Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)

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Ramune's P.O.V

The sun was raising over the tree's and everypokemon was waking. Ramune sat by the river as alway's. His clows gripped the rock and he glared into the water feel a bit hurt. Just as the shiny glaceon had said, his brother was getting married 'but why didn't he tell me? i unimportant to him?....dose.....dose blood mean nothing?' The thought mad his blood boil but he tryed to keep his cool for he didn't want to fight with Blaze anymore 'It didn't end well last time....besides....even if he dosen't care about me i shall always have his back....right?' Then a umbreon walks over "Hey Ramune hehe exited for your brother?.....the wedden is tomorrow" that was Shadow Shawn older brother. Ramune frowns as his tail flickers "Yea....he wants be to be his best pokemon but i don't know this girl he's mating with...inly that her name's Emma and an espeon...that's all....ugh dose blaze even care?.....or is he just that stupid?" Shadow frowns and sat beside the vapreon "well maybe you should talk to him...there could of been a misunderstanding...." Ramune then got to his paws "huh.....maybe your right....i should talk this out before i do something stupid again" Shadow looked puzzled "Again?....have you done something before?" Ramune's tail dropped as he remember the bitterness towerds Blaze 'And for what?....because he was king?....because i was to jealousy to see what i was blind that i trusted a disloyal bitch into my life'
Ramune then shook the thought away 'No i was lost then but now i am were i want to be' Ramune then headed to the castle without answering the question his friend had asked.


Ramune walked into the palace and headed to were he knew Blaze would be. He headed up stairs to find bot only Blaze but an espeon Ramune froze in place as he glanced at the stranger knowing that had yo be Emma. Blaze turns gis gaze to Ramune and so dose Emma. "Oh hello there" the espeon said quietly. Ramune walk right into the den and glanced at Emma "Hey there i don't belive we met....I'm case you didn't know" he couldn't help but growl at the end but honistly he wasn't mad at her but towards blaze a bit "Ramune uh I'm kinda bussy right now" Ramune stayed quite but then said "Blaze....we need to talk, alone"  he said giving Emma a look. She shoveled her paws before saying "Alright I'll leave you two alone for a bit" she then leavesthe room and Nlaze glares at Ramune "huh....what is it then?" He mutters 'jezz he really dosen't care dose he' Ramune sat dawn and stared at his older brother "So....why didn't you tell me?" He asked and Blaze gave a puzzled look "huh....tell you what?" Ramune glared at him "Emma....the espeon! Your taking her as your mate watch also means she's taking the role of queen watch it kinda a big deal!" He snapped Blaze then frowns "Oh that...well in my defense when i tryed telling you well you didn't really care in fact we got into a fight that day" Ramune bit back a snarl and let a deep breath out "Alright....that's fair....but why didn't you try these past day' tell me?" He said it in a much calmer way to be sure truble won't strat. Blaze gave a sad look "....i....i was warried.... and a little scared" Ramune felt lost with tne answer he got "What do you mean?...why would you be scared or warried about what?" Blaze shuffle his paws as if he was to scared to even answer but he took a deep breath "i was warried because of where depressed and i thought that it would upset you...i was scared you'd get mad at me all over again...and honistly i don't want to fight with you...not like before" Ramune felt lost for words after not knowing what to say. "Oh...." Was all he could think to say. 'guess he has that right....i was kinda being a deep downer after Julia's death and betrayal' Ramune that noded "Ok...yea i guess i understand and honistly i don't want to fight either....but i wouldn't have gotten mad Blaze"  Blaze then smiled "well that's a sorry i didn't say anything until now....but you'll come tomorrow right?" Ramune noded "yeah i wouldn't miss it" Ramune then headed out the door to see Emma sitting there she looked away when he walk by. He headed to the river to go for a swim and hunting.

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