Chapter 13 : Journey

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Steel watched as matt and his pack train the sky was dark but Steel could still see because of her night vision.

Matt was untouchable but then they stopped "...that's enthe now" matt growled and they all stopped as told 'Mightyenas are strange' Steel narrowed her eye's on them 'i can't trust them....'

"Hey...Steel" steel glanced behind her to see Jake stalking out his dean "...can you tell them to be a little quite" the jolteon looked tried '...why get a bunch of dark types to fight dark types' steel couldn't help think that. Steel then noded "yeah ok Jake... But i just gotta say we need a fairy type" Jake looked annoyed by that and ralled his eye's "so what you think skylar will help us?" He snapped and Steel was taking back by surprise. " i didn't say-" but steel shut her mouth when her eye's lucked with jake. There was something there that she didn't what to push "ha never mind..." Jake then frowned "...sorry i know what you mean but i don't know any fairy pokemon" Jake muttered to the shimy umbreon 'well you apparently you do though' Steel thought to herself. Jake stared at steel "um are you ok?" Steel must be making a face because Jake was given her a strange look "...oh-um yea im fine" Steel said with a blush and with that she walked off "hey steel" Matt greeted her "'s the training going?" Steel asked looking the big mightyena over "...good you care to train with some psychic moves?" Steel stared " why would i train to do psychic moves?" she asked but he shook his head "i know it won't do much for the fight to came but it would help you in the future" he explains and Steel looks down " i don't know how to use psychic moves... I only know dark and prison and gost...." Matt gave a friendly smile "hey that's why we train... Look i know a pokemon that can teach you... but she live kinda far but it will be worth it..." Steel looked at him "...ok were dose she live?" Matt looked at the other's "...hey Boris" one of the mightyena ran up to them "yes matt?" Matt gave a growl "I'm off with Steel your in charge of the pack when I'm gone.. And let Jake know that we'll be back in a few day's" Steel stared at him 'should i trust him?'

Steel followed Matt through the dark forest her blue glowing rings could be seen from for away. " were exactly are we going?...were dose this pokemon live?" Steel asked the mightyena but he was quite and looked back at her "'ll see when we get there" he grumbled. They bothe came to a rive and Matt stopped to get a drink "the sun is raising" Steel muttered she didn't like daylight the sun was always to bright. Matt lifted his head to look "hmm so it is" he then looked around "...well I'm going to see if i can fine fine a safe dean for us...Skull could be anywere and we do not need that right now" and with that he toke off. He wasn't that fast but Steel know that mightyenas could run for long periods of time. 'Ugh i just hope Jake's right about him..'

Steel looked around the forest but there wasn't much hope with finding shelter "hmm there ain't a lot of places around here..." Steel walked around until she found a a cave it was small but big enthe for matt and her. She grabbed some moss and paded it into a bed and curled up in it

After a while Matt walked in with three rattats he drooped one in front of Steel and took the other two for himself.

After she ate she layed her head down and fell asleep.

Steel opened her eye's to see golden leaves and tall tree's surrounding her "huh...this place?" Steel looked around but her eye's froze when they landed on a leafeon. The leafeon just sat there calm and relaxed. There eye's lucked and Steel knew with all her heart that it was indeed Shown. Steel was breathless she stared at her gostly father "Steel..." He said with a smile and with that Steel ran up to him "dad!" she cried out and leaned her head on his shoulder in a huge. "I..i mi-missed you.." She felt tears falling down her face for she knew that was her dad but she also knew this wouldn't last for long. "...Steel i missed you as well...but lisen to me.." He pulled away and Steel looked at him to show she was lisen to him. Shawn bawed his head "Steel... Don't let yourself fall under.... you don't want another pokemon's blood on your paws" Steel stared and She didn't understand what he was trying to tell her 'is he saying this war is wrong?"

Steel shook her head "dad... I don't understand he has killed to many lives and he will kill many more if he's not stopped" Shawn noded "indeed... I'm not saying it's wrong... I'm say pokemon loss them selfs in war... Only kill when you need...Skull is only a threat because he has followers" he mumbled and noded to her as he faded Steel stared more tear fellowing in her yellow eyes "father...please don't leave..explainen yourself at lest!" Steel cryed out and more sobs were forced out. Steel was now sitting by herself crying up a storm. 'Oh Arceus...when will this pain end?'

"Steel wake up...hey it's night fall" steel heard a voice

Steel snapped opened her eye's to see matt picking at her "hey..." Steel narrowed her eye's at him "ok ok I'm up!" She snarled at him. Matt backed away "wow there cranky hehe" he let a bit of a laugh out and Steel just pulled her lips back in a snarl 'Arceus he's annoying'

Matt stopped "well we best be off... And by the way Steel you gotta losing up a bit" he nudged her side and then walked outside the cave. Steel sat up and stared in to space 'what did he mean.. Don't fall under?'

Steel shook she didn't want to think of her dream she got up and walked out side to see Matt waitting "hmm... Is everything ok?" Steel noded "yeah...we should get moving" With that Matt lead the way through vthe forest again "hey Steel mind diming those light's of yours... I know you umbreon use them to scare other's away....but I'm pretty sure Skull would know it's you" he pointed out. Steel had not thought of that and turned them off so that there was no light at all "there is that better" Matt noded "yes..thanks" they keeped on walking along the river for hours and hours.

Steel was stuck thinking of her dream "hey Steel were almost there.. Just a cross this bridge" he informed. Steel smiled in relief she had grown tired of walking. "Good..." Steel froze when she saw the bridge it was a vary high up and the river dipped down there was a gorge a cross the forest. " and how long has this been here?" Matt laughs at her "Oh Steel Jake told me you were new to the forest.. This is the high point of everfree they say that because it's the highest part of the forest as you can see" he pointed to hiw low abd fsr the river now was. Steel gulps "okey.."

'Why am i nerves i lived in mountain and the water fall's there were way higher then this...but i don't like the looks of this bridge it looks old..'

Matt started to stalk a cross the brige Steel followed slowly not wanting to brack the bridge.

They finally got a cross the bridge and matt lead steel to a tree "Mocho!" Matt called Steel rased a brow as a small white and blue meowstic walked out from a holl in the tree "hmm.. Matt?" Steel stared down at her 'um..a mightyena is friends with a meowsiic?'

Matt smiles " Mocho this is Steel" Mocho looked at Steel "hmm Steel nice to meet ya" she says as if thinking out something. "Um yeah nice to meet you too" Steel muttered and Matt sat down "So I've brght Steel here to learn how to use psychic pawers...and who better then you" Mocho noded "i see" she then looks at Steel and Steel backed away "hmm so you have trouble using psychic moves?... That's normal for an umbreon like you...umbreons can use psychic but it is hard to learn" She says Matt noded "i have heard that from other pokemon before" matt agreed. Steel lowered her head "well.. Can you teach me?" Steel asked hopefully and Mocho noded "yes... It will take some time though" steel smiled "ok cool" steel said feeling good

'Oh-boy... I'm goimg to learn psychic moves..' Matt smiles "thanks mocho" Matt laughs and Mocho smirked.

"Well can we start now?" Steel asked mocho but to Steel's disappointment she shook her head "no no... We'll start when the sun's out" she let a ywan out as she said that and headed back to her dean to sleep. Matt noded "she's probably tried.." Steel noded 'i guess i forgot not all pokemon are nocturnal like me'

Steel snd Matt found a dean to sleep in until mocho is ready to teach Steel psychic moves.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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