Chapter 21: A glaceon in need

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It was starting to rain outside the den Matt satared at the shiny glaceon with a look of shock "Anglica! it really you!" He said with a slight smile but tbe glaceon look confused " i know you?" Steel stared at matt puzzled 'did they know each other?' Sterl wonders. Matt noded "It's me Matt servant of Blaze"  Anglica's eye's winding "Matt oh Arceus i can't believe it's you after all this time Owe!' She fell back into the moss bed Steel sat there in silence 'Servant of Blaze?....Who's Blaze?'

Mocho glanced warriedly at the glaceon "What's this" she points to a bit mark on her neck steel lend to see to it looked infected " looks like you got bit with a poison faing!" Mocho says with a vary serous tone. Matt frown "you can hell it right?" Mocho shock hear head "the only barry that will hell her is a peacha barry...I haven't seen one since the war back in the day's" Anglica looked back at Matt "Anglica... I thought you were dead" he looked at mocho again "well we got to try...there's got to be a peacha barry tree somewhere right?" Steel lowerd her head feeling bad for the mightyanae. That's when Jake and Dusty walked in "what's going on?" Jake asked looking puzzled steel glanced at him "This Glaceon needs a peacha barry or she'll die...and Matt knows her i guess" she explains Jake frowned "that's bad luck...i haven't seen a peacha barry around for a vary long time now" Mocho noded "that's the problem"

Matt was starting to tear up. Sterl was taking back she never seen him cry before the mightyanae was a strong and wise pokemon. Dusty walk up "....i.i may know were to get a peacha barry" Steel looked at her friend with interest "What? How i lived here long then you and so did they how can you know something they don't?" Dusty gave a slick smile "well I promise to tell you latter but she's not that bad yet if we go now we can be back in time to hell's kinda far but that's why we should go now" he said Mocho looked at him "well i hope you know what your talking about.... But i need two of you here with me to help clean her other cuts" Steel was going to volunteer to stay but Matt looked up "I'll stay here mocho" and Jake was the other "I'll stay to...Dusty's the one who knows were they are him and Steel should go" steel stared at him 'its like he knew i wanted to go' Mocho noded "alright...bye for now Steel...Dusty" she said to them and they got out of the den in a hery to fined a peacha barry tree. But before they could leave the camp Jake caming running "Wait Steel!" Steel Stopped for him to catch up and he did " careful..i love" he said and sterl smiles "Don't warrie about me ok and i love to" after she said that Jake leaned in and kissed her. Steel felt her heart jump with happiness. Then he pulled away and gave smile "Then bye for now...snd csme back please" he says then turns away Steel and Dusty then leave camp.


Steel was following Dusty they been walking all day.the rain was now a down poor Steel's black fur was all wate and messy 'ugh i hate rain!' She thought but she then noticed Dusty was jumping in the pudls like when they were kid's "hehehe Dusty whst are you foing?" She couldn't help but laugh a bit Dusty then stopped and smiled at her "i just love the feel was the rain...don't you?" Steel's smile faded "well no" Dusty then smirks at her "oh right i forgot you don't like getting wate at all" he then splashed Sterl in her face "Hey!... Stop it dusty we don't have time to fool around!" She snapped. And Dusty was laughing at her "Oh Steel you should see the look on your face!" Steel frown but then smile 'even though he's annoying... It is fun to be around him oh how i missed him'

Steel gave a smirk right back and splashed him in his face he smiles."hey i guess you are fun after all" he winks at her "ok ok...but all serous we do need to get there Anglica's life is on the line" she says and Dusty walk on again

"...hey Steel you and Jake?... Your mates with him" he asked snd Steel didn't really know what to say to that "i...think so but I'm not sure...why?" He didn't answer he just keeped walking.

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