Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's

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Steel glared at Skylar with pure hate 'she's crazy...because of her Anglica is going to die...and she's making threats. I'm staying in everfree'

Dusty howled in anger "what you can't do that! We'll just find more peacha Barry's!"

Dusty growlsa

Skylar just smirks "oh good luck there ain't any left...there wete wiped out in the forest fire long a go" she she thrn glared at seel "so what's it going to be huh?...leave and save your friend or stay and watch her die" Steel let growl out "I'm staying her!... The more you try to get ride of me the more i want to stay...why do you want me to leave huh?" Skylar looked annoyed "....i have my leave or do i have to do this the hard way?" Liam walk up beside Steel "'d lose if your talking about a fight your out membered" she rolled her eyes "yea and two of them are dark tyes so really i just have to take out the lycanroc" she stared to walk towards them and steel felt a bit nervous 'Shes right me and Liam don't stand a chance and I'm not sure were Dusty stands it the fighting world'

Skylar ran to Liam and used

Moonblast and Liam out out like a light 'Holly mew she's strong!'

Dusty looked shocked but he didn't stand down but before Steel new it Skylar was on top of her and she heard Dusty yell with panic "STEEL!"

And Skylar used Moorblast but steel was still awake she was a bit tuther then liam but the shiny Sylveon used disarming voice and steel was taking by darkness as she fainted.


Steel felt dizzy as she lay still. She rolled to her right sided and tarted to shiver 'whys it so could?'

She opened her eye's to see a night sky but there was clouds blocking the moon and star's.

She found her self by the oak tree, the tree that was call tree of soul's.

'But where did everyone else go?'

She was alone no one but her was there but then she's felt a heat rising like a flame form a fire and someone was running towerds her "huh?" Steel backed up when a ninetales jumps into view his eye's where a sinister red and they were filled with hunger there was blood dripping from his mouth. Steel just stared "'s time for this to end" he's voice was so slick. Steel winded her eye's 'what does he mean is he going to kill me?'

The ninetales run right at her Steel was ready to fight but she felt horrified when she saw the army of pokemon following most fire and electric types some dark and some water. Steel just stood there but to her shock the ninetales ran right through her as if she was a ghost type.

Fear shoot through her and she turned around to see another army of pokemon the one in front was a flareon and the two army's smashed together into a fight and steel was in the middle of it all.

Steel felt panic running in her 'Whats happening!?!'

She ran around trying to find her way out and she noticed thst no pokemon seened to notice her they just keep fight steel watch at a vaporeon ripped a houndoom open and his guts fell oit "For everfree!" The vaporeon called and he ran he looked big in muscles.

Steel saw pokemon being killed lefted and right and the trees were on fire Steel ran she didn't want to see anymore of this she saw a bunch of kids being killed and the ground was soon nothing but blood and guts 'Holly mew.. This is way worse then the war with skull!...this-this is just sick!'

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