Chapter 23 : Truble under ground

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They moon was only starting to go down and the quilava's pushed the lycanroc out of the tunnels but he didn't want to leave not with out his friend. He struggled to free himself "grrraaa let me go!" He howled and one of them glared at him "get lost lycanroc we don't want truble!" Dusty couldn't believe what was happening "well to bad you got truble!" He snarled but they went back into the hole and blocked it so he couldn't get in. But he tryed anyway. Dusty started to dig at the hole "GRRHHH YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!" He yelled as loud as he could.

Dusty stopped after a heart beat 'great just great now what?....we don't have time for this, that glaceon is in danger of death..but i can't just leave Steel with that king guy!'

Dusty looked up at the night sky feeling a bit nervous he never like'd the darkness never. He walked around the hole feeling lost 'what do i do? i have time to go back to Jake and Anglica will be dead if i try....i have to save Steel myself but how?'

He felt frustrated he let a loud howle out not careing if anyone heard him then he lowered his head trying to think of away 'ugh...i just don't know what to do...grrr I'll kill that lieing Sylveon!' Dusty looked around 'maybe i can get in through another way i gust gotta find away right?'

Dusty then started to sniff at the ground and followed the tunnel sent he wasn't going anywhere with out Steel.


The sun was starting to rise and Dusty was still follow the tunnels sent trying to get in 'ugh....even if i do get in how will i get Steel out?'

Dusty stopped when he lost the sent "Ugh...." He sat down feeling frustrate with those quillava's.

'At time like this i wished my pack was around they alway's knew how to handle thing's like this'

Dusty frowned At the thought

"Hey...can you move?" Dusty lifed his head confused of who said that.

He found himself looking at a male umbreon. "What...move?" Dusty said feeling lost. He noded "well yes your blocking the entrance to my den" the umbreon say's.

Dusty got up feeling embarrassed "oh-um sorry"  he moves away for the umbreon to get in but the umbreon stared at him " look down what's eating you?"  Dusty scratch at the ground "well a lot i guess i mean here my do you get a umbreon out of the ground?....when a bunch of quillava's think she's dangerous" the umbreon just stared before launching "hahaha...I'm so sorry but that is funny...well yea they think she's dangerous there quillava's and she an umbreon you say and we umbreons eat them" Dusty lowers his head "....yea but she look hurt when i saw her and there keeping her prisoner" the umbreon noded "hmm yea sounds like bad truble" he said and Dusty just dropped his head. The umbreon walked closer " hey what if i help...i know the quilava i see them all the time there leader is king right?" Dusty looked at him with a greatful look "yes...and that would be kind of you...I'm Dusty"

The umbreon gives a smirk "They call me. Liam" Dusty smiled 'well with Liam helping me out there just might be hope after all'

Liam started to lead "here follow me!" And Dusty followed him.


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