Chapter 18 : Battle cry's

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The sun was setting over the forest Steel sat on a hill top watching the sun go down. 'In just a few more minutes' she thought it's been three week's since she meet David the houndoom she still didn't trust him but he help a lot in the plan to attack Skull.

Jske wolked up from behind "Steel... Are you ready?" The shiny umbreon turned her yellow gaze on him "I'm as ready as I'll ever be" Steel sat up and walked over to him. Jake frowned "...i know it was my idea to attack Skull...but you do realize not everyone will make it back" Steel frowned she didn't like to think about it 'But if we don't fight who will?'

Steel looked back at jake "well...We'll just have to pray...that's all we can do right" Jake scratched at the ground and swallowed hard "Steel i have to tell you now caze i-i might not ever get to tell you if not now" he said in a rush. Steel looked at him in interest 'What dose he want to tell me?'

The jolteon looked nervous he closed his eye's for a moment before looking Steel dead in the eye's "Steel i like you...i-i mean i really like you..." The jolteon and umbreon stood quite for a few heart bet's

"Steel?" He asked starting to lower himself. Steel didn't know how to react to this 'dose he'

Steel titled her head a bit "do you you love me?" Steel said in a nervous voice. Jake blushed deeply after she asked "Ah-um...yes" he said avoiding her bright gaze.

Steel's heart started to pound she had feelings for the jolteon but never thought he liked her 'i mean i didn't think he liked anyone...he never shares what's on his mind...or talks about his past or anything at all..'

Steel blushed back "Jake...i loved you for a long time..." She admits.

Jake lifed his head vack up "you do?" Steel noded "yes" She walked close to him and rubed against him and welcome it. But then pulled away "...i love Steel but i had hope'd you wouldn't love of us might die today" Steel thought she saw a tear fall from his eyes but he looked away so she couldn't see "We have to go now" he said in that distant voice of his. Steel dropped her ears 'then why tell me at all?'

Steel and Jake walked into the camp the sun was now gone and clouds were closeing in on the night sky. There was lightening striking through the sky. Jake jumped on a rock "All right everyone!...the time is right we all worked hard for this moment...even the weath is on our side...the rain will weaking there fire moves!...tonights the night Skull will be no more!!!" Jake yelled out so everyone there could here. They all yelled.

There were a lot of different pokemon Jake took the lead Steel followed close behind the jolteon Matt was also close with David who had a death look.

The pokemon marched through the night towards the houndoom camp were Skull was living. No pokemon dared to speak some of them looked terrified but other's looked determinant.

Steel was ready for this but one thing keeped bugging her 'Echo..who is Echo?... If i kill Skull will Echo just send someone else after me?...i guess I'll have to fine him after I'm done with Skull'

They finally made it to there camp.

Steel poke her head through the bushis to see that the houndooms were srill sleeping 'huh...lazy they are i thought dark types stayed up all night...and i should know cuze I'm a dark type'

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