Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)

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Jake watched the sun setting knowing he was supposed to go see Echo and the other pokemon who where involved in the attack. 'A houndoom pack is working with us....i just hope that's not Skull's pack' he thought. Skylar then come of of the den "Okay Jake let's go" she then walks past him and he follows her feeling his stomach tighten every step of the way. He didn't want to be a part of this it just felt so wrong 'but I'd do anything for Skylar i love her' they soon come to a stop and Echo was standing their glaring at them "great your here finally!" He walks back and fourth looking angry "we don't have all day now.....where's that Houndoom pack?" Soul came up to Echo and sat down beside him ".....hmm this Skull guy is kinda a slacker i know pokemon seem scared of him but....i think it's inly because he maga evolves" Jake shot hus head up "What Skull!" Jake felt sick after hearing this. Soul then smirks "heh yea that houndoom can kill" Jake frowns as he hears paw steps heading his way. Jake looks over to see Skull and his pack finally arrived. Skull glares at Jake on the spot "Jake?.....hmm i wasn't told he was here" Echo just shrugs "it dosen't matter you two better learn to work togeather or else I'll have you both killed" Skull just lauhs out loud "hahah uh you think Jake will kill?you think he'll listen to anything anyone says?.....Jake is a goody two shose believe me he just warriescabout is stupid sister all day" Jake felt lime sreaming at this point. Echo just yell in return "then we'll kill her if he dosen't listen to us" Jake now was paying attention "Say what" Soul then repeated "He said your sister is dead if you don't play along" Jake glanced at Skylar after words "Skylar these pokemon aren't are type of pokemon.....i don't understand what's going on with you babe but i can't do this" Jake sats not being able to ignore it any longer. But Skylar just moves away from him "Jake stop it's fine just do as's as easy as that" Jake letva growl out vut then soul asked "is there a problem Jake?" Jake narrowed his eye's but didn't say anything he just glares at the ground. Soul just chuckles "that's what i tomarrow i want all of you to head to Silver mountain now what we know about this shiny eevee is unknown so....Jake i want you to spy on her to find some stuff out" Jake noded but didn't like it one bit "then i want Skull to bring her to me....alive please" Skylar growls "this is to hurt the king right?" Echo noded "yes it Skylar i want tou to stay here with we can make Blaze suffer" Skylar smirks making Jake feel uncountable 'i don't belong here'


Jake walked over to Crystal's den to see her sitting by the tree "Jake hey where have you been it's late....and where's Skylar?" Jake frowns "eh she's with friends" he lied. He sat down and glanced over at Crystal " and Skylar are leaving for a bit....i won't be back for awhile" The glaceon glanced at him "What why?" Jake just looked away feeling a shame knowing the reason "um just some stuff i gotta do" Crystal then asked "well can i come?" Jake shook his head "no you can't.....i just wabted to say bye for now" he then got up and headed away. Crystal watched him go.

Skylar's P.O.V

Skylar was with Skull as they talk about there reasons of wanting to do this. Skull looked angry when he heared her story "Really?....they killed your family for being shinies?" Skylar noded her head. "Yes and now I'm getting my revenge....i just wish Jake would agree all i want is revenge but he's to well what you said to good" Skull huffed "yea...i guess naking him a jolteon didn't work" they both stsrted laughing 'heh Skull is really hot....and a shiny, and actually agrees to killing and having revenge...ugh why can't jake be that way'
Skull looks at her "So why you with my loser brother then?" Skylar stares at skull ".....i don't know if I'm being honest....i don't think i care if he dies or lives" Skull placed a paw on hers "you know Skylar....ykur vary beautiful you know" She blushies 'Heh fuck Jake this Skull is alot better' Skylar used her feelers to pull Skull into a kiss and she whispers "And your vary handsome" he smiles a d kisses her back.

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