Chapter 34 : A Cures

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The blue moon was still high in the sky and the wind had picked up. Steel and jake tilted there heads "Um Ramune? who's he and where's he at because i don't like that ninetales and if he can help then-" but Anglica stoped her there "he's my brother In low A.K.A Blaze's brther....and i....i actually don't know where he's at i mean i left to live somewhere else when all the truble happend so when i got here i found out that Ramune dosen't live here anymore" she says looking kinda warried. Jake frowns "well that helps" Jake grumbled Anglica eyed him "hey it's my fault....honistly if anyone's ro blam I'd like to know why pokemon are ageist you!" She said pointing at Steel. Steel drops her ears but then narrows her eye's "well I'd like to know that too.....i didn't do anything...but yet he tells me i wasn't supposed to live....ugh I'm so confused" Steel said letting herself fall to the ground to think 'And the blue moon is the forest really cursed?'
Anglica glanced at her "it's as if....just maybe....nah there's no way" The shiny glaceon was talking to herself in a low voice but steel could hear "as if what?" Steel said getting back up to look at the shiny glaceon but she turned away from her ".....Are...are you sure you found that scarf?" Steel noded but this time a bit puzzled she felt. "Yea I'm sure...why do you keep asking?" She says and Anglica just glanced the other way "....whatever.....we need water type on our side...." Anglica said and Jake frowns "i don't know anyone who is a water type...." Jake said look at his paws and shifting them. Anglica started to walk away "i need a drink" she mutters leaving Jake and Steel alone. Steel frowns And looks at Jake. " you believe that ninetales?" Kaje asked caching Steel off gourd "huh? heared what he said?" She asked and Jake hesitated before saying "y-yes....i you believe it though?" Steel sat down and looked at the blue moon "....i honistly don't know what to believe right now.....i feel like I'm going crazy....i just want a narmal life" steel lowers her head and glanced at jake " that to much to ask for?"  Jake sat beside her "....apparently it's all i want but everfree is not normal everyone here are well not nice...." Steel pushed closer to him " less i got you" she whispers somehow feeling better by it "I love Steel" he whispered back with a smirk.

Dusty's P.O.V

Dusty follows close behind Matt as he lead the way Mocho was sitting on the mightyanaes back eating an apple ".....You know Dusty your warried over nothing I'm sure she's fine....i could senses she's strong at heart....and muscles ...hehe" she said giggling a bit. Dusty felt a bit annoyed with the smalle meowstic. "Uh hu.....why can't we eat her again?" Dusty said and Matt growls "first she's a friend you know anything about healing?....i mean come on Dusty, she's the one who saved you when we found you beat up and on the edge of death" Dusty lowers his head knowing that Matt was right on that. Mocho frowns at Dusty "You know by this time I'd think you would have respect" she huffed and Dusty rolled his eye's "oh come on i wasn't being serious now!" Dusty defended himself. Liam had a bored face "......hmm do you think Steel would like a rose or tulip?" Dusty glaers at him "none...don't you even pay attention to her?" Dusty said fustrated with the umbreon and he smirks "yes i do if i didn't i wouldn't know she was a shiny" Dusty glance at him " really are stupid aren't you" Dusty said and liam pushed him "hey you don't need brians when you look this good~" he said puffing his fur out and Matt and Mocho started to giggle and Dusty just glars at him "....we should be paying attention to where Steel and the others went" Mocho finally says and Dusty noded his agreement. Liam stops though "but I'm hungry!....can we hunt now?" Matt shared a glance with Mocho ".....Why he with us?" Matt asked and Dusty shrugs "beats me i don't even like him.....i mean sure he was good help when knig took steel but now.....he's just a drag" Mocho jumps off Matts back and glanced at liam "why not pick an apple and be quite we all eat earler and we need to make good time" she say and liam frowns making Dusty want to yell at him 'There are latterly a lot of apples here most of the tree in fact!' Dusty started to growle "but i don't like apples....i want something good" Matt just hesitated "....well to bad!....look I'm hungry to but we don't have time so suck it up" and the he ckeeped walking Dusty and mocho follows him and Liam follows slowly grumbling to himself. But then Matt stop as soon as they rexmched a cliff. Dusty felt puzzled untill he saw why the one eyes mightyanae stopped. The moon was huge and a bright blue. Dusty suddenly got happy and felt the erig to start howling that is untill mocho said "The blue moon.....they say it brins peace...but i sense something other a darkness, hate....something bad is happening" Matt glanced at her "What?...Mocho what bad thing could possibly happen?" Dusty suddenly felt sick to the stomach. "How can a blue moon be bad though?" Dusty asked but Mocho just shock her head " i don't know's just my psychic pawer.....stand back" Matt and dusty backed up and mocho closed her eye's and her ear opend to show two eye like pattern and it startsto glow and she ".......i see's sounding us.......hmm....." She then opens her eyes and closer her ears once again. Dusty then leaned closer feeling losed "um....what?" Matt glanced at Dusty "Mochos ears is where the psychic pawer is hidden" Matt explained to him Dusty then noded. Mocho glanced at them "......." She looked rather scared or upset. Dusty and Matt soon grow warried " everything alright?" Dusty asked but She shock her head " not alright" she said and looked up at them ".......we are all in truble" as she was talking there was a louhed
Dusty, Matt and Mocho glanced at the sky to see a ball of fire chargein at them. Liam stared at it wide eye's Matt grabed him by the scruff and they ran and the fire ball smashed on to the ground with another louhed
Mocho and them stopped and tured to see what almost hit them"What in Arceus name?....dose that have anything to do with this darkness thing?" Matt asked Mocho who looked surprised as well "" she said. Dusty walk closer to where the fire was but the flames where light and dieing. He narrowed his eye's. He saw that there was a charizard laying there "Hey guy's...there's charizard here!" Mocho ran to his side and use psychic to put out the remaining flames and Matt ran to the charizard's side "Sir...hello Sir!?!" Matt pushed his muzzle against his neck to try and help him up. The charizard slowly got up and glanced around confused looking. "Sir are you alright?....what happened?" Matf asked him with concern.the charizard glanced athim "....i have a few cuts but I'll pull through....and um....i.i don't know what happened i was flying to leave see i don't actually live here i was just flying through abd it's such a big forest i guess I've been flying for seven days....i guess i just got tired....but it felt like i flyed into a wall of some sort but i don't see there a wall around here?" He asked and Mocho shock her head "no but we are on the edge of the territory" she says Dusty frowns "that dosen't make a lot of senses" Mocho frowns "it dose through there is a wall.....a wall of darkness it's bilt of hate and anger a evil soul one close to darkrai himself" she closed her eye's Dusty stared at her "w-what...." Dusty felt a bit of panick "well we can't stick around we have to find Steel now more then ever!"

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