Chapter 10 : Fighting to live

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Steel was walking to the flowers to meet up with Jake like she siad she would 'hmm i winder why he asked to see me tonight?'

Steel stopped at the edge of the flowers.

Steel could see a jolteon sitting in the flowers.

He lookes her way "hey...steel your here" Jake smiles as Steel makes her way to him. Steel blushed a little 'gosh.. I can't understand why i feel this way around him'  Steel thought

Steel sat beside him " you wanted to see me?" Hake noded "i wanted to get to know you better...." He says. Steel smiled at that Jake!!!" Some pokemon yelled.

Steel jumped to her paws with alert Jake as well got up and looked over to see a shiny liepard running towered them "Rusty?" Jake mumbled under his breath

'So this is the pokemon he was talking to'

Rusty stopped in front of them "Jake... We have to tal- Oh?...Who's this?" Rusty titled her head to the side. Jake frowned at her "rusty not now..." Jake hissed. Rusty looked at the ground "...ok but we do need to talk" she says. Jake got up "Steel we can go some were else.." Steel could see that jake was annoyed 'i don't blame him... I know what it's like to have friend like that'

Steel noded "what do you have in mined?"

rusty bit her lip "fine... We'll talk tomorrow!...but it is important" she says as Steel and Jake walk off.

Jake looks over his shoulder "that's fine...just tell me first thing tomorrow" he mutters.

Steel and Jake were walking by the river bay " rusty she's a friend?" She asked.

Jake noded "yea... She been around for a long time" Jake looks at Steel "Steel do you miss the mountains?" The question took steel by surprise 'i never seen him this calm before'

Steel slowly noded her head "...i..i really don't like talking about it..." She says hoping he won't ask again.

Jake noded "yea... I know what that's like"  he chuckles a bit but vary fant. Steel couldn't read him like always 'i hate how he's got a poker face!..but love it at the same time..'

Jake smiles "hey let's go hunting" he suggests "...alright" Steel looks around to try a d fine some pray. Jake lowers himself in the grass Steel lookes to see a rattat by and lowers herself as well

She slowly creeped up to it and leaped on top of it snapping it's neck fast.

Steel brght it over to were jake was.

The jolteon had a rattat in his mouth as well he pote it down "...a lotvof rattats out tonight" he commented and Sterl noded "yeah" she bit into it's flesh and tared a chunk of meet off it Jake was also eating his pray.

After they were done they sat therevfor a bit "...i was thinking about that Skylar" Jake finally says Steel glance at him Jake meet her yellow eyes "...Steel she's truble" Steel ralled her eyes "yea you siad that erler today" Steel huffed Jake sat up "Steel not mich shinys live here" He said steel just stared for a few "....what are you talking about shinys are rarely found any were..well so they say but honestly I've been seeing a lot of shinys ever since....well ever since i saw skull"

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