Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)

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Ramune was sitting in the sun light his tail was flicking back and fourth then a mightyena walked up to him."Are you all right Ramune?" It was Matt. Ramune let a heavy -Sigh- "Yeah...I'll be fine." but he wasn't he couldn't stop thinking of the battle how so many pokemon were killed how there dad and mom were now dead 'All because of that dumb ninetales!'
Matt tilted his head back a bit "well...your brother's ceremony is in half an hour...i just thought you wouldn't want to miss it" Ramune narrowed his eye's 'Blaze is finally going to be crowned king today... But i can't help to feel angry about it..but why?' Matt walked away leave the vaporeon by himself. Ramune jumped of his rock and walked towards the great Palace of everfree he and blaze lived there all there lives but they both had there dens out side of the palace because to have time to them selfs 'But with mom and dad gone we'll have to take care of everfree means no more me time well I'm sure it's mostly Blaze who's going to be bugged about it..after all his the king not me.' Ramune bit his lip he had always wanted to be king he would be a good leader 'Blaze dosent even want this!.... I'd be a bett-wait what am i thinking?'

Ramune shook the thought out of his head 'no..Blaze will do great things for this forest i can see it and i I'll stand beside him...he maybe king but I'm still the Prince and I'll do what i can to help him out!' Ramune told himself but he still had a bitter feeling towards the flareon.


Ramune walked through the entrance of the palace a lot of different Pokemon were here but they were here under a truths not to hurt one other for today was the crowning of the new king.

Ramune walked inside of the the den were Blaze would be crowned "Ramune!..over here is were you sould sit!" Calked Raven who was sitting beside her brother Matt.

Ramune walked up to great them " i have to sit in the front?" Ramune asked Matt. The Mightyane shook his head "'ll sit beside him...he maybe the one getting crownd but you as Prince should be beside him" Matt growled. Ramune rolled his eye's he didn't really wont to be beside him 'me and blaze haven't talked since the war...i mean i still love him as my brother but...i can't explain something's changed between us'

But Ramune listened to him and sat up in front of all the pokemon now there was only one pokemon that was not there yet 'Blaze'

After waitting for wgat felt like forever the flareon finaly came into sight. Ramune made eye contact with him and all he could see was fear in the flareon as he walked to the front and sat down only a few tail lanths away from Ramune.

Ramune looked closely 'who was running this thing?...there dad never told them what to expect' every pokemon sat in silence with there head's down 'even Matt...but why? there acting like Mew himself where here' But Ramune cut his thoughts out when he saw something fly into the palace 'Oh Arceus..' He thought shocked and he glanced at blaze. The flareon looked horrible scared and nervous as Mew himself came in to the big den.

He came right up to Blaze.

Ramune felt jealousy creeping on him 'Mew himself came all this way to crown My brother... Who dosen't even know how to lead!!!'

Blaze's P.O.V

Blaze watched as Mew came his way. His paws felt like they froze 'When they said i was going to be crowned king...i didn't expect Mew himself to came!...But again dad never told me or Ramune how they do it'

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