Chapter 56 : The new king

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Steel's P.O.V

Steel held her head high taking a deep breath 'This time i won't run!....this time things will go my way...they have to'

He turned to face her "Leave now shiny!....unless you want me to burn you alive" he snarls no marcy in his glare or words. Steel steps closer "No! I... I won't leave... I'll never leave you alone!" She said feeling her heart tighten was it possible to break through to him. He then narrows his eye's "then you shell die!" He was getting ready to attack but Steel was the first to hit using shadow ball hitting him he looked shocked by this then Steel ran into him slamming him to the ground pinning him down "Listen here Blaze!...this is how this is going to go down... your going to listen to what i have to say rather you like it or not!" She spat in his face not giving him the time to react. She knew it was harsh but also knew there wasn't any other way of getting him to listen to her "Now this is going to be hard to believe but....your child isn't dead" She said watch by surprise got his full attention but then you used fire blast knocking her off he got up and walked over to her with a look of disbelief. "No your wrong umbreon!....i...i looked everywhere for my child....there long gone just like everything else!....Echo took it all and I'll never let it go!" He said with a hint of sadness 'This is progress...he's actually listen and talking to me' she noticed the dark ora that some of it was fadden then noticed her scarf had white ora around it 'That's how it works...i just got to pull him out of his anger'
Steel swallows before stepping closer but he backs away giving her a warning look "No....there not....not even Emma is truly gone!....have you forgot About the golden forest. Blaze there all still here with us" Blaze gave her a puzzled like "We? What are you talking about! There my family not don't even know them!" Steel shook her head before lefting her head to show her scarf. The flareon froze in place wide eye's "Where....where did you get that?" Steel frowns "you may not understand.....but i got it from my mother.....she was in the golden forest but was able to pass it on to see her name was Emma...i think you know what I'm saying" Blaze backs away shaking his head "But...but how? How can that be?" She thought about it but then remembers "I was stoling by Echo but....thank Arceus that Ramune was spiritual he know Echo was trying to kill me and so he saved me and died doing so....but it's okay because i was raised in the good paws of Shawn" she said bow noticing that all the darkness was gone and the flareon was just staring wide eye's his mouth open in shock it looked like he was lost in thought "no...i, your?" Steel walk right up to him now feeling the emissions "Yes.....i was told....that your my father..." Steel voice because shaky as the realization hits her 'I did it....not only did i break his curse but....i also have one family member alive.....and this time Skylar won't be taking that away!' Blaze finally shock his head before breaking to tears he pulls her into a tight huge. Steel yelps in shock but accept it "....i.....i though.....i thought your dead....all those years and you've been alive this hole time.... " he then pulls away and gave her a sad apologetic look "I' sorry" Steel just gave a smile "No harm taking but Blaze there's something you gotta know....Echo....he's here somehow he's not dead" Steel said to him the flareon gave a shock expression before shaking his head "No that's not possible i saw with my own eye's sorry what do i call you?" Steel answers "'s Steel" Blaze gave a look "Steel?....ugh bet Ramune came up with it,  sounds like something hed come up with" Steel eye's him 'Why dose everyone think my name's weird?' She then remembers "Oh i actually have a message from him....he told me to tell you that he forgive you....and that he's sorry." Blaze's stares at her " see him? see him and Emma?" Steel nodded "yes i used to not believe that it was the spirits....but everything they told me or show me actually helped and was real" Blaze gave a guilty look ".....if i had only listen....none of this would of happen...ugh i was a fool" he said looking away closing his eye's but Steel walk up to him "There's no point in crying about what could of been we're here now and what's done is done bit tbe important thing is we're all in trouble....this forest is cursed if you didn't know....and this curse will trap us in everfree for all eternity if you don't do something" Blaze looks at her before giving his first in seventeen year smile ".....your right....i may have been apart of the problem or may have been missing out but...i won't anymore I'll help in anyway i can" Steel then turns to the exit "Good I'm sure everyone will be glad to hear that!" But then she heard Jake yell from down stairs before he ran into the room panic in his eye's "Steel!.. It souls is here with a group of pokemon....we're badly out numbed" he said before his eye's land on Blaze he flinched a bit before giving a sheepish smile "Oh... So how's this going?" Blaze fur bristles "Soul!... He's back?" Blaze asked looking at Steel and she nodded "ever since the day. Echo placed the curse down" Jake glanced at him "Look no time we should get out of here!"Jake said before heading to the exit Steel follows but Stopped when she noticed Blaze wasn't the flareon gave them an odd Look before saying "We can't just abandon the palace!.. Soul wil take that as a win...besides i got guards that can help fight" but Jake jun over to him growling at him almost nose to nose "You mean the once you sent after us!....yeah Echo took over the only help we got is Matt and others who are no where near come on" Blaze let a surprised yell as the jolteon grad him by the ear and pull him to the exit and they bolt out side. Steel followed as they ran but then to steels disarm a shiny Sylveon. Jumps out from in front of them making them stop "And where do you think your going Steel!" She growls but then the Sylveon gave a shocked look when she noticed Blaze. But shook it off "This end now!" Skylar snarls Steel felt nervous knowing Soul would being coming vary soon and if that happens they won't be getting away. Skylar then ran at Steel but instead Skylar was met with Blaze who slammed into her using fire fang on her then followed by fire blast. To seels and Jakes shock. Skylar took in a lot of damage just from to hits and Steel couldn't help wonder 'How the hell did he move so fast?'
Blaze pinned Skylar down glaring at her "And who do you think your attacking my daughter the only family i got left!" He spat in her face. Steel was loving the look on her face. Steel never seen skylar look scared before. " know she's your....oh no" Skylar whimpers Jake ran to Blaze's side "kill her now....she works with Echo and soul....." Blaze glanced at the jolteon with a look in his green eye's ".....kill her....don't you think enough blood has spelt?" Steel couldn't help but feel frustrated with that answer "Well she tried to kill me and she killed Angelica" Blaze froze and dropped his ears "Angelica is dead!?" Steel froze when she realized 'He doesn't know anything or who's dead who's alive....ugh this is frustrating' but then Steel heard paw steps behind them and Steel turns her gaze to see soul with a smirk "Hello if it isn't my old friend....Blaze" he mocks the flareon with a bitter tone Blaze lost his grip on Skylar and she used moon blast knocking him off of her and the sylveon ran to soul's ad "Hehe we have them now" She said making Steel want to scream 'No we had her!'
Steel stood her ground as she growls "I'd like to see you try!" But Blaze and Jake both didn't look as sure as Steel did. Soul just chuckles "Yeah....your out numbed" he reminds them. Soul then glanced at Skylar "Kill her" he ordered and Skylar tried to attack Steel but this Jake ran in the way and the two broke into a fight and before Steel knew it Blaze was locked in a fight with Soul and a lot of other pokemon came into the fight but none of them where on there side. Steel found her self fighting random pokemon but she came to realize that there was no way of winning this. She used dark plus on one pokemon only for another to throw her to the ground. She felt herself weekend and soon everything started going black she couldn't even see where Jake and Blaze went all she saw was her enemy's before blacking out.

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