Chapter 57 : war is on it's way

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Steel's P.O.V

The clouds covered the sun. Steel followed the shiny vaporeon as they ran deeper into the forest. And soon he came to a stop and so did steel. Jake glanced behind them "i...i think we lost them but Soul took over the palace....where we're supposed be!" Jake snaps. The vaporeon frowns "Not much you can do though....unless you stand up to Soul with an army of pokemon" he said drawing Jake's attention to him "Thanks for helping and all but who are you and why did you help?" He said getting in the shiny vaporeon's face. Steel pulls jake away "Jake calm down!...." Steel then looked at Blaze who was still unconscious. She then sat beside him "Is he alright you think?" She asked the stranger. He looked at him and nodded "yeah he'll be fine.. It just the water tired him know fire types don't do well in water" Steel smiles but she noticed Jake giving the vaporeon a dirty look. Steel just let a sigh out before saying "Who are you and why did you help us...i mean my father has killed meany shines and you are a....well a shiny" she stared at him and noticed a sad look in his eye's " name's Rainer...and I'm helping because a lot of reasons... One being that it wasn't his fault...Second" he then gave steel a look "Well We'll have to have a talk sometime" Steel held his eye's as she remembered 'Ramune mentioned a he like me?'
Jake then cut in "We have to get back to Matt and the other's Steel....we got no time for stranger's!" Jake then started to walk away but Rainer ran after him and stoped in front of the jolteon "Hold on....look i can tell you don't trust me jolteon....but i want to help....and I'm join you guys to fighting against Echo and that dumb ninetales!....I'll kill him if it's the last thing i do!" Steel could see the fire in his eye's when he spoke 'Well....we could use all the help we there's something about him' Steel nodded "any pokemon is welcome to help" Jake glanced at Steel "What!?" Steel walks up to jake "He did just save us....we'd be dead if he didn't show up when he did" Jake frowns but then "Eh i guess your right...but i got my eye's on you" jake said and Rainer smiles "Great!" Steel was about to walk on but then "Steel! Jake!" Steel turned her yellow gaze to see a one eyed mightyanea run towards them with a day light lycanroc "Matt! Dusty!" Steel call out feeling happy to see them. And Mocho the little meowstic. But Matt froze when he saw Blaze on the ground his eye widens and Dusty let a growl out "Steel are you alright? Did you have to fight him?" Steel shook her head " he knows everything and now....he's on our side" she explained and then "" everyone glanced at the flareon who was only just now getting to his paws looking lost for a bit "Wh....what happened?" And steel knew she'd have a lot to explain to everyone.


The moon was out and all of them where hidden but Blaze had lit a fire for them. Steel had Explain to Matt, Dusty and Mocho about how Blaze was under a curse and how she was able to break it, she also explained to Blaze about what has happened while he was cursed and to Steel's surprise Matt told her about how killian the shiny mightyanea had help him escape from Echo and how he didn't know about Echo's real internation and is now on there side. And Rainer just stayed quite through the hole time. "wow....a lots happened.....and to think....this could of been avoided" Blaze said looking down. But Matt shook his head "It's fine Blaze...everything will work... I know it's looking bad right now but your here to help now" but then Dusty cuts in "But Soul's in the thrown now and meany pokemon won't want to follow the flareon you killed innocent pokemon" this only made Blaze's frown deepen and Matt shot Dusty nasty look "Not helping' growls the mightyanea. Jake just stretch "Well....there's only one thing to do then....we must fight them for what's rightly ours" Blaze's eye's Jake " ours?" Jake nodded "Well i know your the king...but the thrown belongs to Steel as well" Steel felt startled by that. She really didn't know how to feel about that. Blaze eye's widen "Yes it...does...i forgot about that... Steel is next in line to be queen" Steel stood up "Heh hold on guys....Blaze i know your my father and stuff....but don't i get a say....i mean what if i don't want to be queen' Blaze gave a shocked expression before letting a sigh out "Steel i know it's a lot....but it's your destiny....i mean Dusty here is pokemon will fight for me....but your a shiny pokemon will trust you and follow you. And if we are talking about a war...then i can teach you all how to fight properly in a war...." Steel remembered how fast the flareon moved when taking skylar down 'He does seem to know a lot about fighting'
Steel let a sigh out "Alright fine...but what if I'm no good at leading?" She asked the flareon. Blaze had a look in his eye's "....believe me Steel....i know the feeling i use to worry about it to but you just got to trust are a boring leader Steel" he's word actually gave her hope 'Maybe i can do this.....i just need trust myself'
Steel let out a sigh "Alright....I'll try my best...but i can't promise" Then Rain speaks for the first time "Believe me Steel, you'll be a great leader" Steel glanced at the shiny vaporeon to see complete confidence in his eye's. 'why the hell is he so confident?....where dud he come from anyways?'
Jake glares at him but says nothing. Matt also had a look that Steel couldn't read before he spoke "Rainer... You saved Steel and the king but why?...i mean i don't mean to judge you but....wouldn't hate Blaze?" Rainer just narrows his eye's "No....why would i hate a Flareon i never met?...i know more then you think i do. But that's another store for another time" he then lays down on his side before glancing at Steel "But i heard Soul talking about her....Steel and i knew i had to help" Dusty crowns "Why though?....i mean what do you know that makes you so sure of yourself?" Rainer just dipped his head "'d think I'm crazy if i answered that....believe me somethings are better off not said or known" Jake was about to argue but Blaze cuts him off "I get that and respect you for's not fair for some to demand answers" the flareon shot Jake a warning glare that made the jolteon flinch. "Heh...alright i won't then but if he turns on us" But Steel shook her head she trusted the vaporeon and even if the vaporeon was bad news she was sure the spirits would warn her about him. "Jake come on you can't even talk....didn't you lie to me and go behind my back?" The jolteon gave a sad look before answering "Well....yeah but that's different i never met to do the things i did" Steel just let a deep sigh out before getting up "I'm going to look for some prey pokemon....I'll be back shortly" and she took off.

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