Chapter 6 : The past

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The sun was rises over the foreast and pokemon were just waking up to start there day

Two little brown eevee were playing outside there dean "haha you can't catch me Ramune!" Blaze tessed his brother but then he finally gat hit "oof" Ramune smirked "looks like i catch ya" he fluffed his fur in pried Blaze got up "all right show off take it esy" Blaze said in a chilled voice

"Blaze came here it's time" Blaze heard his dad call his name and got existed "caming!" He calls back and runs towards him a jolteon stood there "are you ready for your fire stone?" His dad asked

"Oh yes i am....i can't wait to evolve!!"

The jolteon named Flash and he's Blaze and Ramune father and also the king of everfree forest.

Blaze and Flash went inside the dean and Flash pulled out a fire stone and pot it in front of Blaze " you go" Flash said.

Blaze touchrd the stone with his paw.

The stone was really hot and braze was hot.

Blaze started to glow bright and he felt a very strong heat around him.

Finally all the glowing stopped snd when Blaze looked at himself "I'm a flareon!" He said in a vary happy voice jumping around.

"Haha alright alright...but Blaze remember your next in line so evolveing meens for you to be responsible" Flash says. Blaze stopped jumping and gsve a noded "of course dad...i won't let you down" Blaze ran to outside to go see his brother again

"Hey look Ramune look!" Blaze ran up to him and gave a playful push.

"Blaze wow your so big and fluffy....i can't wait to evolve" Ramune gave a sad little look. Blaze sat beside him "awe don't worry you'll evolve when you fined the right form" Blaze said in a confer voice. 'waw i can't believe I've evolved i always dreamed of this day!'

"Blaze came here!" Flash called.

Blaze walked up to him a bit bored ever since he evolved his dad had been making do work to popar for the day he becames king

'ugh i always thought evolveing would be fun but it's just hard work!' Blaze sat and looked at his dad "can't we have. Battle training so that i can use fire moves" He grumbled.

Flash just shuck his head

"Blaze we can do that after but we need to know how to take care of this foreast first" he informed. Blaze ralled his eyes "huh fine" he muttered.

"Alright i what you to go and bring some hunny...i know it sounds weird but it will came in handy so get to it" Flash ordered.

Blaze take off to the foreast to fined some hunny.

Blaze walked to the beedrill tree to get some hunny "huh how am i supposed to get it without being attacked" he asked himself.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Blaze ears flue up "what was that!?!" He looked around.

He ran to the other side of the tree to see a delcatty being attacked by the beedrills "Ah! Help someone please!!!" She was crying out as a bunch of beedrills through attacks at her

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