Chapter 36 : Blood in the water

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Everywhere was dark. The Air was think and the ground was ice cold. Steel found herself surrounded by nothing but the blackneas. She felt nervous as she keeps walking fowerd ".....Hello?" She called but no one answers. Steel then light up her blue lights to see better because her night vision wasn't working but then she heared the sound of water frushing as if there was a river near by 'And were the water is light let's hope...for once i can't stand the dark'
She ran in the direction of the water but then her paw broke through the ground somehow and like the ground was hollow it just caved in to it's self and Sreel feel into at the bottom she hit water. She swam to the serfuce and saw the grass there was a light up ahead so Steel swam towerds it but something felt sticky and theblight shined in her face blinding her for a heart bet but it soon dimes and when she opend her eyes she was able to see what she was in and to her horre it wasn't water at all no it was blood pure blood "ewwe!" She yelpped and grabbed at the grass despite to get out of the pit of blood but then a shadow walked up to her. Steel glanced up feel fear creep up her. What she saw was confusing and scary somehow what stood over her was a umbreon with red eye's along with red rings not yellow or blue but red like the blood she was swimming in. This umbreon smirks at her makung a shiver go up her sping 'What the Hell is going on!?' Steel thought she tryed to jump out of the water but something grabed her and Zteel let anther yelp. She turned her yellow gaze back at the water and there where bloody pokemon pulling her back into the water there eye's were all white and there palts were caved in red blood. Steel felt panick eatimg at her a long with fear she tryed to pull away but the red umbreon srepped on her paw making her let go of and fall helplessly into tje blood water with the corpse and Darkra like pokemon "Ughh HELP!" Steel called hopeing for some pokemon to her her crys but then she's pulled under the surface and no loger could see only feel the stickeness of the blood and the pokemon pulling at her 'What is going on am i going to die dawn here?'
But then she could hear voices and they where saying only one thing "eChO"


Steel snapped open her eye's and jumps to her paws breath rather fast like she couldn't breath. Her heart pounded fast in her chest as she glanced around the forest before finally relizing 'it w.was just a nightmare' she sat down still feeling shacky from her dream as she remembers the red umbreon glaring at her from above. She lay down by Jake again and pushed into him to feel safe once again and closed her eye's in hope to get some sleep.


The sun raises over the tree's casting sunlight across the forest. The sun shines inti Steel's black fur. Steel opens her eye's and gets up to stretch out her lags and headed over yp get some water but she saw Anglica sitting there gazing into the water with a sad look writting on her. Steel didn't know if she should go talk to her or should leave her alone 'This is akwerd....' And with that thought she walked over to the water and sat dawn "Hey uh.....something wrong?" She asked. The shiny glaceon glanced up at Steel "No everythings fine.....but what are you doing last night?" Steel felt puzzled by the question 'whats she talking about?" Steel glanced at her "uh whatever do you mean?" Anglica then says "Well i got up last night to get a drink and i saw you walking around last night muttering something to yourself.....i could hear what you where saying" Steel felt a shiver run up her spin "Oh....well i was....just thinking of what to do with soul in the forest and a flareon that's to stubborn to listen to us" she knew tnat was a lie though 'i most of been sleep walking when i was dreaming that weird one' Anglica look convinced for a few before eyeing Steel again "hmm are you sure that's what you're doing?" Steel boded before taking a few laps at the water her eye's where closed to enhoy the freshness of the water but then a bitter tast crossed into her mouth so she opens her eye's to see the red thinkness of blood. Steel pulled away fast a d stared but the water was it's fresh self as always blue and clean "Hey you okey Steel?" Anglica looked puzzled on her actions 'Oh Arceus i most be lossing my mined....i swear there was i seeing things?'
Steel shock the thoughts away "yea..." Steel mutters before heading away from the water Anglica follows. As the two came came but Jake and Matt where just getting up Mocho look like she had been up for a long time and dusty and Liam both where still sleeping. Steel walks over to the slpeeing lycanroc and pushed jim "Hey Dusty get up you lazy head!" She grumbled but Matt seemed quite looking at her. Steel soon noticed this and stared back only for him to look away fast 'hes been acting weird it something i did?'
Soon Dusty opens his eye's "what...hmm morning already" he said sleeply and got up then matt finally speaks "yes....and we need a plan on what to do about soul...and Blaze" Jake gazed at Matt "yeah....well you used to be a Royal maybe we should start with Blaze?" Mocho shook her head "No i disagree wuth that....Blaze's got his head someplace else that none of us can reach" Then Matt growls "Wring i think one can reach him....and that's Steel" Steel felt shooked that he even said that and everyone else looked confused as well. "Uh and why would i be able to reach him over you or two actually knows him" Steel said and Matt lowers his head "well i just thought....ah never mind" he then looks the author way as if he was trying to hide something. Then Dusty speaks "i think we should do something a bout Blaze....i mean he's got gaurds looking for us....and plus Matt you said he had a war against soul so he'll know how to help if we can convince him to" Anglica just friwns and steel knew why but then an idea comes to mind "Blaze won't listen to anyone....but if we can bet him then maybe he'll listen then" Jake glanced at her "you a nother war?" Matt frowns "Uh Blaze has a realy big army of pokemon that will do his every word" Steel then eye's Matt "yeah....but if you left then authers probably left as well" Mocho then says "Matt if you call your pake they can help us once again....abd we can find others to help and we can try stills idea..." Matt didn't look happy about this "Alright...but no one is to kill Got it!" He snarls before heading off. 'Whats his deal....why is he acting like we're the enemys?'
Steel sat there feeling lost but then Anglica answers her thoughts as if she knew she was thinking "Half of Matt's pak stayed with Blaze and turnd on Matt when he left including his own go against Blaze he'll have to fight his own pake" Steel felt shooked and same with Dusty "that most feel horrible to Matt....knowing half of his pake would turn on him!" Anglica noded "well Blaze turnd on the world a d those who blindly follow there king....Matt had the right mind to see the darkness around him and same with his loyal pake mates...he made the right choice leaving....but i guess he still feels the pain of losing half of his pake and sister" she explains to them. Steel couldn't help but feel pity for the older Mightyanae. Then Jake got to his paws "well we'll need more pokemon to help fight....and hopefully...Blaze won't be so stubborn when he's the one in Truble" Steel noded 'yeah....i really hope so....i just wish i knew what was running in Matts head ever since he noticed the scarf I'm wearing he seems to be acting he knows something that i don't'

Skylar's P.O.V

Skylar sat in the shade of the trees feeling fustreated, angry, out raged and all the above. 'I can't belive they got away!'
She thought as he close sild out. Killen the shiny mightyanae came walking ocer to her "I'm sorry Skylar i fild in the plan...." Skylar felt hate towerds the useless mightyanae but then Soul came out "No need to be sorry....we still have a chance of killing her....and i promise you tje curse will be gone if we do" But Skylar a d soul both know the dark truth. 'This mightyanae is stupid as hell if he belives she's the curse....if she was we wouldn't want her dead....because we won't the curse to stay'
Soul then sat with a smirk on his face "Steel still dosen't know who she is....and she's not awear of how dangerous Echo is or who works for him..." Killen frowns "Uh who now?" Soul glanced at him "Echo..he is the one with the plans....and has thousands of pokemon workimg for him" killen then noded "Right but in the end we're the one's doing the right thing....right?" Skylar smirks "Oh we are....ones with the rights here..." Soul noded " we need to find them come on!" Sjylar followef the ninetales with Killian behind her 'Oh i can't wait to sink my clows into that shiny umbreon...and for Jake....i want to see him suffer!'

Steel's P.O.V

Steel practicing with Dusty. Steel ran up to try and use iren tail but Dusty moved away "hehe i think that's enough...the sun is going down now" Dusy says snd Steel noded "yea I'll ask Matt he's a dark type lile me" then she's see Liam he walk over to Steel with more flawers "hey beautiful so what are you up to hehe" Steel frowns "well i want to practice my moves for the battle....i was hoping matt could help since he's been to meny fights before" Liam just rolled his eyes "oh please....let's go watch tbe sunset together babe~" Steel narrowed her eye's "Okey liam back off i don't like you get it through your head!" She snarls but leam just smiles "wow your cute when mad" Steel starched him across the face and he yelp in pain but then smiled a gain "owe hehe wild one i like it" Steel just backed away 'Whats wrong with him?...he's so weird and gross ugh why's he still here?' Then Jake cane running "Hey she said back off!" Jake was growling but liam just held his head high "oh jake bet it and Steel are going to watch the sunset" he had a realy cokey look as if to ruffle up truble and it works the Jolteon then. Used thunder bolt on him and liam was hit with it and he got mad and tryed to use dark plus but jake was to fast to be hit and shot pin missiles at him "Owe! Alright I'll go! Dam jolteon!" He grumbles as he runs away. Jake glanced at Steel "You don't actually like him do you?" Steel felt taken back by the question "No way...i love you Jake....he's just dosen't seem to understand that i want nothing to do with him" Jake frowns "i see....well the real reason I'm here is to let you know that Matt howled to his pake they'll be here within three day's he said....and thst you and him have to have important talk apparently" Steel then nods "Alright...." Steel then headed off thinking to herself 'Finally Matt will finally tell me what's on his mind hopefully....'
She walk by the water and stopped by a sort of small and glanced iver to tje water so i walked over to the water to see there was a dead vaporeon in the water Steel felt shocked and the fur along her back rufled as she looked at the water that now ran red with think blood. The body looked fresh like it had just happend "Oh Arches I'm going to be sick" she grumbled. "Hey steel!" Anglica called and ran up to steel and froze when she saw the dead vaporeon "Oh Arceus what happen here?" Steel looked at her "I...i don't know" steel hissed and Anglica sniffed the body then relief washed over her "oh thank's not Ramune but still bad i wonder who killed this poor thing" Steel went quite 'Soul or Skylar....but maybe just maybe it was that Echo polemon everyone talk about....MY DREAM the voice where saying Echo the blood in the water....he most be trying to tell me something or....maybe it's a warning....that I'm next'

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