Chapter 31 : A Shadow

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Steel layed still everything was black she tryed to move but she felt to heavey to even lifted a paw. But she could hear voices around her. Steel fight to open her eye's but a shooting pain raced through her head. 'W-what is this?....were am i even?'
Steel heared more voices "Is sHe gOinG to Be aLriGht?" Steel couldn't understand them she only felt the blackness around her nothing felt real or safe anymore.

Jake's P.O.V

Jake layed stearing at the unconscious umbreon. It had been three day's she's been out. The glaceon Anglica had said when they jumpped Steel had been unlucky and bashed her head on a rock knocking her out. Jake glanced at Anglica who sat with her head down looking depressed. Jake himself couldn't get up the flareon had opened a bad wound on him and he couldn't stand. The glaceon was the only one to have no serous wounds just small cuts from the jump into the water. "....we need more orne barry's" Jake said in a week voice but he wasn't warried about himself he was warried about Steel's head injury. Anglica got up and noded "we do....i shouldn't have let you guys came...." Anglica said. Jake could senses that she was feeling guilty for letting them came along "....if it was you alone he would of killed you...your an ice type week against fire" Jake said trying to talk sense into her she glars "and you stupidly almost die trying to fight" Jake dropped his head ".....i was protecting Steel" Anglica shook her head "no your being stupid that is the king he's really strong believe me he lead the biggest war that has ever happened in everfree" Anglica snapped and Jake looked the other way 'i don't care... Why did we go?....what exactly did Anglica think would happen?' Jake glars at her once again "your being stupid for even wanting to go to he knows we're here he going to send those guards our way" Anglica got to her paws "I'm going to find more orne barry's....hopefully she'll wake up soon" then the shiny glaceon lefted and Jake layed his head down feeling pain wash through his injury 'I've been through wors though' Jake thought to himself as the members of Eva a old friend of skulls pinned him down and was snaping at his belly with her sharp thans. Jake shook his head and glanced at Steel "'ll be fine Steel....your stronger then me" he whispered in hope she'll hear him.

Anglica's P.O.V

The sun was at half point and Anglica was raceing through the forest looking for orne barry's Anglica frowns she wasn't finding any luck here. Anglica walked along the bushies hopeing to see any kind that would help with injury's 'ugh....finding barry's are not easy'
She narrowed her eye's at the thought. The shiny umbreon has been out for three day's and they needed a plan to get through Blaze head 'well i do anyways....i don't blame Jake and Steel if they want out after seeing how the king act's like'
Anglica spotted a blue barry and ran towerds it to find a bunch of orne barry's "Ah-ha!" She grabs a branch full with her teeth and pulled really hard to break it free from the bush and ran towerds the den.

It took her a few minutes to get back to the den. She walked in and layed some down beside the jolteon for him to eat and brought the rest to the shiny umbreon. Anglica lays down and stared at her 'Steel...daughter of Shawn' Anglica still found it hard to believe that shawn would have a child and a shiny one. Anglica then pushed the barry's into Steel's mouth and padded more leaves to her head where the injury was. "......she should be alright...although I'm not as good as that Mocho pokemon with healing" She said and Jake stiffed "....right" Jake mumbles. Jake lifed his head to speak "...we should head back before more truble with the king cames" he said but Anglica disagrees "....your to hurt to I'm not going to carry this umbreon either" Jake fall quite after and just glars but then relaxed "Alright...." Anglica stared at him he had a small smile and Anglica felt puzzled by this "what?....nothing's good at the moment so why you smiling?" Jake just scratched at the ground "...nothing is right I'm just smiling because i have faith that thing's will turn around" Anglica sat quite thinking 'i honestly gave up in life....nothing will change and i know I'll probably die the next time i try to see blaze'
Anglica then closed her eye's to sleep 'i mean i lost everything i care about my family....most important was Emma even her child is dead i.i have nothing to live for...'
Anglica then fall asleep with a few tears.

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