Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)

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The sun was going down the forest seemed to be quite that evening. Jake, Skull and Crystal where walking trying to find a new den to live in.
But that was an esy task.
Jake found himself glaring at Skull the hole time "Jake..." Crystal the glaceon said look hopeless she walked close to him Skull glared at them "humff you know Jake i always thought you'd be tuther then this" he snarled and Jake's fur stood up "Well i guess I'm just not what you wanted me to be and you know what I'm glad!" Skull pulled his lips back to show his teeth but Crystal walk between them "No we can't be fighting each other!....we only have each other" She says but Jake frowns "No Crystal i only have you.... We can't
ignore the fact that Skull killed our mother!!!" Jake yelled 'and i just can't trust him anymore'
Skull stepped up with a outraged look "She wasn't my mother and your one to talk this is all your fault you ungrateful bastard!! I'VE DONE EVERTHING FOR YOU!!!!" Skull howls Jake felt pure hate towerds his half brther "MY FAULT?!?!" Jake was getting ready to attack the shiny houndoom but Crystal stepped in his way "JAKE STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!...we all had something to do with this disaster all right but fighting isn't going to help" Jake lowers his head knowing his little sister was right fighting is how this even started. "Alright your right Crystal we need to stay calm" Skull just glared at her with a death look "....i hate you both" he mumbled to himself.


The moon was now fully out and Jake had final2 found a den for him and Crystal. Skull made his own den a cross from them jake curled up to sleep in his new den "Jake?" Jake lifed jid head to look at his sister. She had a frown "you don't think he'll attack us?" She asked him "Who Skull?....i-i don't know but i don't trust him through he killed mom Crystal" Crystal lay beside him she had tears in her eyes "....i miss her Jake but at less dad can't hurt us anymore" she lay her head close to his "I know....i miss her to" Jake close his eye's to sleep.


Jake wake up with the sun shining in his eye's and got to his paws Crystal was still asleep so Jake left the den he looked over to see Skull sitting by his den "Jake good your funally wake" he walked up to him. Jake narrowed his eye's "What do you want?" Jake asked. "I just wanted you to came hunting with me" Skull said calm but Jake turned away "Sorry Skull but i want to be alone right now" he said and walked away and to his surprise Skull didn't follow him 'good for once he's leaving me be'
Jake was sniffing around for pray pokemon and then he spotted a pidgey sitting in a tree Jake stared for a bit and tryed to use a thunder bolt but it failed miserably and the pidgey saw him and tryed to fly away but it stipped in midd air. Jake got confused by this he watched as it panicked in the air snd it's neck then snaps and the dead boy floats down to the ground 'What in Arceus name?'
Jake walked up to the fresh kill "Hey stay away!!" Jake then backed up when a male espeon jumps out of the bushis "shis is my pray!!" Jake flatten his ears "I'm sorry i don't want truble" jake said but he couldn't help feel jealous of this espeon
'Hmff i wish i could be a espeon'
The episode narrowed his eyes and gave a nasty hiss "Then bet it loser or you'll hsve truble!!" Jake felt taken back by this and narrows his eye's back "Now wait just a second i saw that pray first you can't just came and steal from other's" jake growled but the espeon just hissed "yeah well i caught it first you snooze you lose" jake felt out raged by this espeons attitude. But let himself relaxe "Alrigjt that's far but please with a kind heart i have a younger sister to support I'm desperate for food and am not used to my electric pawer yet please can i have this pray i may not be able to catch another" Jake said in hope that maybe he was a kind pokemon the espeon just glared "um no i said bet it it's not my fault your to week to survive now leave before i claw your eyes out" Jake stared in disbelief 'How can he be so heartless?'
Jakes claws slide out and he baryed his teeth in a snarl 'am not week!...I'm not going to die because of lack of food!'
Feeling hate, anger and jealousy toward the espeon Jake used shadow ball at him hitting him in the side "GRRRAAAA!!!" he yelped in pain but got up "Oh that's it your dead jolteon!!" He used peybeam and hit Jake. Jake felt a wave of pain struck through him abd got up and with all his strength tryed for a thunder attack he held his head not giving up and the attack struck the espeon with a shock of lightning then jake used quick attack and end this espeon. The espeon was knocked out and the pray lay beside him and but jake walked up to the pray ans picked it up but noticed the espeon had his his head on a rock there was blood pooring out and he wasn't breathing. Jake drooped the pray "Oh my Arceus he's dead!" Jake felt panick and guilt he started to breath hevey "Oh Arceus what have i done....i didn't mean for him to die" Jake pasted back and fourth "Jake?" Jake snaped his head up to see Skull looking shocked "Skull i.i.i didn't mean to i was just desperate for the pray and he...a.and i and then-" Jake couldn't even talk strat but Skull ran up to him "Jake snap out of it. it's not a big deal so what he's dead who cares!" Jake stared at him with disbelieve "Not a big deal Skull i kill someone! Yes that's a big deal!!" Jake yelled bit Skull just chuckles "Oh Jake everyone kills to's a show of true strength those like us we live those like him die those like our sister don't stand a chance and that's why they don't deserve to live" Jake droops his mouth opened 'How could skull think like this?'
Skull smirks "hehe see Jake this is why i choose you to be a jolteon. Jolteon's have strength espeon's are week now do you see?" Jake then narrowed his eye's " i don't see snd you choose for me to be jolteon? How dare you that wasn't your choose!! It was mine and i wanted to be a espeon i don't care what you think i could of been stronger as a espeon!!" Jake felt tears forming at the corner of his eye's the pain of being a jolteon was killing him everyday "Oh stop crying like a little eevee grow up already!!" Jske just shock his head "Stop it Skull I'm not your puppet leave me alone you ruined my life" Skull just tilt his head back "hmm well jake i wander what Crystal will think of you killing a espeon?....because of jealousy?....yeah jake i saw that hole thing it was clear that you were jealous of him rhat you hated his guts just because he's a espeon hmm" Jake rase a brow "uh and what are you getting at?" Skull walked around him "well can you keep a secret Jakey?" Jake frowns "um why are you calling me Jakey?" Skull leands closer to him "hmm well jake let's just say i kill insist pokemon all the time i want you to do as i say or i spell your secret how dose that sound bro?" Jake couldn't believe what Skull just said "What?" Jake stepped back and skull just chuckles "yea that's right you heared me i want you to do as i say or I'll tell on you....everyone knows the rules are only kill for survival but you killed out of jealousy" jake growled "Not true i didn't mean for him to die it was accident i swear a.and even if i did mean to kill it was for survival i needed that pray" Skull just shock his head "Oh jake who's going to believe that?....the jolteon who wanted to be a espeon killed a espeon by accident Huh? No one that's who" Jake felt his hole world shatter 'he right no one would believe me'
Jake droop his head in defeat " what exactly?" Skull pulled away with a evil smile "hehe well I'll just tell you when the time cames" Jake just growls but dosen't say anything. Skull smiled "Jake i helped you all my life because i like you as my brother i want you in my life" Jake snarls "Help me? Your a control freak all you ever done was boss me around in fact you just did it!" Skull turnd away "ha you'll see it my way eventually Jake believe me, me and you will be the strongest there ever was" he then walked away. Jake frowns and grabs his pray and heads home 'I knew i couldn't trust Skull.'

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