Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)

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The sun was at high point and Blaze was outside his dean walking back and forth with stress he was muttering to himself. Ramune just sat on a rock near the water just watching the flareon "....Blaze you've been doing this all day.. Just stop" Blaze heard his brother say but he couldn't help it 'how can Ramune not be worried?'

Blaze stopped and glared at the vaporeon "How can you be calm at a time like this...soul will be caming in two day's.." Blaze said in a panick voice but Ramune just ralled his eye's " worrie to much that dume ninetales was bluffing..."

Blaze pulled his lips back into a snarl "How can any pokemon bluff about that!" Blaze yelled in frustration 'Why can't he see the danger that's caming!!'

Ramune growled back "Well so what then... Even if he really was telling the truth...he dosen't stand a chance...and by the way your not king yet let dad worrie about it" Blaze sware there was a hint of

jealousy in his brother's eye's "Ramune...can't you see there's going to be a war...we will be a part of it...what if one of use died huh? Don't you care?" Blaze asked giving his brother a sad look. Ramune let a deep sighed out "Blaze of corse i care...but there's nothing any pokemon can do life's life deel with it already" Blaze couldn't believe what he was hearing 'dose Ramune really think like this..'

Blaze walked up to him "but shouldn't we at lest try to reason with him?" Ramune shook his head "there's nothing to reason with... Blaze you herd him.. He want's pawer and nothing else" Blaze sat down drooping his ears "...but pokemon will die" Ramune jumped down from his rock and sat beside him "look war ain't pretty and i don't want there to be a war either...but we can't stop it.. It's going to happen so we have to be ready bro" Ramune then got to his paws and jumped into the water and swim away leaving the flareon on his own 'so... That's it then..war will hit'

Blaze walked through the forest to a friend of his "hey Katty!" He called then he spoted a delcatty sitting by a tree "Blaze!!" She yelp with joy running towered him "Blaze long time no see... How have you been" Katty was a friend of Blaze ever since he had helped her from the beedrills

"Hey Katty...i was was wandering...if you could help me train my dad's to bissy and Ramune well I'm mot going to get anything done agent a water type" Katty frowned at him "...I'm sorry I'm not really a fighter Blaze..i can't" Blaze frown as well "Oh..ok" Katty then smiled "why don't you train with Matt?" Blaze lowerd his ears " Matt and raven are the best dad is making battle plans with them" Katty just shruged "so..just do so at night when Flash is asleep...i don't think Matt would care he's a dark type after all" Blaze noded 'yeah maybe she's right..Matt knows a lot about fighting who better then him'

Katty looked around "Well thanks Katty i best be going then..oh and it was nice seeing you again" Blaze took off running back to his dean 'i better get some sleep for tonight'

Blaze finally got back he walked into his dean and layed down in his moss bed and curled up and closed his eye's to sleep

Blaze opened his eye's to see that it was dark 'ok now to fined Matt'

Blaze got up and strec3 out his lages and walked out blaze walked by the river but stopped when he saw Ramune. Blaze could hear that he was talking to sameone. Blaze ran to the nears bush and looked through them ti see Ramune and Matt, Raven was there to.

" that's that then...we're ready for any attacks" Raven said she seemed to be tired but her brother Matt seemed to be wide awake. Ramune noded " I'm going to bed then i had enough traning for the day night to you all" and with that the vaporeon walked off.

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