Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at

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The sun was still high in the sky as Steel and Skylar walked "so Steel where did you came frome?" Skylar dared to ask

Steel froze for a second "um..well i lived in the maintains" Skylar seemed interested in this "oh?" Steel just shruged "ugh well it's not that great..." Steel said feeling a bit uncomfortable Skylar smiles "...well do you have any friends there?" She asked sleek

"Um..why you asking?" She mumbls but Skylar leaneded in chose with a smirk on her face "you know Steel you can trust me with know any secrets" Skylar sneered. Steel pushed her way with a creeped out expression on her face 'what a crep...why would i trust her with secrets i don't even know her'

"Um ok...but i don't have any through" she lied. Skylar looked disappointed "oh...alright" she walk foreword Steel flowed and looked around "so were we going again?" Steel asked. Skylar came to a stop "...nowhere just walking seeing where we'll winde up" she answered mysteries like she glanced at steel with some kind of look that Steel couldn't quite read "umm are you ok?" Skylar nodded "of course sweetie" Steel shivered at that "don't call me that...ok" Steel.

" you know Jake?" She asked watch made Steel puzzled. ".....y-yea do you know him?" Steel asked 'how dose she know him?' Skylar glanced at her "well...i know him but he dosent notice me....he didn't notice anything anymore just that Rusty girl" She spat the words out. Steel flinched at that 'dose she like him...' Steel kicked a rock "...ok why we talking about this?" Steel mumbled Skylar glared "why were you with him last night?" She damanded Steel glared back "um because he's a friend of mine!" Steel growls

But Skylar just smiles "Oh steel your so silly" she giggling happly.

Steel just stared at her 'wow talk about mood swing huh'

Steel faked a smile "oh um yea hehe" Steel looked at the ground feeling confused. Skylar just smiles hey let's go to the tree of suols" she said "um the tree of suols?"  Steel couldn't rap her head around this sylveon.

Skylar nodded "yea they say the tree holds the soul of the warriors that died" skylar said watched only confused Steel even more "I'm sorry but have i missed something?!" Steel yelped in frustration.

Skylar's eyes went big "what! mean you don't know?..." Skylar looked at the ground for a heart beat before looking up at Steel with what looked like a smirk "....never mind" She said.

Steel's eye was twiching " well can you tell me?" But Skylar only started 'WHY CAN'T ANY POKEMON GIVE ME ANSWERS!!!!'  Steel stared back at her cousin an awkward silence.

"......Fine don't tell" Steel finely muttered to brack the silence and Skylar walked up to Steel "hey don't warry about it ok" Skylar said before walking again "Steel?....who was your father?" She asked out of nowhere.

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