Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)

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Blaze's P.O.V

The sun was setting and it's bright light reflected Blaze's fluffy fur as he headed to the palace by himself to see Shawn. He was hoping the leafeon could help Echo with his memory loss. Be entered tbe castle to see Shawn talking with Emma. The two glanced at him. Emma purred with delight "Blaze your back.....hey where Ramune?" Shawn then looked consernd when realizing his mate wasn't with him. Blaze smiles "he's fine....he's still out hunting but... Shawn i was hoping you could help me" he said. The leafeon nodded before asking "with what?" Blaze then met a sigh out "it's this pikachu....he's not from here and knows nothing of his past" Shawn frowns and flicks his tail "that's unfortunate.....there is no cure for memory lose if that's what your asking" Blaze let a fusterated grunt out "ugh are you sure? Shirley he can't just not ever remember who he is!" Shawn narrows his brown eye's "well sorry to tell you but that could be the case!" Shawn the looked else where before saying "our memory's are important and there a mystery... Only Arceuse knows how to cure's up to him to give this pikachus memory back" Blaze frowns thinking to himself 'before saying "but there's a chance right?" The leafeon then took a few licks at his paw before saying "yes.....but it could be a vary long time.... Or it could never come back" Emma let a sigh out pinning her ears back "guess life can be unfair sometimes...." She looked as upset as Blaze was. He didn't like the thought of a pokemon simply forgetting who they are 'what if i lost my memory one day?.....or someone i care about' then Shawn looked back at Blaze frowning a bit "Sorry Blaze really but that's just how it go's" Blaze then got up "i better go find Ramune....heh i didn't exactly tell him where i was going" he then ran off.


Blaze walked passed the tall tree's to head to the river to find the vaporeon sitting there. Ramune narrows his eye's "where did you go?" He grumbles. Blaze walks up to him before sitting down "i found this shiny pikachu named Echo.... He doesn't remember who he is or anything, so i help him out" he explained to his younger brother. Ramune's eye's widen a bit with a flicker of what looked like fear and shock "ah....a shiny pikachu?" The vaporeon says tilting his head to one side, Blaze looks at him again to study his expression "uh....yeah that's what i said" Ramune didn't reply or really do anything. He just looked away as if in deep thought before shaking his head. Blaze then asked "um.....everything alright?" The vaporeon nods his head "well of course.....i was just thinking... Huh i better get back to the palace" and with that Ramune was off with out another word. 'What wad that about?' He thought to himself. He knew Ramune better then anyone and there was something the vaporeon wasn't telling him. Blaze then headed to Where Echo was staying 'well i should go check up on him'


Blaze came to the den. The sun was now gone and the moon was up. He could see Echo just sitting by the den looking up at the sky "hey how you doing?" Blaze asked as he walked up to the shiny pikachu. Echo looked at blaze before letting a sigh out "better....but i can't help to feel.... Well lonely i guess..." He seemed unsure of himself. Blaze sat beside him "hmm.... How about we go for a walk.. Well that help?" Echo gazed at him before smiling "yeah....maybe, thanks Blaze" Blaze smiled at him, before they started to walk.


The tall tree's bristle as a gust of wind blow over them. It was a chilly night and the clouds closed in over the moon and the grass was vary cold as if a ice type had used ice beam. "Winter is coming...." Echo says. Blaze who hadn't noticed the cold breeze do to his thick pelt nodded his head "yeah..... Fall is here at last, and prey is getting harder to find...." He said with a hit os stress. Echo shook his head "I'm sure it will be fine... After all you got a lot of mightyanas at your palace who are great hunters" he said to try and keep the flareon at ease. Blaze then glanced at Echo "So you really can't remember anything of your past?" Then their was a silence before Echo answers "well....i remember one thing....but my hole family or who i i don't remember a thing" Blaze frowns but then asked "what little do you know about yourself?" Echo looks at Blaze with a stern look "Can i tell you something what i remember?" They stopped walking and Blaze nodded hid head "yes of can tell me anything" Echo then lowers his voice "and you won't tell anyone?" Blaze repeated "i won't tell anyone" Echo then said "i...i think it might have been a dream but I'm not sure....i remember being in a place called silver was in the mid winter and i found a cave to get away from the this cave there was this black and red stone with a shadow like seemed....well it wasn't a positive flow....and when i touched it everything go's really black.....and i hear a deep voice calling.....Echo over and over. Then i wake up and i was here....but like i said it was winter but winter hasn't come yet....." Blaze stared at him with a puzzle look. He didn't know what to say to that. It was defiantly odd, not normal for sure. ".....huh....i....i don't know how to react..." Blaze admitted. Echo looks away "i don't know either.....but you gotta keep your promise don't tell anyone about this...okay" Blaze nodded "i.....i won't"
He promised.

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