you to wake up" Steel got up to see Anglica as well glanceing at her "yep we got a long way to go yet" Steel noded "Alright then whst are we waitting for then" Anglica smiled "You silly hehehe I'm sorry but it is true" Steel's fur ruffled 'that reminds me of Skylar' Steel hated the thought of the shiny Sylveon. They head out and once again Anglica leads the way.
Steel followed closely behind with Jake by her side "....Steel what's on your mind?" Steel glanced at him "Say what?" Jake just smiled "you can't hide grom me now Steel....i know something is bugging you" Steel then frowns "oh....well last night when i went for a hunt with Anglica she asked who teached me to hunt i said shawn as in my dad and...." Steel froze to think about it for a bit then said "And she told me Shawn never had children...that she knew a leafeon named Shawn...." Jake looked surprised " you believe her?" Steel shook her head "Nah....i don't think she's lieing i just think she dosen't know...or that it's a different leafeon" Steel said but Jake had a look that said "How meny leafeons named Shawn are there?" Steel just looked away "let's not talk about it anymore alright" Jake noded "Alright then....i wouldn't want to upset you" Steel glanced at him with a smile.
Anglica looked over her shoulders at them but didn't say anything. She just looked away 'Shes been quite since our talk' Steel thought to herself.


The sun was now at half point and the three pokemon stopped for a hunting break. Steel was walking alone looking for pray pokemon. When she spotted one she lowered her self and crepes fowerd then gose for the kill fast but Steel stopped when she her somwthing she flicked her ears. And walked towards the noise and she saw Anglica sitting with her head down. Steel felt curious towerds her so she walked to her "....Anglica?" Anglica shot her head up fast as if she was scared "What!?....oh Steel it's snuk up on me" She said but her voice was a bit cracked and she looked away to avoid eye contact. Steel could tell that the shiny glaceon was sad "hmm....what's wrong?" Steel asked but Anglica just glares ".....that's none of your business" Steel narrowed her eye's remembering Jake saying the same 'why don't anyone ever want to talk?'
Anglica then calmed her fur "Look steel i don't want to drag you into something....i don't even know why you would want to help out anyways" Steel looked to the side ".....someone told me to help him so I'm going to help" Anglica stood up "So you just do everything anyone tells you to do?" Steel shook her head "know...this was different it was someone important" Anglica noded "i guess i understand then...." She then looked around "we should go again where's that jolteon?" Anglica says and steel got up "I'll get him" She ran off looking for Jake. And thy lefted again to head to the palace "We're getting closer to the everfree palace" Anglica said Jake frowns "so any plans on what we're going to do when we get there?" Anglica frowns as well "hmm....we need to get by the mightyanae pack and the guards....Blaze got a lot of them and they'll attack any shiny they see" Jake then smirks "yea but I'm not a shiny so maybe they'll let me in" Anglica shook her head "even if you do he won't listen to you...he knows me and maybe i can break some ice" she said. Steel was lost in thought 'how in Arceus name are we getting in?'

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