Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)

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Blaze was sitting in his throne with his head down 'Ramune is never around anymore' he thought sadly. The vaporeon had meet a lovely mate a moon ago and ever since he doesn't came around and when he dose 'he's alway's mad at me'

Blaze sat up and walked towards the exit of his throne

He walked out side to get fresh air. There weren't to many pokemon but there were pokemon talk to one other "Hey Blaze!" Blaze heard.

He turned his head to see Matt the mightyanae.

Matt walked up to him "Hey you ready for to night" he said happily his tail was wagging. Blaze just shrugs "yea...i guess, Ramune will be there right?" There was an after party that for him becameing king even though it's been a moon already pokemon still were celebrating 'but honestly i just don't feel like it tonight'

Matt tilted his head back "hmm well he is Prince so probably...." Blaze frowns "....i haven't seen him in a long time" Matt noded "yea he's been bissy with that Julia huh" Blaze noded. Matt then pawed the ground "but you shouldn't warrie about him...the ninetails is what warries me" Blaze froze 'Soul...i forgot about him he's still looking for trouble'

Blaze looled at Matt "soul oh no Matt what am i suppose to do?...i can't lead a war!" Blaze huffed with panic he really didn't want a another war. Matt shock his head "Blaze calm's going to be fine" matt tryed to calm the flareon nut that was not easy. "Matt...I'm nothing like like my father i-i don't want to be king!"

Blaze tryed to run away after but matt grabed him by his scruff "calm down!...Blaze i promise it's going to be fine" Matt snapped at him and the flareon finally xalmed down "...ok maybe your right but matt" matt cut him off "No...Blaze look just relaxe tonight suppose to be a fun night. Alright" Blaze looked at the ground "....Alright" Matt noded and started to walk away "good now i best be off I'll see you later" and with that the mightyanae was gone leaving Blaze alone.

Blaze frownd a dropped his head feeling lonely.


The moon was now out and pokemon were walking into the palace to celebrate blaze. Blaze watched as his palace got full pokemon were talking and laughing making jokes with one other 'Me and Ramune use to do that' he thought sadly

There was some food set out for pokemon to eat a d everyone was having a fun time all except blaze.

Blaze looked around in hope of seeing Ramune his brother but the vaporeon was no were to be seen 'huh what was i thinking he's not caming'

Blaze sat down feeling miserable "Hey Blaze" blaze looked to see his friend katty the delicate. "Oh hey katty i haven't seen you in a long time" Katty smirked "that's because I moved with my new mate....i only came to say hi...and bye sadly" Blaze frown "what?...bye?" She noded "we're moveing to sliver's really far away we won't see each other anymore so bye" Blaze heart sank katty was his only friend besides his brother and now there both gone "oh ah bye i guess..." He saud feeling out of place. The belicate then lefted and Blaxe felt like screaming but didn't he just walked around instead and his gaze caught something he thought it wouldn't. Two vaporeon were talking to each other "Ramune and Julia came after all"

Blaze walked up to them "um hey Ramune, Julia" he greated them Julia looked please to see him but Ramune had a frown placed on his face. Blaze didn't like the look on his brother's face "Hey blaze came join us" Julia said and Ramune only noded slowly. Blaze sat with them "So how have you been don't seem to came see anymore what up with that?" The vaporeon glanced at his mate then back at his brother "well...I've been bissy...and i assume your bissy being king and all" his voice was bitter. Blaze flinch when he said that 'there it is again he's mad but why?...i didn't do anything' he thought. Julia shot Ramune a mean look "Ramune can't you just be happy?" She asked but he shock his head "look blaze me and Julia are going for a swim...oh to bad your a fire type hmm guess you can't came" Blaze glared at him "well you don't have to say it like that" he mutters Ramune gets to his paws and walks away leaving blaze with Julia she frown "huh...I'm sorry blaze i don't what his problem is...I'll talk to him" she then ran after her mate and Blaze felt a stab of sadness there was a tear but he whips it fast 'No i won't cry over him...I'm strong and i don't need him!'

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