Chapter 12 : Will you fight?

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The sun was rising and Jake invited steel to stay in his dean until she found a new dean plus she was helping him with his injure.

Steel and jake were a sleep in the dean

"Steel... Hey steel wake up"

Steel opened her eye's to see Skylar in front of her "ahh!" Steel jump to her paw with shock "what are you doing here!?!"

The sylveon glanced at her with a warried look "well sorry...but i saw what happened at the river i wanted to make sure you were Alright sweetie" the umbreon narrowed her yellow eyes at her 'she was watching... And did nothing to help!'

Steel walked up to her "so you meen to tell me that you saw us in trouble but didn't do anything" Steel growled eagerly.

Skylar noded "yes... But I'm most sorry dear i didn't want skull to see me... Or help that stupid jolteon" Her eyes darkened and the end of that.

'So she only cares about me'

Skylar looked at Jake who was sleeping then back at steel "Steel darling... You should leave this awful forest" she grabbed steel with her ribbons but steel bit them "owe!!! What was that for?"

Steel glared "that's for touching me! I don't like being touched...and no I'm not leaving this forest now go away!" Steel yelled in her face.

'I do not have the patience for her'

Skylar narrowed her eyes

" know steel i didn't do anything to why you alway so rude"  Steel growled with a twiching eye "Can't you take a hint! I don't like you! Now leave" Steel turnrd away with announces

'Why can't she just leave me alone!'

Skylar bit her teeth together "...Steel I'm trying to help you!" Steel turned sharply to look at her "Trying to help!?... Are you shitting me? Because your no help... You are a stalker... You even fight with Jake and he did nothing to you!" Steel yelled at the sylveon. Skylar was quite with a bit of a sad look "...i-I'm sorry... Steel i didn't meen to stalk you...a-and for Jake he used to be my mate..until he decided other wise... You can't expect me to be nice to him" Steel's mouth fell opened at those wards that Skylar spoke. 'Skylar was mates with Jake?...'

The shiny umbreon narrowed her eye's at the shiny sylveon " you most be lieing to me... Jake would tell-Wait"  steel frowned 'would Jake tell me...he dosen't really share anything in his life..but he wouldn't lie would he?'

Skylar walk closer to the confused umbreon "Oh Steel..that's the problem with him.. He wouldn't tell you..he dosen't tell any pokemon anything" Steel growled at her she couldn't help but feel  jealous of the shiny sylveon and angry. "...well i don't care... If that's true or not... It dosen't matter now because your not his mate now so bet it!" Skylar shook her head in disappointment "...oh steel you'll learn the hard way.." Skylar turned way and headed out but stopped at the endurance and looked back at Steel " of luck sweetie" and with that she was gone.

Steel stared for a bit before looking at the sleeping jolteon.

'..dose he even like me...the way i like him? Or am i just a friend and nothing else...' The thought was killing her she didn't like the thought that he was with Skylar and had told her a lie about why they were fighting.

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