Chapter 14 : Psychic within

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The sun was high up in the sky and the forest was bright and beautiful.

Steel could feel the sun burning on her black fur leaving her to pant.

"....hmm" Mocho hummed as she looked into Steel's yellow eye's. "...this will be heard" Mocho said with a frown. Steel stared back "....dark types... I can't read em" She muttered annoyed.

'Well of corse not psychic is week agenst dark!'

Matt grunted " you need to know what she's thinking?" The mightyena looked puzzled but to there relief she shook her head "oh no no it just makes things esyer...but she is an umbreon so I'm not able to read her mind.... we'll just do it the heard way" she then turned away from Matt looking at Steel "follow me.." She then walks away from the tree and Steel followed her.

"Now let's start" Mocho said but calmly with a cool smirk " ok" Steel lowered her head to Mochos level to show that she was lisen to her. "Now...hum Steel i believe it was... I want you to close those eye of yours...and clear your mind" She said with a soft voice. Steel closed her eyes as told abd tryed to clear her mind but that wasn't easy Steel couldn't stop thinking of everything that was happening. " no your not doing it right...i may not be able to read you but any pokemon would know that your stressing to much" Steel snapped open her eyes 'of corse I'm stressed... I got a lot going on'

Steel narrowed her eyes at Mocho " how do you clear your mind then huh?" Mocho shook her head slowly "...well i like to lay in the sun and just lisen to the forest... It clear's my head right away... You need to fine your inner peace that's what your going to do today" Mocho said with a slight smile.

Steel was laying by the river trying to relax and clear her head but she still couldn't do so. 'Hmm how am i supposed to just stop thinking about's not possible!' Steel ralled to herside and glanced at Matt and Mocho who were talking to each other. '...Mocho seems to be relaxed all the time...but how something has to worrie her...right?'

Steel ralled back to her stomach and sat up and looked at the water. Steel looked at her reflecting in the water '..or maybe it's just me maybe I'm the can't be healthy to be stressed day and night...'

Steel drooped her ears knowing  ever since Skull had killed Shawn she's been like this.

Steel's eye's lit up as she looked back at matt '...he didn't take me here to learn psychic moves that wouldn't make sense...he took me here to help with my stress problem...the psychic was just a bonus...but honestly it wasn't going to be much help in the war against Skull'

Steel smiled at the mightyena but he wasn't paying attention to her he was to Bissy talking to mocho.

Steel closed her eye's lisen to the wind and river she was aware of everything around her. She took a deep breath and took it all in. Steel relaxed herself for what felt like the first time in a life time she couldn't even remember the last time she just sat around relaxing. Steel could help but to smile she felt good. 'This is what i just forget the world for a bit'

"Vary good" commands a soft voice Steel knew it was Mocho so she keeped her eye's close to keep her inner peace. " that you got yourself calm and her mind cleared... Let your mind wonder else were... feel the heart of the forest" Steel twice her ear a little bit and did so.

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