Chapter 60 : The final battle

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Steel's P.O.V

Steel's heart was pounding in her chest as she watched the sun going down. Jake and Blaze had return from their walk and Jake had a nasty scratch across his face. They had told her that Skylar had attacked but what got Steel the most was when Blaze told her they must head to war now and that just what they where doing. Steel watch as a big group of Pokemon matches forward. Over the past months they where able to get more pokemon to join them. She felt fear taking over her 'This is it....the moment they all waited for....but what if someone i really care about dies?' She then noticed someone walk up to her "Steel what you doing your supposed to be leading the war not backing it up" Steel's yellow eye's met Jakes. The jolteon now had a little cut in it right ear and he had dry blood lines across his eye where skylar clawed him. "Jake....i...I'm not ready for this....I'm not good enough" but Jake gave Steel a s look "Steel listen to me. You are the strangest pokemon i know. You went through it all I've seen you face so meany challenges battles....Steel you are ready. After everything i witnessed you do there is no better pokemon then you to lead us" Steel felt his words sink into her and suddenly the feeling of hope took over replacing her fear and doubts where gone. "Jake....thanks.... But please be safe i....i don't want to lose you... I love you" she said pushing against him in an embrace. Jake smiles before he says "love you too.....and don't worry about me....I'll be fine i promise...." Steel didn't want to let go bit she knew she had to. She pulls away and the two run. The speed by all the pokemon to the vary front where Blaze and Matt where. And Steel could feel the cold wind blow through her black fur as she heard the rumbling of thunder in the distance. 'Their is a storm coming....let's just hope it doesn't give Echo to much energy'
Steel lead the army of pokemon behind her with her head high and the blue scarf blowing in the wind.

Skylar's P.O.V

Skylar ran into the palace doors to see Soul and Echo glaring at her "What did you do!" Echo screech at her "We where looking for you Skylar this better be good?" Skylar felt nervous looking at Echos angry expression but Soul gave a calmer look. "I found them and they are coming to us with an army of pokemon....if we leave now we'll meet them at the soul of tree's cliff a perfect spot for battle and an upper paw for there is a storm closing in" Soul then snarls "you stupid Sylveon this wasn't the plan! You throw us off! By a hole week" Skylar was about to argue but Echos cuts off "Well it doesn't matter now dose it!...we leave now and today....Steel will finally be mine!"


Steel's P.O.V

The storm clouds where close now and the sky was black Steel walk not taking her eye's off her path watch seemed darker then ever. They then came over the hill off the tree of souls to Steel's shock. Over on the other side was another army of pokemon and Steel knew 'Echos group.....' Everyone stops when they see what's ahead. Steel caught sight of Echo himself standing beside Soul and Skylar on his other side. Steel felt everything around her slowing as there was silence only the crackling of lightening and the breeze of the wind rustling the tree 'No this is a bad spot to fight pokemon will be pushed over the cliffs edge!'
She felt Blaze beside her and knew he was nervous as well. He glanced at her before turning his attention back to the enemy's. Steel then spoke loud and clearly "Pokemon of Everfree!.... Move in at once we must fight for our home and remember....there is not backing down this is the moment that will change everything!" Steel's voice Echos in the air and before Steel knew it the pokemon yells there battle cries before they break into a bleed shed war. Everything seemed blurry at first and Steel felt horrified when she realized she lost sight of Jake and Blaze she looked around to see pokemon smashing into each other with out mercy. Steel felt frozen as flashing light of lighten lights up the sky. She knew she'd have to join in or they would lose 'This is nothing like fighting Skulls pack!' And before she knew it a pokemon jumps on her with his teeth and claws Steel let this happen. It was a thievul he use bite getting Steel good. But she didn't let this get to her she used dark plus to through him off the jump on him holding his head with her front paws and scratched down really hard to make him bleed and she bites hold of his back beck to make sure he couldn't throw her off she bites harder and the taste of blood fills her mouth. Then she throw him at another enemy pokemon as they try to jump at her. She glanced around to see meany pokemon being killed and pokemon left and right where covered in thick blood 'i have to find put a end to this!' Steel ran around try to avoid the fighting Pokemon but she could hardly recognize anyone with all the movement around her or because meany pokemon where stand with blood now. Then she saw someone running at her and Steel could move fast enough and the pokemon slam into her pinning her down Steels eye's widen when she's met with the pink glare of Skylar "Your mine Steel!" She hissed in her face as her feelers wrap around Steels neck and she claws at Steels lower part making Steel cry in deep pain but her yells where cut short do to the feelers tighten around her throat everything was burring up but then another pokemon jumps at Skylar pulling her off and Steel got up to see Jake his paws where bloody as he growls at Skylar "you took everything from me Skylar this end here and now!" Steel stood beside him but Jake shoots her a look "Find Echo now Steel!" Steel nodded before running away 'he's right the sooner i find him the soon this ends!'

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