Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)

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Blaze sat outside with Emma by his side just enjoying the sunny day Emma let out a purr of happiness.  Blaze smiled "hmm it's such a nice day" he then glanced at Emma his mate feeling really happy to be able to spend his life with her. Emma nodded her head before cuddling close to the flareon and she gives him a kiss. Before they hear "Your majesty i need your help with something" Blaze turned his gaze on the umbreon that was standing by the palace. He walks quickly to them "Shadow? What are you doing here?" Blaze asked and Emma nodded "yeah i thought your nocturnal" Shadow sat beside them and nodded "yeah.... I am but i just don't anymore...." Blaze felt puzzled by this why wouldn't Shadow feel safe any more? "What do you mean by that?" Emma asked looking ceriuce. The umbreons red eye's flashed before he says "Ramune.....ever since him and Shawn started spending more time....i noticed him sneaking around more..... I think he's up to something.....i don't know what but....i fear he's gone crazy. I've seen him dragging a still live pidgey in his mouth.....that poor thing was suffering....not even pray should be treated that way" Blaze eye's winded with shock and Emma opend her mouth in suprise. 'Would Ramune actually do something like that?' Blaze wondered to himself but then the image was so easy to see after all it was Ramune who really wanted to see Soul die. Blaze could still see the like in the Vaporeon's eyes glaring into the helplesd ninetales. 'But soul was bad....Ramune was only doing what he believed was right.....wasn't he?' Blaze felt his heart tighting knowing that his brother was one hard pokemon to read after all he had been jealous of Blaze being king, maybe he still was. Emma shock her head "No.....that couldn't have been Ramune. Blaze is brother is loyal and maybe not always the niceties Vaporeon but he wouldn't disrespect pray like that" the espeon's voice was confident. She was a shy espeon but she was getting around her place as queen. Blaze wasn't sure if her words where true but he'd like to believe it was. "I'll have a talk with him Shadow.....I'm sure there's a good reason behind this....." Blaze wanted to say he knew his brother but did he? Ramune did seem unstable and to be crazy. Maybe Julia had driving him down that road. Shadow gave a greatful smile "thanks.....I'm just warried about my brother Shawn...he can be naive sometimes" now this suprised Blaze Shawn seemed wise and clever naive isn't the word he'd use for Shawn. 'But after all Shadow probebly knows him better then i do' he thought but it still didn't seem right to him. Emma also looked taken back by this "Shawn naive....are you sure Shadow?" She questions him with a unsure look. Shadow sat down and noded "yes I'm sure....i understand why why'd think other wise but believe me....i grow up with him and i know how Shawn can be" Blaze felt a sudden chill run down his back and gaze into Shadows eye's noticing a hint of darkness in his red eye's 'wait red eye's.....'
Blaze then remebered when him and Emma went for that walk a moon ago he had seen a pokemon with red eye's thst made him feel unsafe but he shook it away. Shadow then got back up and said "i don't trust that brother of yours just look at him....coverd in scars....acting out of place all the time. And spendimg way to much time away from everyone....I'll see yoilu latter your majusty" and with tbat he took off in a hurry. Emma watched him before lashing her tail out and flating her ears "you don't think Ramune would be doung such you?" Blaze met her gaze and let a sad unknowing sigh "i have no idea Emma..... Me and Ramune are close.....but maybe there's something he's not telling me" Blaze spoke tbose words not knowing what to think about Ramune anymore could he trust his brother or have thing's gone down hill again 'no that can't be though i know Ramune isn't aground anumore but i also knew it was because he's trying to stay low so no pokemon found out about is love for Shawn....he'd told me to keep it a secret....that he's not ready to come out of his closet' Blaze felt his head spinning from all this tbinking "i should talk to him....maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe Shadows over protective" Emma noded her head "well you do that....I'll handle our royal dude's okay sweet heart" Blaze noded and took off

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