Chapter 4 : Unforgivable

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Steel didn't know what to do or what he did with her dad.

"Who are you what are you doing in my dean!" Steel snarled her black fur ruffled along her back.

The houndoom just smirks "hehe-Ahaha. Well if you most know...I'm Skull and I'm here for you" he snerd he walked closer to her with a look of hunger steel stand her ground. "What did you do with my dad!" Steel growls but he didnt seem to care he just kept walking "....lets make this easy im not going to hurt you but you most came with me" Skull said in a low voice.

'theres no way I'm going anywhere with him!'

"No no way" she walked back a few places looking around.

She spotted Shawn he was unconscious in the corner of the dean.

"Never mind him you ARE caming with me" Skull snap at her.

Steel let a growl out as she used shadow ball but Skull moved out of the way "hehe-haha you got to be kidding me right?" He just laughs but then Steel tryed for a Quick attack but he moved again "...huh so you actually think you stand a chance do ya" he said a bit more sturdy but Steel didn't answer she wasn't give up

She tried to use swift but it didn't hit him but he finally used fire blast Steel tryed to diode but got hit pretty hard Steel hit the ground hard she felt a deep burn with in she tryed to get up but was hit with flamethrower falled by a Scratch she hit the wall hard she swear she heard it crack.

'cam on get up....don't fant...' Steel was telling herself in her mind.

Steel tryed to get up but she felt to week to even lift her head

"..see what happens when you challenge the great and powerful Skull!" Skull smarks at her. Steel finally gets to her paws knowing that she didn't stand a chance 'he's to strong' she stood there not knowing what was going to happen to her to and her dad.

Skull was walking up to her when Jake walked "Steel dus-" his voice travels off when he sees Skull.

Skull gave jake a deadly look "....Jake" he snarls in a vary vary cold voice.

Jake's fur spicks up with a electricity running through it

'wait they know each other?' But before Jake could make a movie Skull grabbed Shawn and through him on his back glareing at Steel "if you want him alive meet me in the far side of golden tomorrow's sunset umbreon" he growled fast and was gone before any pokemon could move.

Steel stood there still feeling week even though every thing in her head told her to go after him.

"Hey what happened?" Dusty asked as he walked in "i saw a shiny houndoom run out of here" he said. Jake stared in space before " can't go after him" Jake informed.

Steel glared at him " bad....i have to go!" She snapped at him.

Dusty frowned "Steel that houndoom looked deadly i don't think going after him is a good idea" Steel just stared she couldn't believe what she was hearing her dad was just taking and they want to let him die 'no i have to meet him....even if it's by my self'

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