Chapter 39 : A safe place

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The sun was shining bright, it lit up all the tree's and the sun was warm. Steel follows Matt and the other's as they head to seals lake. Jake slows down a bit "hmm are we almost there Matt?" The jolteon asked and the mightyanae noded "yes.... And once we get there we can get ready to face Blaze" Matt mutters. Steel felt a little on edge she didn't want to fight the flareon anymore after knowimg what she knew about him 'i mean he's my father..... Ugh'
Jake walked beside her. "Heh...when we get we practice some battle moves" the jolteon said looking eager to get there. Liam smiles "yea....say Steel i hear Seals lake is a romantic wanna do somwthing?" Steel frowns at him "No....Arceus get it through your head Liam I'm not interested" Steel snarls at at him and Jake also looked displeased with the umbreon. "You do realize that I'm with Steel right" Jake grumbles but liam just smirks "hehe things can change" Jake looked ready to jump on the umbreon but Dusty pulls him back "Jake calm he's not worth it" Steel just let a sigh out feeling annoyed by all the pokemon arounder her. 'I need alone time'


Steel could smell the sent of water and the tree's where theck and big you couldn't see the sky hardly and it seemed darker even though it was sun high Matt stop walking and sniffed around before saying "well we're here...Seals lake" Steel looked around a little more it seemed hidding from where they where before but it still looked nice like a good place to stay for awhile 'just until we face Blaze and his army'
She thought still not liking her own idea. Jake the jump on beside Steel "Alright i august we make our own dens since where staying here" the jolteon said to all of them. Matt noded in agreement "Yes....that's the first thing we should do" everyone started to make there dens. Jake glanced over at Steel. "Hey want to share a den?" He asked but he was looking down when he did. Steel smiles at him "Yea I'd like that Jake" she then pulls herself closer to him and smiles as she licks him on the cheek. Jake smiles bavk " I'll find us one" he then paded off but Steel follows him "here I'll help...since we're sharing" Jake and Steel looked around the area for a good den, it took some time but soon Steel found a good place by rock it was a small cave like area but it was big enough for two pokemon. Jake smiles "well this will be nice stsying here for a bit... But let's not forget the real reson we're here" jake says. Steel noded as she leave there new den to see how everyone else was doing on finding dens. Steel headed over to see mocho had made her den in a tree she glanced down at Steel "hey say Steel... If you plan on fighting the king we should really think of alerten other pokemon and maybe get more pokemon to help us" she says as she jumps down beside Steel. Steel Looks at the meowstic and nods her head "yea...let's just hope pokemon will want to help though.... If Skylar and soul keep spreading lie's about me... I'm afraid no pokemon will wanna help fight" Steel dropped her head thinking about it 'Skylar is a good lier and that soul...he's something...he seems to be a leader type of pokemon'
Mocho looks around before saying "well... Don't let that stop you, you still gotta try.... I can sense it in you, your a born leader yourself" Steel's fur raised in supprise "Me! oh no, no, no I'm no leader... Not even when we had that battle against Skull... It was jake who lead that not me!" Steel then lowers her head 'i could never take that responsibility of leading....besides lead what exactly?....we're just trying to help blaze see his ways that's all right?'
She thought to herself
Mocho just let out giggle "hehe they all say that...but Steel this forest is in truble...i can see it the curse is true you can't ignore that fact i know you can feel the danger all around us, It's not about the king anymore but all of everfree" Steel darted her eye's to the ground knowing that the smaller pokemon was right 'and something is telling me that Echo maybe the one causing this curse' mocho that walks away then looks over her shoulders to look a Steel "just try to think positive....I'm sure pokemon will be willing to follow you...i know i am"
Steel watched her go and looked around "Matt!" She called wanting to talk to the mightyanae she looked around then she spotted the mightyanae sitting alone with his muzzle pointed up it look as if he was ready to let a howle out and he did. Matt let a long howl out and Stopped and tilted his head so that his ears could pick up more sound then a response howl echoed throughout the sky then the one eye mightyanae turned to notice Steel stranding there "Steel watch yo doing over here?" Steel sat beside him "hmm where you howling to your pack?" She asked him and he noded "yes they will be here later today....." Steel then smiles "That's good we could use all the help we can get" Matt then gets up "I'm going to take a nap talk to you later Steel" Steel then takes off to look around again but it seems that everypokemon was settled in so there wasn't much to do around here so Steel decided to spend sometime with Jake 'After all there's always to much going on it seems i never get time alone with him any more' Steel headed back over to the jolteon who seemed to be practicing his electric moves he then stops when he noticed Steel "Hey Steel" he said relaxing his fur and glancing at her. Sreel walks up to him "So not much to do around here so i thought the two of us could go hunting or something you know to get away for a bit" Jake smiled "sounds good to me....anything to get away from liam anyways" his eyes quickly darted towerds the umbreon who was staring at the water with a smirk. Steel pins her ears back "eh...yeah let's go" the two of them took off running not wanting Liam to notice them.

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